Blotchy red rash/irritated skin on penile head (lasted for over 3 moths now)?
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Part of the skin on the head of my penis has become slightly red and is causing some pain/irritation.
It first appeared the day after I used a condom so I think I must have had a reaction to the latex or some other substance in the condom.
The tip of the penis became super sensitive and noticeably hurt whenever it touched my underwear.
The skin was and still is noticeably red close to and directly around the meatus. This redness gets worse and bigger after I've come out the shower or masturbated.
An hour or so after ejaculation, I get a slight burn/irritation at the very end of the urethra when I urinate and this can last for a few days before subsiding. This has put me off from masturbating as much now.
This has lasted for about 3 months now with no signs of improvement.
I saw a doctor and was prescribed timodine/hydrocortisone cream and this didn't have much effect and am slightly worried it may just make things worse so have stopped using it for now.
It almost seems as if the redness comes from within the skin rather than on the surface.
I don't think its balanitis as I haven't had that for over 12 years when I was a kid and that was with the usual smegma discharge etc, whereas this is just redness.
I've attached images to show how it looks straight after showering, which is when the redness is at its worst and the contrast between the normal skin colour and the redness can be clearly seen.
16 likes, 1576 replies
ml66uk Jason1327
Looks like balanitis to me. If you're using soap or shower gel down there, that may be making things worse, though I don't see how the prescribed cream could make things worse
Some of these links may help:
roger40105 Jason1327
wess09961 Jason1327
I believe I may have the same thing and still can't figure it out. I have redness just like you, but it also hurts to urinate and hurts worse after I masturbate. If you find anything out please let me know, this has been going on for months now!!
micheal88723 wess09961
jack05468 wess09961
I also have the exact same issue, did you ever find a solution?
Guest wess09961
i am suffering from it too i made a mistake of using soap fir a few days and now it got worse , but i stopped using soap for the last 2 days and its fine now but i still have balanitis and i apply coconut oil everyday and have been getting good results do the same and try not to masturbate for sometime and if you are retracting you foreskin while peeing dont do it as your foreskin might have inflated as it is a common symptom. apply coconut oil everyday and the inflation will leave and ease the pain
john56515 Jason1327
Just to update I still have this, not much improvement.
Day to day it is barely noticeable, but with only a very slight redness near the meatus.
As soon as it becomes erect (masturbation) or after showering it flares up the same as in the pictures.
My doctor prescribed an anti-fungal cream which I have used for a week now which hasn't made a difference.
As I said before, I don't think this is an 'external/on the surface' of the skin condition.
It seems to flare up from within if that makes sense, so no cream is going to do a lot in my opinion.
john56515 Jason1327
Makes perfect sense, my symptoms are identical. Day to day it's hardly noticeable (some days more than others and feels irritated, other days almost nothing at all). After showers and sex or masterbation, red/pink and rash like identical to your pictures. Swollen / red meatus too.
Dermatologist gave me an anti fungal which I thought cured it, but after I stopped using it it came back and is worse.
Side note; this all started after a stopped taking doxycycline which I was on for 8 months for something unrelated. I feel like it has to be an effect from that since long term doxy use kills good bacteria.
Not sure what to do/what doctor to go to since they usual just dismis it as nothing.
Jason1327 john56515
Thanks for the reply John.
It's interesting to hear from someone in a similar situation.
It's funny you mention doxycycline; I've got rosacea and I was prescribed 100mg doxy by my doctor, but after doing some research I decided not to get them due to the possible side effects with that kind of dosage.
What I did find out was that 50mg doxy has the same effect on rosacea as 100mg but with less side effects. This is because at half the dosage, the doxy acts more as an anti-inflammatory instead of an anti-biotic.
Which results in less 'distruption' to the good bacteria etc.
Going back to the penile symptoms; my theory is if I were to get doxy on prescription at a lower dose, I would be more inclined to take it for my rosacea.
Since rosacea is kind of similar to what I'm experiencing on my penis, maybe the doxy would clear that up as well.
Which would kind of make sense after what you say you experienced with your doxy usage.
I just can't rest until I get rid of this unexplainable redness, it's driving me mad!
Pauly77 Jason1327
Jason1327 Pauly77
I am still very much dealing with this issue.
I've since been to a sexual health clinic multiple times in the hope of a diagnosis, but typically everytime I go, the redness isn't very prominent and they say everything looks normal.
I've done countless research online and the closest thing I can find that closely resembles my symptoms is Erythema ('superficial reddening of the skin, usually in patches, as a result of injury or irritation causing dilatation of the blood capillaries'
The blood capillary theory kind of makes sense as the degree of redness changes throughout the day, gets worse from showering (heat) and temporarily gets better when the skin is compressed.
Another general term would be a type of Balanits/Contact Dermatitus caused by irritants.
I'm experimenting with anti-fungal creams twice-daily, but with no improvement as of yet.
I totally understand how you feel as this has caused me anxiety and worry for some time.
I will update this thread if I ever find any improvement.
Pauly77 Jason1327
Jason1327 Pauly77
I've been tested for chlamydia and urine infections, all normal.
Also for a complelty different issue, I've had my bloods checked and even an mri scan. Again, everything came back normal.
So as of yet, I have been unable to obtain an official diagnosis.
micheal88723 john56515
joseph01242 Jason1327
Anti fungi cream dosent help, my guess is that it came as a result of over masturbation. Too much friction. But please if you find any useful information help us with it
richard94664 Jason1327
any improvement on your side Jason?
douglas03229 Jason1327
Wow. I just posted and then found this thread. I have been suffering from something very similar...doctors prescribe anti fungal or protopic for a dermatitis. But, 5 months later and no resolution. I tested negative for stds. So not sure what this coul be. Wondering if taking an antibioitic would help?
jay31498 douglas03229
let me know what happens
JohnKepler2019 jay31498
Have you been tested for trichomoniasis? I have the same symptoms and haven't tested yet but I'd like to see if anyone can confirm they received a negative result for this? It's not common as part of standard std checks.
C56026 JohnKepler2019
yes twice came back negative. however some say its a hard to detect
JohnKepler2019 C56026
It can be especially in men, but what i read and beleive could further rule it out is that you would usually expect to smell a fishy aroma or a strong odor of some sort if you had Trich. In my case, that symptom doesnt apply. The mouth symptoms i show do line up with yeast infections but also have not found anything that completely fixes the problem. What i beleive may be happening for many of you is that the underlying cause of many of these problems could be candida overgrowth and it could be causing additional problems such as prostatitis and/or balantis. Another question would be, has anyone had these same symptoms WITHOUT taking any antibiotics? Better yet, has anyone had oral symptoms that didnt take antibiotics?
JohnKepler2019 C56026
Would it be worth asking your doctor to prescribe Flagyl to rule that out? Trich is not bacterial so traditional anti biotics wouldn't work. Additionally, is anyone having swelling Or inflammation in the neck near lymph nodes? Another possibility is still an auto immune disorder that could be triggered by any infection or even anti biotic stimulus.
C56026 JohnKepler2019
isnt that yet another antibiotic? i had gut issues and if i eat sweet i get weird sensation on my penis and scearchy too. rotten fish especially when you masterbate. smell is really strong. nothing passed onto wife though
JohnKepler2019 C56026
So Trich is not bacterial, it's a protozoan parasite which means traditional antibiotics won't work to alleviate it which is why I have it as a possible theory. Flagyl is similar to other antibiotics except it is meant to kill protozoan organisms instead of bacteria. As you said, it's hard to diagnose in men and often overlooked. The fact you said you are smelling a fishy odor, that is a direct symptom of trich so it could be worth exploring. The positive is that if that's what it is, it's easy to treat and probably a weak of Flagyl would clear it easy. If not though, back to square one 😦. I've seen many other working theories such as eczema, auto immune triggered by initial infection, and yeast infection is still possible. But for those here treating for years without luck, it worries me that we aren't treating the right cause. For anyone taking anti biotics make sure to also accompany with probiotics
Robby1980 JohnKepler2019
interestingly put. i had thrush pop up after going down on a female. 5 days later had a early detection std screen done. All negative. A week and a half later i started to have pain down on my tip (constant pain) , dribbling after peeing, and color changes (reddish) and some rectal burning. Had testing done at 20 days for hiv, herpes, chlamydia, ghon, etc, -All negative again!
I asked the doctor if that was long enough for a good test and he said yes.
he told me my symptoms sound like prostititis then gave me a 10 day treatment for that and also a mouthwash for thrush.
its been a few days and i still have pain and my groin hurts. some tingling also but i believe thats from the antibiotic. im hoping it subsides... any advise??
BigDaddyShane Robby1980
you literally have the the same symptoms I have. It's been 10 months and nothing has changed. I have had all the tests you have (all negative). The tip is red and sore, and when I get an erection it gets more red and more sore. It is horrible and has completely ruined my sex life.
bill87078 Jason1327
Hello, I wanted to reply to you when you said you had Rosacea. I have it and it has gone into my eye lids. For flare ups I was put on Doxy for over a month. This past year it was prescribed again for the same thing. I had an allergic reaction. Unfortunately it affected my penis. The glans was red and sore, especially the corona and frenulum. I went to the dermatologist and he examined me and could not see anything. He said he either needed to see me erect in his office or a photo. I chose the photo. He found three small red sores. The whole thing was very awkward.
The dermatologist gave me some cream which helped. But even after treatment the skin on the underside, the frenulum is still tender and sex is painful because of the sensation. Just thought you should know. Would not wish my reaction on another guy.
Robby1980 BigDaddyShane
i got the shot of rocephin, and single dose zithromax while waiting for results. i then got 7 days of flagyl, and 10 days of bactrim. i have 3 days of flagyl and 7 days of bactrim left. So ive been on flagyl 4 days and bactrim 3 days. hoping at the end of anyibiotic cycle ill be good to go.
i was able to masturbate yesterday. i look at that as a good sign so we will see
BigDaddyShane Robby1980
I have been on all the same meds accept for rocephin. Nothing has helped or even improved, not even slightly. I hope you have better luck.
kevin35710 douglas03229
man i just came upon this thread right now, im 19 and this has been happening for 10 months now and is annoying and affects my anxiety .I have the same exact symptoms . i feel like i developed mine in masturbation because i didnt not have sex anywhere close to when i got it. i have been masturbating since the 5th grade so i feel like that can mean something and i used no lube. Mine started out really painful for about 3 weeks until i used an ointment from the doctors for a fungus infection. It didnt heal it but it did subside the effects . As time went by i used many creams which helped the pain to where i dont really feel it sometimes but then i know its there. Now i feel a slight pain or weird sensation when i pee or ejaculate, its still red on some parts. it brings me down that i cant find a cure for this. I also smoke weed which sometimes irritates the symptoms a little more. i had to quit my last year of wrestling for this because i felt like it was getting in the way. i was planning to try aloe vera which is natural and works for bacterial infections so ill let you know if it works. i pray this goes away.
richard65710 JohnKepler2019
woah john that is the first time ive read anywhere my exact symptoms. i have a swollen lymph node in neck that is puzzling doctors, i have this red rash everyone here seems to be describing, mine however includes lower abdomen aches and groin pain to go with it.
had Doxycycline, azithromicyn, nitrofurantoin, ciprofloxacin and trimetoprim over the last 2 years. only one that kind of helped was nitrofurantoin.
how did you link with neck? doctors have told me they wont be linked as i thought they were.
i have slightly raised iga levels in blood but nothing else.
maryass john56515
For me it started on day 5 of doxycycline. I was waiting for chlamydia test but it came back negative. I believe that anti biotic and steroids make the condition worse.
tyler81147 Jason1327
all same problems that everyone else is having. Has anyone had sex with this condition?
t6969 tyler81147
i have had the same situation for the last 8 months. hooked up with a girl for a while then my ex girlfriend and then with the first girl after that. had the issue like a week later since then. all std tests negative and no bacterial/fungal topical creams do anything. ex gf tested negative for stds but did have bacterial vaginosis when she went to a the gyno. not sure if thats important. wish i could help
ivan33864 kevin35710
Kevin have you found anything out on this condition yet? I LITERALLY HAVE THE SAME symptoms on top of my penis glans. I have noticed im unable to smoke weed either as it cause the rash on the top of my Glans to become absolutely red, itchy and severely inflammed for the duration of the "high"
noah1836 richard65710
Hey Richard, Your Symptoms are near identical to me. I havent read anyone who has abdominal pains and swollen Lymph Nodes. Please check out my discussions as it explains my story.
I'm 3 months into symptoms. The pains have stopped since i cut out caffine in my diet, it must have been irritating my bladder. Still have a swollen red meatus.
Any Update on yourself?
daniel1235 tyler81147
Yes I have, no problem - the girl got tested & came back neagtive.
Guest Jason1327
i have the same problem but i started using coconut oil as it is the best natural lotion and when i used to masturbate the redness flared up too so i had to stop masturbating for a few days and applied coconut oil and i got good results
robert91778 ivan33864
Honestly, this all sounds like an autoimmune disorder. Often when dealing with an autoimmune disorder there are "triggers" that cause your immune system to over react and attack your body. Multiple men have mentioned a flare up after the shower, this can be cause by the hit water, since hot showers generally increase inflammation in the body. Please seek out treatments for autoimmune disorders rather than just the skin.
Lonestar23 joseph01242
I'm in the same boat, been having this problem for 3 yrs now and its horrible..
had creams, antibiotics nothing is working
Jojo1989 Jason1327
my symptoms are loss of sensation but comes back when redness goes down like if i use a steroid , my doctor says its urethritis, i ethier got it from this soap i used or masterbating hard
Jojo1989 Robby1980
any updates?
Tor96 Robby1980
I'm the same been having for two months! tested twice and all negative!! what's going on!
guest53946 Guest
hello, has it gone finally with the use of the coconut oil?