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Hi all am scared to death am 4 years postmenopausal and on sunday i went to the loo and wiped myself and saw some blood on the tissue it has only happened once also i feel like i am having a period like the back ache .. been t o doctors and she is sending me for a scan am so frightened anyone have this worried sick ?

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43 Replies

  • Posted

    Hey Maud,

    ?just to reassure you I had something similar last year (small spotting and period pain) 18 months after my last period. I was sent for abdominal /pelvis ultrasound and transvaginal and all was fine.

    My GP said this can just if we didn't have enough to put up with!

    You are doing the right thing for peace of mind in getting things checked out  - I hope you can get seen soon as the waiting around is the hard bit.

    ?Take care of yourself and it will all be behind you soon x  

    • Posted

      Thanks jo its just we always fear the worst thank you for taking time to write back to me cant wait for monday get it over and done with x
    • Posted

      Hi again Maud, I am sure everything will work out fine for you. I expect that you will have ultrasound and transvaginal scan. Niether are painful so try not to worry about it hun. Lots of love and hugs and I'll be thinking of you tomorrow. XXX

    • Posted

      All done tina ... said all ok

      . Saw a bit og disharge so took a swab that worried me said if i get anymore spotting i must go back x

    • Posted

      That is so good to hear Maud. I told you not to panic and that it was likely nothing to worry about! And its good that they are totally on it so if anything happens again they will be on it early doors and get it sorted. So very happy that you are ok. Remember, here anytime for you. XXX
  • Posted

    Don't worry Maud. This has happened to many of us. I had to go for a scan and biopsy when it happened to me. Hasn't happened again and I hope it never does!

    • Posted

      Had it done and was told all normal they did see a bit of dischage and took a swab that worried me ... told me if i get anymore spotting i mist go back .x
  • Posted

    Hi Maud...just saw your notification that your scan was all good so wanted to say how glad I am for you. Now plan something nice to have yourself a treat!! X

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