Body Tingling & Numbness (Parasthesis?) Pred. Side Effect?
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i've been on Prednisolone since June 15th. 2015 for PMR, started on 30mg. down to 6mg. by July 2016 & have held that level to date. From the middle of July 2015 I have always had some level of of tingling/numbness in certain muscle sets. As follows, Thighs/Buttocks/Calves/Shoulders + Palms of my hands & Soles of my feet. This has been uncomfortable but manageable up until recently, Now it is a whole of body thing & is making me feel quite ill alot of the time. Really bad the other day,managed short notice appointment at GP's, not my usual GP but felt that I was being listened to. He sent me for blood tests which all came back OK. The Clinical Detail title for the test was "Parasthesis". Has anybody had any of the bad tingling or numbness I refer to ?. It is driving me round the bend & any help or advice would be a God send!!!!!!!. Is this yet another bad side effect of Prednisolone?
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EileenH MrSolo_UK_Lancs
Is the GP intending referring you for further investigation?
catherine34621 MrSolo_UK_Lancs
I started on Pred. in Nov.2015, in March my toes went numb on the left foot and in Nov.. 2016 the right foot followed suit. I can't get an answer from anybody, test they say are all normal!
Oregonjohn-UK MrSolo_UK_Lancs
Similar effects with me at around the same level of pred. I stayed at the same dose for quite a long time with a couple of small ups and downs. Personally, as we are all so difference, I started to do more exercise even if it was a small amount but every day (little and often). I'm at zero and have been for well over a month and the only advice is to find something that will help you through this period but don't just up the dosage. I have a strong believe that it's at this point your body is starting to produce cortisol itself and could be jumping around. Hope it settles down and finds a balance before you start to reduce again.
Best of luck, John
track MrSolo_UK_Lancs
I too have had numbness in my feet, worse in left foot funning up the outside of my leg, for about 9 months now, my GP just said it was from an old injury, but I do not have old injuries in my feet. My Haemotologist said I have to report it to my Neurologist who I am going to visit in a couple of weeks time, so will see what he says. It is just annoying, isn't it.
best of luck,
Anhaga track
It's possible the injury, or whatever, was/is somewhere other than the foot itself. I blame the gradual compression of discs in my spine (because of the passage of time) for a lot of discomfort elsewhere in my body.
track Anhaga
Not long after the injection I ended up with the Shingles, possibly due to the Cortisone one Dr said.
keep well, Track
Guest MrSolo_UK_Lancs
Guest MrSolo_UK_Lancs
jan21306 MrSolo_UK_Lancs
On a bad day it also drives me round the bend. I have got used to it on a mild day, but I do find that it is exacerbated when I go for a walk or shoppng.
I am now on 6.5 mg and hoping that I will wake one day and it will have stopped !!
i only get a bit of numbness in my heels and the top of my feet.
if you find any answers along the way do let me know. It would be good to find a way to either treat it, or a reason for it.
track jan21306
re I was diangnosed with PMR I suffered from lower back pain for many years, but since on Prednisone I do not have the back pain, so maybe Prednisone helps????
hope you get some relief from you tingling, etc soon.
jan21306 track
track jan21306
Well I had the nerve conduction test looking for Neuropathy, all clear, now waiting to have MRI on my lower lumber region, Prof. thinks my numbness in foot and leg coming from back. Due to have MRI in May, so will let you know the result.
Hope you are keeping well.
jan21306 track
My body seems to throw up new challenges every month or so. If its not the PMR it is something else.
paulszak MrSolo_UK_Lancs
I have the same tingling and numbness, mainly in my feet. If I get any info from my Rheumatologist,
I will get back to you.
jan21306 MrSolo_UK_Lancs
I am wondering if there is some other underlying problem or if it is the PMR or Pred again.
EileenH jan21306
jan21306 EileenH
i have been tryng to get hold of my local Bowen therapist. Hopefully I can get an appt with her soon. Would I need to see a doc or a physio to get it diagnosed ?
EileenH jan21306
If your medication is contributing to the dizziness it should be reviewed - overmedication is a common cause and there are other drugs to manage BP which cause fewer side efects when used carefully. I have 2 different ones at very low doses, for example. Is your BP generally lower because of lowering your pred dose maybe (you may need a lower dose) or is it swinging about (a different drug may help that).
If you google it you should find exercises that might help - I say might, never helped me much! Hope your Bowen person has a space and can help. Of course - there is always the possibility that your back muscle problems (if that is what it is) is contributing to the dizziness.