Blood in urine 3 months, frequent UTI’s .. not always!

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I’m 27 year old female. Past 3 months I’ve had blood in my urine, sometimes visible sometimes not, I’ve had frequent UTIs but not always, blood still showing on dip test though. GP have referred me to urology for a systoscopy. Was wondering if anyone else have had the same?

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74 Replies

  • Posted

    Hayley, I used to have blood in my urine.  I am 69 years old, soon to be 70.  It turned out to be a bladder stone.  Maybe you have a stone in there.  I read somewhere that if you are 40 years and older the chances are that it's only 10% that you have bladder cancer.  If you are under 40, it drops to around %1.   The odds, are in your favor!!!  Good luck.

    • Posted

      Thankyou for your reply Dennis, yes I’m sure it will be something as simple as that, but as for the odds I’m on a few forums and heard from 8 people under the age of 35 and 1 being 22 with stage 3 who very sadly died 9 months after. Thankyou. Will keep this post updates smile
    • Posted

      Holy s**t Hayley I have just read those odds!!! I was slightly positive but my anxiety has just hit new levels
    • Posted

      Oh sorry Sharon. I have enough positivity for the both of us 🙏🏻?? If there’s one think I’ve lwarned throughout all this is that stressing isn’t gonna resolve nothing. But like yourself I suffer with anxiety too so it’s easier said rather than done! I’m praying all with be fine for us both. Big hugs Sharon ????

    • Posted

      so  sorry to hear that.  I saw on a video that B17 helps a lot in preventing cancer,  the video, also stated that if you don't have cancer, and you start taking B17, that you will mostly likely never get cancer.  B17 is illegal in the USA, but you can get it by purchasing bitter apricot seeds.  I;ve been buying them on Amazon for a few months now.  Doesn't taste that bad.  Here is the company's brand:Live Strong Live Long, natural health foods & products  Bitter Apricot Seeds  430g Bag

  • Posted

    Hey friends I only have faith that you guys are going to be good. During the last couple weeks i have done nothing but read forums and research this condition. I honestly believe I was going to have a nervous breakdown with all that I read and heard. But there were some things that kept coming up over and over that gave me just a little faith. I kept hearing that it was very unlikely for those patients going through microscopic evaluation to have urological cancer. Most of the research stated that there is a 1 to 5 percent chance. Gross hermaturia stands a higher chance. Hayley is yours visible or microscopic I don't want to alarm you. Age also has big factor and I know hayley u mentioned the 22 year old. For a person so young with such a low chance I wonder if there were any risk factors such as smoking or chemical exposure. I am a firm believer that each person situation is different. With all being said I only hope the best for you all and when all this is done we will look back and see that we were worked up about nothing. As I am feeling that way now that I have finished all my testing. Sharon I will be praying for u and please let us know what happens Monday. Hayley same to u as u undergo your test. Love u guys.

    • Posted

      I agree with everything you just said Maria smile positive vibes too ❤️ Most off the time it is microscopic but 4 cases have been visible with the naked eye, GP sent all those off to the lab to be grown for bacteria but all come back negative to infection. I like yourself googled so much, so much I made myself I’ll with worry, gave myself terrible nightmares and couldn’t switch off, to the extent my partner started turning my phone off before bed so I wouldn’t be up till all hours researching. As a lot on the internet is un true, since I’ve stopped searching I’m feel loads more positive. ❤️ Thank You. I hope all goes well for Sharon too. Xx
    • Posted

      Haha I thought I was the only one. My husband thought I was texting some other guy. I didn't want him to know I was stressing over it so much so I tried to hide. It became an obsession. I did it all the way until my last results this morning. I went to Florida and googled all week on the beach at the pool I have issues. I couldn't help myself. I love your optimism wish I had a little bit more. All the best!!!!

  • Posted

    All my tests (ultrasound, ct scan, X-rays and cystoscope) have all come back CLEAR.  I still have microscopic blood in urine but nothing indicates kidney or bladder cancer.

    I have made myself ill with anxiety, no eating or sleeping, hours on the interest etc etc.

    I hope that anyone going through what we have, will find this thread and get some positivity that it turns out to be nothing.

    Love to you Hayley. Keep us informed ❤️ x

    • Posted

      Aww I’m so pleased to hear all come back clear 🙏🏻 Our prayers worked. So so very happy for you 🙃, I have had results from ultrasound. All was reported back fine 🙏🏻. Now just waiting for my urology appointment May 1st ?? X

    • Posted

      You know what, I have been thinking about when u said how this experience changed your life. Everything feel so different. I remember before all this happened I complained about the small things. Now I just appreciate everything about life most of all having life. It's like I get this unbelievable feeling inside of me each time I wake up. I think I appreciate life more than I ever did. This experience have surely changed how i feel, now i am fully embracing everything around me. Hope all is well.

    • Posted

      I too wake up feeling very lucky indeed but I think because I got so down and depressed about it all, that I'm finding it hard to get out of it!  I'm sure it will pass, especially once the gloomy weather in the UK picks up!!


    • Posted

      Hey Haley. I was thinking about u and wondered how your cystoscopy went. I think u said this week. Keep us posted.
    • Posted

      Hi Maria smile

      I had my first urology appointment this week. He have referred me for urgent Cystoscopy so hopefully won’t be much longer waiting for appointment now xx

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      I am so very happy all turned out not to be the dreaded 'C'.

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      As for me i think i am going nuts. Still waiting for my tests to tell me if I have cancer. They don't seem in any hurry to help me. It happened again. Blood leaked all through my underwear, jeans and jumper. My catheter valve had fallen off the catheter end. I made a quick exit to the toilet. Never seen so much blood. They will find out what's going on and fix it won't they??? The pain is beyond even my coping levels. My friend took pictures and said show the urologist when you go. I did he said "oh dear that is not good". I am still waiting on tests he ordered. That was a month ago now. Hope you are all doing better. Take care people's.

    • Posted

      Oh dear hang in there. That's an awful long time to wait for results. What test did they take that's taking so long. Did u do cystoscopy and CT? Hope everything comes through soon. Keep us posted.

    • Posted

      Why do you have a catheter me lovely? Have you had problems in the past? I can't believe you are still waiting after a month - I was a mess waiting 2 weeks! I am on a Facebook forum still for bladder cancer (even though I don't have it but joined when I thought I did) and there are so many positive stories that even diagnosed its a cancer that is very treatable. Much love and let us know how you get on xxxx

    • Posted

      Aww Pammi that is awful sad the wait is awful. I presumed a Urgent Cystoscopy was within 2 weeks, it’ll be 2 weeks Tuesday so I called the Hospital on Friday and they told me a Urgent Cystoscopy would be upto 8 weeks, she said for me to expect a letter the end off may to book in for middle off June. I hope your pain eases and you get some comfort and follow up appointments real soon xx
    • Posted

      Hi there Sharonmac, so glad that you didn't have it. I will shorten the story but yes I lost the ability to empty my bladder. I now have urge and stress incontinance. So i did self catheterization for a while, then i got urethral stricture. So they popped in a suprapubic catheter. I even had botox in my bladder to kill off the spasms. But it stopped helping so they stopped giving. About a year ago I had my first bleed. Then christmas 2017 came the second bleed. Then in jan 2018 another bleed followed by another one last month. I went to my dad baffled and scared and told him. I went to see the GP. I showed her pictures of my overnight bag, and three other pictures. With that she examined me. Boy did that hurt.. Then she called the hospital who said we will call the patient. When i got to the prearranged appointment two weeks later they said sorry but clinics closed. So I am waiting to get another appointment. Currently unable to move without catheter and flank pain. Didn't know facebook had such a group. Do take care. Hope things are better for you. Heartfelt best wishes. xxx

    • Posted

      Bless you Hayley. I will be thinking of you. I do hope all turns out great and you can feel better. Apologies for delayed reply I had to insert a new catheter. Silly thing blocked its self. Had another bleed. Bit on the shaky/dizzy side. Nothing that a cup of coffee can't fix. xxx

    • Posted

      Do you live in the UK Pammie? I think that is a very long time to wait especially since you are peeing blood sad xxx


    • Posted

      Hey dear. I am just checking on you. How is everything? Did u get any relief from your pelvic pain? Hope all is well.
    • Posted

      Awww thank you so much for thinking of me razz

      Unfortunately Im still no further forward.  Mt GP thought it would be endometriosis and I had an appointment with gynaecologist who did an internal exam and said I did not have endometriosis (I could have saved her the time as knew I didnt).

      So I was back to my GP on Tuesday who now thinks it could be diverticulitis and has booked me an appointment for a colonoscopy rolleyes.  I have to be honest the symptoms (other than microscopic blood in my urine - which is still present in all my urine samples) do correspond with diverticulitis.  I did say to my GP this is the LAST test I want to have as sick of them!! In one way I hope it is diverticulitis as I will then have a diagnosis and an answer for my pain.

      I am back to the gym and just getting on with life biggrin.

      Hope you are well and living life to the full.

    • Posted

      Oh my. I really thought these tests were over. It must be nerve wrecking to go through more testing. Well for all its worth i hope they get a diagnosis. Will b praying for u. Glad u hitting the gym, i am also doing my outdoor running now that the weather is nice. Keep the faith and hope for the best. Keep me posted on test results.
    • Posted

      Hello Haley. Just checking in to see how u are doing. I know u mentioned that u were getting your testing in June. How did it go?
    • Posted

      Hey Haley. How is everything? How did your testing go. Hope all is well.

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