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This is not exactly the same as Alendronic Acid but its the same family.
2 years ago I was started on AA because after a 2nd THR I had a fracture during exercises {NHS}. I demanded a DEXA and it showed Osteoporosis.
Fracture of the greater trochanter bone which wont heal and is leaving me on crutches permanently and with a lot of pain because it will never heal..
The AA made me very queasy, it was changed to another one with the same effects so eventually the GP put me on Bonvita {dont know if anyone else is on it} its a once a month tablet not once a week. The thinking was that if I was going to be queasy at least it would be only once a month not every week.
I know the bisphoates can cause aches and pains but I had so many to start with I dont know what is what. I have arthritis in my hips, lower back and ankle. I have kypho scoliosis, this fracture from the greater trochanter bone etc etc.
Recently My leg has been sore, knee cap, back of leg, side of leg, it moves about.
Today I was supposed to take my Bonviva and forgot. It was thinking about this that made me think had those tablets anything to do with it.
First GP said it was a pulled hamstring, second GP said it was inflammation and put me on an extra Naproxen and made an appointment for the physio. She doesnt seem to really know and gave me exercises to do and told me not to wear such flat shoes
Sorry for the ramble
Eileen UK
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