Posted , 6 users are following.

This is not exactly the same as Alendronic Acid but its the same family.

2 years ago I was started on AA because after a 2nd THR I had a fracture during exercises {NHS}. I demanded a DEXA and it showed Osteoporosis.  

Fracture of the greater trochanter bone which wont heal and is leaving me on crutches permanently and with a lot of pain because it will never heal..

The AA made me very queasy, it was changed to another one with the same effects so eventually  the GP put me on Bonvita {dont know if anyone else is on it} its a once a month tablet not once a week. The thinking was that if I was going to be queasy at least it would be only once a month not every week.

I know the bisphoates can cause aches and pains but I had so many to start with I dont know what is what.  I have arthritis in my hips, lower back and ankle. I have kypho scoliosis, this fracture from the greater trochanter bone etc etc.

Recently My leg has been sore, knee cap, back of leg, side of leg, it moves about.

Today I was supposed to take my Bonviva and forgot.  It was thinking about this that made me think had those tablets anything to do with it.

First GP said it was a pulled hamstring, second GP said it was inflammation and put me on an extra Naproxen and made an appointment for the physio. She doesnt seem to really know and gave me exercises to do and told me not to wear such flat shoes

Sorry for the ramble


Eileen  UK

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  • Posted

    Did you know there is a Chat Room where we could be conducting this discussion which appears to have evolved into a small support group?  I just learned about it today when another thread I was following was directed into the chat room by the moderator.

    • Posted

      No I didnt know there was a chat room for this. I'll save the link and go into it later and have a look

      Thanks for that



    • Posted

      The chat room is a place where we could continue this conversation with a more accurate heading.  It's just one of the forums provided by Patient.  The conversation that was redirected which I mentioned happens to be about politics, free trade and threats to health care!  What has been discussed in this thread doesn't really have much to do with alendronic acid after all, in spite of the initial few postings.  To me it feels more like an online support group.  What do you think? 
    • Posted

      I didn't know this either....thanks Anhaga....doe someone have to start or do we just all sort of join in?  Like Eileen I will have a look over next few days smile


      Kind Regards


    • Posted

      It does feel like a support group now smile  If we can move over to the chat room and I am not sure how a chat room works, whether one can just respond when we pop on or not but will defo check it out, so thank you smile

      ​Kind Regards Carrie

    • Posted

      One of us can just post in the usual way, but in the chat room forum.  Should we call it something like Strong Bones support group?
    • Posted

      Hi ...sorry it Jean?

      ​Yes that sounds like a plan, I'm happy with that if everyone else is smile

      ​kind regards


    • Posted

      I already am on that forum, I think it happened when the other thread I was on got shifted over.  I'll post something right now.  See you there over the next day or so!


    • Posted

      Hi Carrie, Eileen & Kathleen

      I have posted the following on the new discussion. It is significant if you take a zinc supplement.

      Hi All

      As a follow-on to the discussion about zinc supplements, copper is the other supplement that goes with zinc. It seems that if you take one of these, you should also take the other. Both assist in the formation of the collagen upon which the calcium will be depositied. I went searching this morning and found 2mg Chelated Copper which seems to be satisfactory so I'll add that to my ever growing list. Pick me up and shake me and I'll rattle. Must check on that when I'm doing the jumps which it is time to do now.

      Best regards



    • Posted

      Hi Everyone

      This isnt applicable toanywhere??? Not to the chat.

      Just wanted to say I had my injection this morning. Remember that GP said the R knee had arthritis and that was where the injection was to go?

      L knee was no  specific but not arthritis

      OK went to the consultant this morning and he said its an injection in the L knee so I explained to him and asked what he thought.

      He said I 'll look at both of them first. Ultra sound scan.....the jelly stuff and then he moves an instrument back and forward across you knee....both knees in this case. He was shocked at the R knee {one the GP said there was nothing wrong with...non specific} He started to drain it.......drained 3 syringes full of fluid. I know you have to have synovial fluid in your knee and hips but there was still enough left...this was excess. He was shocked at the amount that came out. He then did the other leg....{GP.....arthritis and that is where the injection is to go}

      He said he was going to do an injection in both knees.

      So, draining first, then an anaesthetic injected in then the steroid and te same in the other knee.   That was about  hours ago and the anaesthetic is wearing off now so its hard to tell. I think that was the best result.....both kneescheesygrin  Sorry that is offf topic but we did discuss it and you told us about Pauline so thought I would let you all know



    • Posted

      Hi Eileen, Never mind about the off topic, it affects how you behave towards your OP and very few other people use this thread anyway.

      it sounds as though you got the best result available in the end.

      It will be a while before you know if it's done the job for you. Pauline's knee is definitely better than it was but has to be rested more than previously. It will be really great if the injections make life better for your holiday. That in itself will help things along if the pain is at a bearable level. Good for you for sticking to your guns - I gather that you believed all along that it was OA. Your doctor sounds as though he could benefit from a bit of retraining. So much for his non-specific!

      And thankyou so much for letting us know that you are alright. I do hope that it isn't overly painful when the anaesthetic wears off. There's bound to be some pain with the amount of trauma to your knees from the needles.

      Totally different subject - I can't remember or find the post about zinc. What was in that post is correct but Anhaga has added a bit which is that you may need copper supplements as well because the zinc can deplete your copper which also takes part in the collagen matrix process.

      I'm still hanging around this thread and the new thread at the moment. Carrie sent a long post last night and the mods picked it up so we're still waiting for them to release it (hopefully).

      I've been exercising in the garden and chopping wood and my metabolic rate is doing better than it has for years so the jumping / stepping is doing something for me. This could of course be a lifetime project!

      I'm beginning to ramble again so I'll go and do a bit more at My Story. Long walk tomorrow, very peaceful and calming.

      Take care

      All the best


    • Posted

      Thanks Colin smile

      ​Just responded in the new discussion smile

      kind Regards Carrie

    • Posted

      Hi Eileen,

      ​Oh that sounds like a good albeit painful result....thank goodness you mentioned it to the Consultant.  I am wary of GP advice as it does seem like a conveyor belt!

      ​I think any way we can all support each other is the important thing smile

      Hope you can rest a bit take care, love Carrie

    • Posted

      Hi Colin,

      ​Totally agree with what you said to Eileen....and everything has a knock on effect with our OP.  Agree what you said about the GP too!!!

      Glad Pauline's knee improved smile

      ​Well done on the chopping wood and exercise - I managed a bit in the garden, after a walk to the village fayre this morning, before it rained so quite pleased, but feeling tired now of course.  Be interesting if my long post ever gets released, I'm still not sure why sad

      ​Better go prepare supper....take care, kindest regards Carrie


    • Posted

      I don't think that the mods work weekends so it will possibly be monday.

      Good news for Eileen, just hope that they both work!



    • Posted

      Hi Eileen, Sounds like you had someone there who was paying attention and gave you good care.  Hope you soon feel a whole lot better.  This thread was getting a bit long, and when I found out about the "Chat Room" forum it seemed like an idea to start a new thread there.  But I think we need to keep an eye on the length of that one, too.  If that starts to get out of hand, one of us can start a new one, maybe same title with a 2 added?  What do you think?
    • Posted

      Hi Colin

      Yes I think I did get the best results......the only thing is I feel sick and have a thumping headache now.   Hope it clears overnight got both lots of the family coming tomorrow

      Yes that GP {My surgery but not the normal doc I see} wasnt on the ball was he?

      I asked this consultant about rest after the injection because I've heard different for 48 hours...he said NO go about as normal, he wanted the medication to go around my knee so I suppose he is the expert

      The anaesthetic has worn off and it its sore but not as sore as it has been the past couple of days.

      I'm shattered so off to bed now




    • Posted

      I havent posted on the other thread yet  with one thing and another

      I agree if it gets too long we should start a new one

      Hope to be online a bit more next week....have the family coming tomorrow



    • Posted

      Hi Eileen,

      So glad to know that you are back with us and that the knee pain is not the main bother anymore. The headache could be a mixture of anaesthetic, dehydration and tension, the sickness may be reaction or even relief. I would guess that you were not really looking forward to the procedures.

      Pauline didn't rest after her jab and it was quickly improved, I think she thought that it would be as good as the first one and of course there's been wear and tear and disease progress since then, but it's still a lot better than I expected. Hope that the same goes for your knees. I'm not sure that I should be talking about a lady's knees, I would have got my wrist slapped in days gone by.

      Anyway, it's a bright, sunny Sunday morning and unfortunately, moaning minnie (The lighthouse fog-horn) is wailing. We are getting ready for our four plus mile walk which will go ahead regardless of the fog.

      I hope that the head is improved and the sickness settled and that you are able to enjoy your day with your families.

      I shall save my jumping, smashing and hoeing until after lunch. Time to fill up with pills of various sorts. (Already had the prunes and Calcium). I just wish the indications of progress didn't take so long to manifest themselves!

      Hope that you have a really good day - it sounds as if you deserve it.

      Kindest regards



    • Posted

      Hi Colin

      I saw this post this morning, then the family arrived so that was it until 6pm when I wrote along post and before I finished it it disappered...into cyberspacefrown  You are right about the headache etc.....that was Peters suggestions last night....reaction, stress etc.

      I got up this morning and felt fine...well almost wink certainly a lot better than I have done for ages  When I went to bed last night and lay on the sore side I got a shock.....not a thing.....and that was 11pm so the anaesthetic was well gone by then

      I hope Pauline isnt too disappointed.....I've hd some injections {in my back} that didnt work at all!!

      When I woke up this morning you could hardly see your finger in front of your nose!!!! but it turned out to be a lovely sunny warm day.

      I had pop socks on under jeans, when Sarah arrived she sxaid get those off, change into summery trousers which I did. .So off came the jeans, summer trousers on, off came the pop socks and I was ordered to sit down {outside} and she varnished my toe nails for me.....I cant reach them to cut them never mind put nail polish on. I have to go to a podiatrists assistant who does them on the NHS but not very often.

      Did you get your exercises done? I think you are great the way you stick at them.

      Well its 6.35pm so thats me for the rest of the day. I will lounge, come on the computer and just potter about



    • Posted

      Hello Eileen

      Is that the same person who was more than a little down in the dumps only a couple of days ago. It's surprising what a bit of relief from pain can do for you. If I might be so bold, treat your knees with a lot of respect and take things easy. The temptation will probably be to go running around the fields and hills but a little circumspection might be in order.

      I am so pleased for you that things went as well as they have. Good news is a tonic for us even if it's someone elses good fortune.

      We had a good day overall although it was a little cool alongside the sea. We went for our walk and it was fairly quiet, the fog / sea fret had put off all but the stalwarts. We really enjoyed the walk, watching the low cloud lifting as it warmed in the sun. By the time we had got to the south bay, it was warm and fairly clear and getting better by the minute. The lady at the little cafe on the west pier had got me a nice piece of salmon and that along with a baked jacket potato and some salad, washed down with the one cup of caffienated tea that i permit myself (caffeine and OP don't mix), made for a really nice and OP friendly lunch. I'm slowly getting into the food side of the book but it needs a lot more work yet. After lunch, we walked back to the car, around one and a half miles over the hill that links the castle to the shore, then drive home (car's nearly behaving itself now - stress is bad for OP & OA - there's another plus for you!). After writing a bit more of my OP story I realised that this is going to be a fairly bulky bit of writing. Without the lead-in, it doesn't make sense, so it starts in 2004 when I took early retirement. I'm now up to 2011 and going strong.

      Went out and began making kindling and replace quite a bit of the reserves that I'd used this year. We still are having an evening fire, it heats the room & the water and stops our bedroom getting chilly.

      Spent a half hour stepping and jumping (the neighbours have got bored with it, no-one stood there laughing or making comical remarks any more). Did sixty step-on/step-off and thirty jump-on/jump-off and then got out the hoe and did a bit more at the front garden. It's beginning to look alright without the weeds and unwanted growth.

      Evening meal was a slice of cold chicken and three small sausages followed by houmous and oatcakes and an apple and pineapple chunks to finish off with. The sausages are really not part of the OP diet but I hate throwing things away and I'll make it up somewhere else.

      Fire's lit, tele's on and we will watch "home fires" later.

      Back to the story now.

      Really happy for you and so is Pauline

      Take Care

      Kindest Regards


    • Posted

      Hi Eileen,

      ​I hope your headache eases and the sickness feeling; with what you have gone through I am not surprised.  I hope you were able to enjoy your day with the family and feel a bit better tonight.

      ​Had a busy day here too with my family, so need to rest a while tonight!

      ​Love Carrie

    • Posted

      Hi Colin  Yes its the same person.........If people dont suffer from pain tthey

      dont know what relief is like

      Comp is going kaput


    • Posted

      Dear Eileen and Colin,

      ​apologies for joint reply but I am very tired tonight; I am so glad you are feeling brighter and practically pain free Eileen, that is wonderful but agree with Colin wise to take things easy just the same.  I have made the same mistake in the past, pushed past my boundaries, and regretted it.  So glad you had a good day :D

      Colin, glad you had a lovely walk and meal smile  Was lovely here too, but I ended up at the cinema with my family!  lol  Still hopefully be nice again tomorrow smile

      ​You are very good at sticking with this all.   I am doing my best, getting a bit scattered with some stuff, and I agree, better not to waste food!!  My caffeine I haven't been able to give up...yet.....I am going to get some elderflower teabags when I can and try those instead of tea though.  Elderflower, or is it elderberry I must check, is very good for the immune system and I seem to have to balance all my various health problems including the OP, I feel all I can do is all I can do.  I am still trying with the turmeric golden paste natural remedy, though no difference in pain yet, and still taking the natural gelatin; also started taking/using coconut oil which again seems to have many uses for our health smile

      ​Yes stress is isn't alway easy is it to keep it at bay, so again all we can do is all we can do.

      ​Enjoy your evenings, kindest regards Carrie

    • Posted

      Hi Eileen,

      You are SO right!  People can't see our pain either sad 

      ​Hope the computer behaves!  Mine was weird last night!!

      ​Love Carrie

    • Posted

      Hi Carrie

      Glad to hear that you had a good day and enjoyed your family being there.

      Regarding my doings, I do actually perform all the things that I talk about but whilst I find general chat very interesting and always seem to end up with mile long posts, I only have my current experiences to relate and I'm a little concerned that I will bore people.

      But the news from Eileen is really good, I am so pleased for her. This should make her holiday a success and hopefully she will come back refreshed and have reduced pain for a good while.

      I gather that you have more than your fair shre of pain as well and Eileen is right, we can't see the pain of others but we can be supportive and offer a few kind words when we are aware that they are necessary. Family can usually be a great help, particularly if there are little ones. We have accepted that we won't be grandparents, our daughter is unlikely to ever find someone with whom she would want to raise a family and time has just about run out for her. But she does have a good friend who has a lovely six year old daughter and we act as proxy grandparents and she responds appropriately so all is not lost!

      I'm in automatic mode again, I don't suppose that you can tell.

      When I was at sea I would sometimes spend hours chatting using morse code, especially if I came across one of my mates from college.

      Anyway it's nearly Home Fires time and I need to close things down carefully so I'll wish you all the the best and thanks for your support. Please do let me know if i do go on too long.

      Take care

      Kindest Regards


    • Posted

      Hi Colin,

      ​Not at all, please don't ever think that.....I think it is nicer getting to know ppl a bit, and hear about things, not just the helpful support, tips and advice.  I think that is what keeps us going at times.  So please never think you chat  or go on too long smile

      ​Just about to head up my Mum used to say....'wooden hill' for some needed zzzzz....I appreciate what your daughter - and you to a degree - feel with regards to kids....the boys are my nephews as I am in a similar position I guess to your daughter, as illness does tend to get in the way at times.  But I have friends with kids and love my nephews, so feel blessed in many ways. 

      ​Not sure if Eileen feels the same, but my pain is far more today and I am uncertain whether it is the high pressure or just 'one of those things'.  Hopefully easier tomorrow smile

      ​kindest regards Carrie

    • Posted

      Hi Eileen, hope that you had a good day and are still enjoying a life with reduced pain.

      I came across another lady with OP earlier today, in the conversation 'any-one-had-a-dexa-scan-that-showed-improvement-in-bone'  Her name is Jill0890 and I left the link to the new page with her and she's going to have a look.

      I've had a chat with Carrie who seems to be quite relaxed and upbeat at the moment.

      I've been working on my story (which got trashed in the big disk drive loss) and have it all in hard copy and it's progressing well except that I keep remembring things as I get triggered and that means insertions.

      Been to the gym again and still very enthusiastic about the future.

      Also still tracking down some vitamins and nutrients. Manganese is much more important than I realised and is also tied in with the collagen matrix production. Liver, kidney, red meats, fish, poultry, spinach, lettuce, dried peas and beans plus nuts and whole grains all contain manganese and supplements are available.

      According to Pauline, I am a happier person since we began looking after my daughter's moggie. The by-product of this is that I don't produce so much cortisol which is a positive and the moggie enjoys the fuss that I make of her.

      Time to go and make another fuss of her.

      Hope that all goes well for you

      Kindest regards



    • Posted

      Hi Colin

      As you could maybe see when I tried to reply to this post of yours I couldnt...sorry  I'll try again. I'm just in from my arthritis care meeting and delivering some avon to some other members that are customersbiggrin

      Like I was saying until people experience pain they dont appreciate what its like not to have any. {If that makes sense!!}

      The car still only NEARLY behaving...give it a good talking tocheesygrin

      Tell her/him you'll trade him in for a newer model biggrin

      I was fine yesterday and woke up this morning with a twinge in my knee but that was all. Before that I had to lift my leg out {manually} because I couldnt bend it, sit and take painkillers and hope they worked. So still good. I had a scooter hired for the Metro Centre. Peter drove me there...he was going for a walk. By the way the consultant said when I asked that i was to carry on as normal no resting! So picked up the scooter, normally would have walked but didnt chance it. I was there for 3 hours but that was a mixture of being on the scooter, getting off and walking through shops, stopping and having coffee.

      Peter and I went to the local garden centre for coffee in the afternoon. It seems I have overdone it a bit. Not nearly as bad as I was but worse than I was yesterday after the injection. Oh well tomorrow morning and afternoon I'll be on the go but not out at night

      When I eventually do get round to trying to sort out the food its going to be a completely different matter for me....Being a veggie!!!

      Well I'm just home.....go and check the rest of my posts




    • Posted

      Hi Carrie

      Sorry I didnt get to answer your computer or the site ...not sure which was playing up

      Yes had a good day with my family and the headache etc has gone thanks



    • Posted

      Hi Carrie,

      I do hope that things have eased a little for you. My daughter is also having a particularly hard time at the moment and I tend to agree that the pressure has a detrimental effect when it is high (She has similar afflictions to yourself but may only have reached the osteoporosis stage recently although she hasn't had any fractures that I am aware of. (don't know about the state of her spine). It's probably time that she had another dexascan but I have been so full of myself that i hadn't thought of it until now. My daughter is godmother to a lovely little girl (7 year old daughter of her best friend from school) and they both worship each other. My daughter should have been a teacher instead of a solicitor, she's incredibly good with kids and ran a Brownie group for years.

      I had also forgotten, until your post, that I have a nephew and a niece but they are both estranged from my little family group. (money problems with them many years ago). Maybe I should make an effort at reconcilliation although they are both well into their fifties now.

      I'm waffling again, obviously an overactive brain!

      Walked into town with Pauline and carried the shopping home between us. Just an extra bit of weight training. I think that I've convinced Pauline that this is deadly serious and not a game or a fad. It is setting the scene for the rest of our lives and I actually have more go than I did before. Getting rid of some of my surplus weight has helped.

      By now, reading this should have distracted you from your pains and I hope that it has helped you a little. It is remarkably good therapy for me since it makes me use my brain and teaches me to care a little more about other people's plights.

      Going to cut the grass now before the expected rain.

      Take really good of yourself

      Will waffle again if I have anything to waffle about

      Kindest Regards



    • Posted

      Hi Eileen,

      Must be a 'computer' thing as mine playing up at the moment too! lol

      ​Glad to hear you had a good day with your family smile and your headache gone smile

      Take care,

      ​love Carrie

    • Posted

      Hi Colin,

      ​Hope you managed the grass cutting before the rain....bucketing down here, though I did make myself grab my brolly and go for a walk, after all, we don't melt! wink

      ​It is fab that you and Pauline are getting out and doing more exercise, it is ndeed a complete change and is not easy to adapt, but you do seem to have which gives me strength that I should keep going smile

      ​Lovely your daughter is so good with kids.....a natural gift obviously....illness does seem a cruel trait to challenge and focus us, it isn't easy.  I have no idea what is happening with my own spine but since nothing was mentioned at the dexa scan other than I had OP I am assuming ok......I just suffer with my normal soft tissue pains there.  You are so right, when pressure strikes it makes things harder, I hope it improves soon for your daughter...for us all!

      ​I still haven't found the calcium supplement information but will keep looking - I obviously put it in a very safe place!!

      ​Have a good day smile

      ​Kindest Regards Carrie


    • Posted

      Hi Carrie

      Hope that you had a good day, we did and the rain missed us and I got all the grass cut and the front garden mostly weeded as well, followed up with a bunch of steps and jumps. I've sussed out where much of my current energy is coming from after I found an article about the kiwifruit miracle worker. It really does seem to be working and it's full of vitamins as well. I guess I shall have to be careful not to overdo using this new found energy source or I could end up worse than before i started on my new food etc. regime. It's nice to have some evidence of something working well. I also need to check up on the particular vitamins in the kiwifruit or I could end up overdoing them. I've asked vee2 if I can use some of the stuff he published on another  conversation. It will shorten some of my typing if I get the all clear to so do. Have managed to catalogue some more posts but some of the older ones are taking a bit of finding. It's not that important but I sometimes enjoy just browsing.

      It is amazing how many posts our little group has generated. This probably explains how my figures shot up so fast. Pauline gave me a GURU badge today (bit of fun) Pity there's no way I could wear it!

      How are your aches and pains today? My daughter thinks that she has a new food reactant and can't figure out which it is yet. Gets terrible bloating and megapain and has to grin and bear it until she finds out what it is. It could be the gravy cubes - must mention that to her in case she hasn't thought of it.

      I still enjoy helping out and supporting others when I can but some people are really in a bad way and rally need professional help. For me that is a problem because there seem to so many incompetents in the professional echelons of the NHS. This may only seem to be true because we always hear of the bad things and rarely hear of the good things. We need a bit of re-balancing which reminds me the vertigo legacy of AA seems to be disappearing into the past, it hasn't bothered me for days.

      I've run out of chat - not at all like me - it must be cos the moggie wants to be on my knee.

      Take Care

      Talk again tomorrow

      Kindest regards



    • Posted

      Hi Colin,

      ​Well done on the exercises, and the gardening....and missing the rain!  It has basically bucketed down here all day so although I did go for a walk, I got slightly damp!!

      Interesting re the kiwi....shame it doesn't agree with my system as I could definitately use some extra energy smile

      ​It is great that our group is gaining more support.....the more we learn the more we can hopefully manage to beat this.  LOL re the badge :D

      ​Tell your daughter to try a teaspoon of Manuka Honey, once in the morning and once in the evening, it may help with the tum and certainly coats the oesaphogus ....and try an artichoke supplement for the bloating.  Oh, and Acidophillus puts back the good bacteria in the gut, you can get it from health food shops or a chemist, and that might also help.  I hope she feels bit better soon.

      ​I am so glad the vertigo aspect of the AA is at long last disappearing.....that is unfortunately a slight thing with me at the moment but I think that is to do with something isn't quite vertigo more of a slight weird feeling in the ears....something I seem to have suffered with for a while but thankfully has never caused me to lose balance just gives me a slightly weird sensation.

      ​You are right, it is so hard sometimes to always know how to help, I think sometimes just being a listening ear helps a lot...and suggesting things....then it is up to ppl what they want to try.

      ​My other aches and pains are ntb.....the hands are still playing up but I am trying to do the physio exercises a bit more....see the physio again next week.  Think the flare of OA has eased....a bit!

      Awww...when my nephew stops being allergic to animal fur, I will get a cat smile  lol

      Enjoy the rest of your evening smile

      ​kindest regards, Carrie


    • Posted

      Hello Eileen

      Hope that your computer is behaving itself and that you are back in contact with us again.

      Also hope that your injections are still doing their work for you and that your pain levels are still better than they were. It sounds as though you had a good day out at the shops and that is probably good therapy.

      Unfotunately, Pauline's injection is rapidly wearing off and she is sometimes struggling to use her left knee. This is of course putting a further strain on the right knee and that is beginning to react.

      I have been to gymnasium again this morning for more of what i have described previously. I had tried to increase the weight level to 14 kg but have had to revert to the 12kg and will stick with that for some time until I really have developed a bit more. It caused my right shoulder to complain which it hadn't done for some time. Nothing to do with OP. Got a pleasant surprise this morning; I have been feeling a little energised for a few days and I was positively fizzing when I got up. I'm not certain whether it was the kiwifruit or B vitamins that caused this but it was certainly welcome and I had a productive morning. I just need it to continue cos it felt so good!

      Going out to do some more wood chopping and front garden weed clearing this afternoon. Have organised a visit to a car repair centre to correct the two problems that I have with the machine at the moment. so may be getting extra walking exercise next Tuesday.

      It will be nice to hear from you again

      Kindest Regards


    • Posted

      Hi Colin

      The computer is still a bit "iffy" or sometimes I think its this site...not sure??

      Anyway I'm on now biggrin

      I'm so sorry to hear about Pauline....its very disheartening isnt it when this happens. Its happened to me  in my backcry

      This injection.....hard to tell......It not as good as it was the first day after it was done {Sunday}....this is Wednesday. Its a lot better that it was before I got them but I suppose but I'm a bit disappointed that things aren't perfect

      I find that driving aggravates it....its my accelerator/brake foot and it hurts to move from pedal to pedal and to keep my foot on the accelerator constantly so I've stopped for the minute.....its only 2 weeks until we go to Venice and in Venice you are not allowed any transport....not even a mobility scootereek so hopefully when I come back things might be a bit easier....although saying that I will have walked a fair bit lol

      Send my love and good wishes to Pauline

      You are sensible not increasing the gym if it hurts....just keep going at the weight you were at until you master that.

      You keep going and enjoy are doing really well



    • Posted

      Hi Eileen,

      Welcome back however temporarily. I do believe that the servers that connect to the Patient website are struggling with the number of members. My connection sometimes takes several minutes to be activated. I have had a lazy day, just a bit of hoeing and running Pauline around. After all the fizzing this morning I'm a bit like a burnt out sparkler!

      Still working on the story but I have a feeling that it may end up being a little boring. I found a vitamin site earlier, run by an American doctor and after filling in a questionaire they came up with a multivitamin which had nearly all the things that I take. Then came the attempt to purchase only to be told, sorry we don't deliver outside the USA. I guess you could say that I was a trifle teed off but not enough to generate any nasties. I don't do that any more. There was a plus though, I got confirmation that I am on the right track and ultimately should reap the benefit.

      Still trying to recover the catalog of posts that I lost and it's slowly bearing fruit. but some of the earlier posts that taught me much, are missing.

      I have a date - next Tuesday to get the pipes on the car renewed and the front brake pads checked out, so maybe I can extend the life of the car a bit further.

      This morning at the gym, I spent some time explaining simply, how the bone renewal cycle works  with osteoblasts and osteoclasts and the multitude of vitamins involved. There were a few glazed expressions at the end but they got the general idea and maybe one or two will take sufficient notice to make sure that they don't end up with osteoporosis.

      I like to think that I've done my bit.

      Well, I just hope that the leg holds out for the next month so that you can enjoy the holiday that you have looked forward to for so long.

      Take very good care of yourself

      Best Regards

      Colin & Pauline


    • Posted

      Hi Carrie,

      It's that chatty guy again.

      I've been following a series of posts by Jean on a different discussion and I have just sent a private message to her admitting that I probably actually do more general chit-chatting than most other people. Anyway, it's about 50 years too late to change that so I shan't worry about it (bad for the OP)

      I guess that you would see that Eileen is back with us. I really do hope that the legs last out until she has enjoyed her holiday. You probably noticed my comments about the American doctor site. I'm going to go back there and see if I can get a copy of the ingredients of his vitamin pill and do a full compare with what I currently do and modify as necessary.

      Hope that all is well with you, you seem to be really trying to find a solution that suits you and that is a good thing. I still spend a fair bit of time looking at other posts because I'm quite happy to try things that other people have come up with although not everyone likes you trying their ideas. As far as I'm concerned, once I have posted something, it's public property and anyone can use it if they want.

      Got a bit more of the book read and am now looking more at food and salt and sugar. It's amazing that the human race hasn't died out in the last 100 years. There are so many toxic substances around, most of which I've never heard of previously.

      Unfortunately, when I reach the end of the book, I'll probably have to begin a summary read again to pick up on the bits that I missed and some that are probably relevant.

      I need to firm up my story and my plans so that I have a coherent route to follow.

      I'm heading towards waffle mode again.  Hope that you are Ok. Will chat again tomorrow.

      Take Care

      Kindest regards


    • Posted

      Hi Colin (lol Chatty Guy!)

      ​To be honest, I feel it is just as important to have emotional support as it is information, as it all has a beneficial effect on our health, so you keep chatting smile

      ​Before I forget, think you are right in your message to Eileen that it is this site that plays up on the computer, as quite often I find it takes forever to post something as it pops up 'waiting', which is why I copy, come off, come in again and paste - don't want to tempt Fate, but seems to work! smile

      ​And Eileen, I do hope your leg does hold out and you have a wonderful holiday - wanted to say before my overactive brain forgets to say! :D

      ​Yes do re the pill; have you tried Ebay for certain things?  Though I think shipping costs do get somewhat exorbitant if coming from overseas, and it does seem that supplements et al are not readily available to be shipped from America.  Amazon is another good site.  But hopefully you will find a good UK retailer who can assist. smile

      ​I am having trouble somewhat balancing things at the moment; seems I might have an allergy to foods/drinks with a high Salicylate Acid content which affect my skin sad  My youngest nephew breaks out in hives for example if he eats kiwi fruit sad  So I'm going to have to try small amounts and try and work out exactly what might be setting off the reaction sad 

      Balancing health with work and play is also an issue....hopefully it will all even out smile  Fingers crossed!

      ​Good luck with your story; be interested in reading it smile  It is a minefield of information in the book - I picked up on a bit that mentioned Pernicious Anaemia which my Grandma had that can bring on OP so have added that to my list of stuff to ask the Dr.  It is fascinating all the information contained, and like you, will have to check and double check as my Fibro fog brain means I don't always remember stuff.  I have started flicking more, trying to pick out info that pertains to my situation at the moment, and will take it from there smile

      ​Trying to catch up with housework a bit today sad !! lol but as the sun has come out want to have a walk shortly before I settle down to some work - trying to fit good healthy food into the equation too - why I am struggling a bit at the moment I think but I will get there smile

      ​Hope you have a good day and enjoy the warm weather whilst it lasts smile

      ​I also hope that Pauline's knee improves a bit.....the high/low pressure changes defo affect my joints for sure so maybe with the warmth her knee may feel bit easier today.  I hope so smile

      ​Take care, kindest regards, Carrie


    • Posted

      Carrie, I find this particular thread takes forever to load and I wonder if it's because it's so long?
    • Posted

      No Jean I think it is the site....I've had problems very the beginning sad xx
    • Posted

      I don't have any problems.  Just now I went to a thread with three answers on it, and it loaded in a blink.  This one took ages.  in fact I've got so that I look at everything else before I check this thread.  I follow a lot of threads on the polymyalgia forum.  

      Do you have a filter for advertising?  I can't name it here, obviously.

      Perhaps the graphics are using a lot of your computer memory?

    • Posted

      Could be re the memory; no re advertising, I didn't know there was one.

      ​I assumed my I have odd problems sometimes.....but this site did appear to take may be right re the thread, though I don't really understand why, just because it is a bit longer.  xx 


    • Posted

      If you do a search for advertising and also use the word block you should find something helpful.
    • Posted

      Good Evening Anhaga, Carrie, Eileen, I do hope that you are all well apart from the obvious.

      I Have just spent an interesting couple of hours reading over some of the stuff from as far back as January when I first discovered this site. It really does make interesting reading and it seems so naive compared with some of the things that we come up with now.

      Regarding the ads, on my screen there are regularly videos playing away to themselves and they always load first although I ignore them anyway. They are just a nuisance sometimes so I may look at what has been suggested.

      Was at the dentist for checkup today and had about 25 mins just reading the book and have got to the part where the acid / alkaline body comes into things, followed by lots on food. It does seem that I am on the right lines especially since I got a breakdown of the items contained in the supplement that I mentioned in a previous post and I already have most of the items. I contacted the company and they have too many problems with sending stuff to the UK so have quit doing it. Great pity, It would have been cheaper to buy their pills than what I do get..

      Came across an article regarding the dexascan and accuracy which was a hot subject a couple of months back. It seems that there is not much of a standard and the calibration also seems not to be standard so the same machine should be used for each scan if at all possible. I have a link for the article. If anyone is interested let me know.

      Got the front garden almost in order and did the stepping and jumping as usual and the book implied that the amount that I do is what the 80 year olds aim for. There is a suggestion that I should try skipping which I haven't done for years. Need a rope!

      No kiwifruit tonight, a bit wary of overdosing on some of the vitamins they contain. Will resume tomorrow..

      Thankyou all for the various support that I feel that I receive, I like to think that i do my bit but I may be able to do more now that the metabolism is kicking in. I've always had cold skin until just recently and now I'm actually reducing the amount of clothing I wear. It must be some odd side effect of what I've been doing or maybe the AA kick-started things before I gave it up (six weeks now and counting).

      Hope that everyone is fit and as well as can be expected.

      Bed-time for me. Gym session tomorrow.

      Bye for now

      Take good care

      Kindest regards


    • Posted

      Hello Carrie & Eileen & Jean,

      I've had a good day at the gym and done all my usual exercises in a nearly empty hall which was quite cold but I came out of there nearly steaming. I haven't got a skipping rope yet, that may take a little bit of shopping around.

      I found time to read a bit further and on pages 319 and 320 are pictures of exercises to not do and to do which may help. For those without the book, I could scan them but I don't yet know how to send pictures in the private messages so it would have to be emails unless someone can advise me.

      Jean, I sent you a private message with a link regarding dexascan machines which we were discussing a while ago, I also sent the link to Kathleen who was also interested. This link came in an email blog and seemed quite reasonable & Ithought you may be interested.

      Carrie & Eileen if you want the link, let me know and I'll message you.

      I think that I already commented about the compound pill details, well I have those as text and again I can pass them on in messages but can't post them because of the mods perceived policies towards such things.

      It's very cold here and so I will only be doing a small amount at the garden today, just to keep the momentum going. Got a blazing fire and the moggie is sat in front preening herself.

      I don't think that I need any more concentrated exercise today since we did our three miles there and back for lunch and had it not been for the internal fire burning very brightly I think we would have frozen. Pauline's knee isn't too bad after the walk and she did an extra mile walking up to meet me initially.

      I'm afraid that I still find it very difficult to post things anywhere without personalising them to some degree. This is just me, I don't think that I've ever been any different but just now I am enjoying having the extra energy from wherever it came. My brain seems to be working overtime and life is enjoyable again. OP may be something to be dealt with but it does have its upsides as well. However, I have things to do and places to go so will leave things there for now.

      Wish you all, all the best and kindest regards

      Take great care


    • Posted

      Hi Colin, Jean and Eileen,

      ​Well done Colin on everything....and all the research smile  I don't seem to have the time at the moment due to other things taking priority, so anything you guys manage to pass on is gratefull received smile

      Hope the dentist was kind Colin!! wink

      ​I too haven't managed to look at stuff re the ads and how to get rid of them....other health issues kicking in sad

      ​Shame about the USA company Colin sad  Hopefully the supplements you are now on don't is too easy when we are self medicating so to speak, and it is hard to always remember what fights with what.

      ​Interestingly I used to feel the cold more too.....I put it down to my hormones...but I guess exercising more, or trying too, is bound to help with the circulation too. smile

      Bit of an M.E./Fibro flare so apologies if I don't get back to ppl straight away sad

      ​Need to now go do my hand exercises before raising energy to go get some more bread! 

      ​Take care all, kindest regards Carrie

    • Posted

      Hi, sorry forgot to say in last post, yes please re Dexa scan Colin smile  Will check out those pages re exercises not to do...just flicked to page 318, interesting that i mentions greatest bone loss for women in the perimenopause as that was when I started breaking smaller bones, like toes sad    I do feel that due to the flare of M.E./Fibro my exercises gave fallen slightly....just proves how much of a balancing act all this is, trying to make sure we do not overdo at the same time as keep going......

      At least it is a bit warmer Colin!

      ​Take care, kindest regards Carrie


    • Posted

      Hi Carrie, Colin and Jean

      I'm so sorry. I  just have not  had the time or inclination to do anything recently.

      Have hardly been on the computer at all.

      Just to apolgise and knee is worse than it was beore the injectionsad is Pauline?

      They have changed  my meds but have only had one  dayof the different

      ones........sorry this computer is acting up......better  off now

      Take care all



    • Posted

      Hello Eileen,

      So glad that you were able to get your computer back on and let us know how you are. I did gather that there were problems but thought that it might not help if we tried to contact you.(We couldn'y have anyway)

      I know I can't fully appreciate what you are going through but both Pauline and I feel a lot of sympathy for you and hope that you can get some pain relief quickly. Pauline is managing to cope with her knee but it was never as bad as yours seems to be. Hers has deteriorated since the injection but it is still better than just before the injection.

      What sort of effect is this going to have on your long awaited holiday? I do hope that you can manage alright. I suppose it will depend on the meds and how bad the pain becomes.

      I'm still doing much the same as I usually do and I'm getting on with my story and collating all the relevant posts to help me pick out relevant bits. It's all progressing nicely and I'm still doing my home exercises and food sorting and gradually getting there. I don't have anything imprtant to pass on at the moment but if you want a couple of pages of pictures of exercises as per the book, I can scan them and email them to you. Let me know in the future.

      Going out for our Sunday morning walk now.

      Hope that you can get your computer problems sorted out.

      I'm sure we don't really need to tell you to take great care, but do anyway!

      Kindest Sympathy and Regards

      Colin & Pauline



    • Posted

      Hi Eileen,

      ​So sorry you are suffering so sad  With computer problems too sad

      I really hope the meds kick in and start helping your pain....but if not perhaps worth speaking to your GP again?

      ​I have had a busy day here with the family but have noticed more pain in my wrists to maybe the weather has something to do with our increase in pain?  Different air pressures do seem to have an effect sometimes, certainly with the OA.  Do take care, love Carrie

    • Posted

      Hi Carrie

      Thanks........I saw the GP on Friday and she changed my meds...I suppose this is only Mon but I'm sitting here  really sore.

      I dont know if its worth ringing her today.....its a bit soon

      ooppss   this computer seems to be going



    • Posted

      Hi Eileen,

      ​If it were me I would ring and check, but do whatever feels right for you smile

      ​I really hope the pain eases of a bit soon for you Eileen, so debhilitating and tiring sad  Really hope computer sorts too.  Do take care.

      ​love Carrie

    • Posted

      Hello Carrie & Eileen et al,

      Earlier today I was messing about with links to the OP presentation and came across some presentations dealing with the cure of OA. I watched one of the presentations and it seemed to be full of good stuff although the guy presenting it was a bit hesitant. Anyway I bookmarked the page and should be able to make a link out of that if anyone is interested.

      Let me know and I'll message the link. The several videos are available on the same page with just a click.

      Carrie, Eileen, Jean, Kathleen, Jill. Hope that you are all progressing nicely with your osteoporosis and osteoarthritis, etc.

      I have a list of the ingredients of one of the vitamin multi-supplement pills available in America but not over here in the UK. Again if anyone is interested I can message these to you. Let me know if you want these.


      I had a good day although I was awoken rather early by Pauline who was cold. That actually suited me because I was able to get to the gym for 0830 and onto the crosstrainer by 0835. Two hours later I left having managed to complete 250 calories worth of crosstraining and stepping exercises as well as weight training and step-on-off exercises. Additionally, one of the ladies with whom I exercise, offered to bring a skipping rope for me to try so that if I can do alright I will purchase one of my own. I managed to find some litmus dip-sticks as well from America so I might manage to determine whether I am alkaline or acid which seems to be a key part of the recovery process. Unfortunately delivery could be around three weeks so the next thrilling instalment of that thread will come sometime later. By then I may have learnt what to do about the possible results. Apparently it is better to be slightly alkaline to prevent the body from using the calcium from the bones to neutralise the acidic tendency. Just consuming a kiwifruit whilst writing my days activities. I still and will continue to have 6 sticky dried prunes before breakfast and had guacamole and oatcakes as a lunch time snack followed by an apple (for the skin). I still mostly avoid caffiene and alcohol which both push the body towards the acidic state. This will all take some fine tuning later.

      I've spent a little time finding out more about osteoarthritis but nowhere is the excruciating pain mentioned. According to Pauline, it becomes almost impossible to think during a pain attack which can last for some time. It is unfortunate that many OP sufferers also have OA and sadly that includes several of our current little group.

      I wish all sufferers of any persuasion a peaceful and pain-free night and look forward to hearing more about your OP experiences and steps towards curing yourselves.

      I apologise in advance if I am off-topic mentioning OA on here but I feel that it is tied up with the future of most of our OP population.

      Take good care of your bones

      Kindest regards to all


      aka Aristotle.

    • Posted

      Hello Eileen,

      I do hope that you are feeling a bit better and that the pain has lessened and that your computer is behaving itself.

      We've missed you and have been thinking about how we could possibly help you but so far we haven't been able to come up with anything apart from posting messages of support.

      I've been looking at some videos about arthritis and the possibility of curing it and it seems that it may be possible. I need to view several more videos before I can be certain, but one guy is convinced that it's just a case of balancing your body again, a bit like osteoporosis. I've been wondering if there is actually a connection between the two conditions, especially since all the bone is being replaced all the time unless you use AA to stop it. I need to read and watch and take in a lot more so that I can understand the way things work. One guy, a chiropractor seemed to believe that arthritis could be helped by spinal or neck manipulation to get the nutrients to the discs and miniscus that surrounds the joints. It sounded feasible but he didn't explain how to make it so and presumably you have to watch more videos. I have a link to the videos that I have watched, one on osteoporosis and one on arthritis, with others available on the page. You might be interested when you're a bit better.

      It will soon be Venetian Holiday time, I do hope that you are well enough to get some enjoyment from it.

      I'm still pressing on with my Bones project and will slowly become totally embroiled in it. I'm going to suggest to Pauline that she moves in that direction as well when it comes to food and nutrition and acid/alkaline balance. It may just work and is unlikely to make things worse.

      I'm going to do a bit more at my story and collate a few more posts now before bedtime.

      Do take care of your bones and keep moving gently

      Kindest regards



    • Posted

      Hello Eileen,

      ​If you happen to see this before your holiday, I echo Colin' sentiments and hope you manage to have a very enjoyable time and that your pain eases.  Do take care.

      ​kind regards Carrie

    • Posted

      Hi Jean,

      ​I jumped on the bandwagon here so to speak, and checked it out too...will have to reread and assimilate the information but very interesting, thank you smile

      kind regards Carrie

    • Posted

      Hi Jean

      Thanks for the link, there is a load of information on that discussion and it will take some time to wade through it and pick out the bits that we can use. I may need to get out my medical dictionary since there are terms there with which I am not familiar.

      Thanks Again, very grateful

      Kind regards


    • Posted

      Hi Carrie,

      Just a very quick one here: Going out, shopping.

      Try reading 359 to the end of the chapter, it looks very promising!

      Will do better later (When I've tried the skipping rope. ?????

      Kindest Regards



    • Posted

      Hi Colin,

      ​Will do - thanks smile  .....Interesting!  Have an appointment in a few weeks to see my GP and was going to question whether I'm on the right HRT (for other reasons) but looks as though possibly all tied together!!

      Enjoy shopping wink lol

      ​kindest regards Carrie

    • Posted

      Well at least I'm in good company being moderated. I think they must be practicing!
    • Posted

      Hi Carrie

      Thanks for your wishes........pain is so debilitating isn't it.

      Not much better yet



    • Posted

      Hi Colin

      Dont worry about OT.......anything goes biggrin There is not a lot you can do ....I know you are there to support me......i'M JUST SO SORRY THAT i'M NOT REPLYING to all the messages.

      I'm a bit skeptical about curing can manage it yes.....but cure it...not so sure. You'll need to convince me about that cheesygrin 

      I would be interested in knowing more about it even though I'm not so sure that you can lol

      I'm determined I'll enjoy my holiday in Venice even if not as much as other years.......I hit the big 70 yesterday......normally I dont feel anything like that {pre knees} hips, crutches etc . I feel more like 50 than 70 until some days my body kicks in and says you are 70!!!cheesygrin



    • Posted

      Hi Carrie

      Thanks... I'm still here........I go first thing Wed Morning

      I need to get packing soon.......not easy with 2 crutches  so will take longercheesygrin

    • Posted

      Happy Birthday - you can join the 70s club now - welcome

      Kindest Regards and if we don't contact you before, have a lovely time on your holiday.


    • Posted

      Hi Eileen,

      ​It most definately is debhilitating sad  I'm sorry you are not much better yet, do take care.  I hope that you manage all your packing - not really easy for someone to do it for you sad - and perhaps once you are over there - safe journey next Wed - the change of weather/pace of Life/etc helps your joints to relax some so that the pain eases.  If you are able to take something like turmeric (one can get a capsule of natural turmeric) that does seem to help my pain a bit.  Seems like it is one of natures anit-inflammatories...just a thought; might help ??

      ​I have to say that I am in agreement with you re curing arthritis as I am not convinced either as especially with osteo but I would love to be proved wrong!!!  I would happily try anything to see albeit with a pinch of salt!! lol 

      ​I have not long been back from my physio appt for my wrists and I am greatly encourage with the progress I have made in the last 3 weeks :D  My grip which is measured with some gadget (forgotten the name! lol) showed I have practically doubled my gripping ability smile  Gives one hope smile

      ​And a VERY Happy Birthday!!  smile  Here's hoping your next Birthday year is much healthier than the last smile

      ​Enjoy Venice!! :D

      ​love Carrie 

    • Posted

      Hi Eileen,

      I hope that the packing is well under way and that you are nearly ready to set off on your long-awaited hols. We have missed you on the forums and are now on our second extra page of comments and blogs. I don't need to tell you who seems to use up the most space but I find it sorts out my thoughts and produces alsorts of unexpected results e.g. I now believe that I know why I got osteoporosis (not enough hrt), and that came about as a result of a question by Carrie, I shall continue to map out the way forward and do some more copious reading and see what else we can weed out.

      I hope that you have a quiet but enjoyable visit to venice and also hope that you can control your pain sufficient to have a good time.

      Regards to Peter and of course youself

      Do take it easy and take good care of your bones

      Kindest best wishes


    • Posted

      Hi Eileen,

      Have a good holiday smile

      ​Colin, I will be interested in any further readings you come across re the HRT.

      ​kindest regards Carrie

    • Posted

      Hi Carrie

      Think we crossed posts there.

      Hi Carrie

      Yes, I'll see what I can find.

      Is there anything specific?

      Bye for now


    • Posted

      Hi Colin

      Thanks for the birthday wishes......sorry I've just managed to get on the kept saying it wouldnt respond because of a long running script

      Well I'm off tomorrow morning {Wed} at 8am and if this thing stops well you know its the site.....I'm sorry in advance biggrin  Go back and read the other ones I've answered tonight

      Love Eileen

    • Posted

      Hi Carrie

      It's a long tine since I've been able to pack in one day but now with two crutches and my knees being so sore its worse but I've got there...I think. I leave tomorrow 8am and am in pj's ready to go to bed after I finish all my posts.

      Its a bit late now to think about the tumeric but I will bear it in mind.

      Once I'm on the plane that will be it......nothing I can do about it if I've forgotten Peter says, do without or buy it when you get there. The main thing is my meds as long as I've got those it wont really matter about anything else

      Hear you when I come back or maybe early tomorrow morning. I'll be sitting up having a cuppa taking tablets and hoping they work a bit before we have to leave meantime I'll be clattering on the computer cheesygrin



    • Posted

      Sorry hit the send key before finishing cry

      You take care and I'm glad it was a good physio appointment

      It's great when you get a positive appointment

      Did I mention that the GP was referring me to the orthopaedic dept again and I named the Consultant.....the one that did my hips etc not the one that did the injections and he said he should be able to get an appointment with him

      Hopefully it wont be long after I get back that I will hear something about an appointment

      Bye again  xx

    • Posted

      Hi Colin

      Well 2nd message to you I said...I leave early tomorrow morning for Venice...thank goodness.....Peter quite happily ...I panic and it takes ages but once I'm on my way I'm oK

      I wouldnt know who took up the most space in this thread lollol

      It's good that putting your thoughts down is helping you

      I'll do my best to pace myself and take it easier than normalbiggrin

      I'll probably take a little bit more Oramorph when I'm away.......I dont take it very often although thats what it is for....breakthrough pain and Peter nags me about not taking it. I will when I'm away

      How is Pauline? her knee any better/worse or stayed the same?



    • Posted

      Hi Colin,

      ​Crossing posts does seem to happen to me too!  Probably because I only get on here maybe once a day.

      ​I know oestrogen important but does it have to balance with progesterone and testosterone too or is the oestragen more important?

      Thank you smile

      ​kind regards Carrie

    • Posted

      Hi Eileen,

      Hope the holiday is fantastic!!smile

      ​So true about anything forgotten - as my Mum used to say, 'if not got it now you do without'! lol wink

      ​Oh that is good re the orthopaedic helpful when you see the same person as they understand what you are dealing with better smile

      ​Spk on your return smile

      ​kind regards Carrie


    • Posted

      Hi Carrie Colin and everyone else

      I just got back late tonight {Sunday} so just skimming through a few posts and answering as I come across some things

      Carrie....The holiday was good if tiring, lots of bridges to cross so I'm going to have to take it easy now for a while..  When I got home tonight there was lots of mail for us and guess what?????? One from the appointment to see the consultant on Tuesday....that was fast wasnt it?????? It clashes with a committee meeting for Arthritis Care but I know which one will come firstbiggrin



    • Posted

      Hello Eileen, Carrie et al

      Welcome home. So good to hear that it was a good holiday.  I find that I can put up with a bit of tiredness if it was enjoyable getting it. There's Plenty more bridges for you to cross in the future. It might take a little while to get back into your routine and what good news about the consultant appointment.

      You might notice that there are links to the other threads so that we can post where we like and get notifications as long as you have clicked on the 'Follow' button at the top of the conversation page.

      This does have some slight drawbacks in that I now get lots of notifications and I have to take time being selective whereas I tended to just read the ones which were of immdediate concern. Your posts stiil stand out a mile since there aren't many members using this thread.

      Pauline is hoping we can get a coach trip to Bournemouth again. We last went a couple of years ago and it was very good. It's a long way to drive and I don't trust the car any more having had a couple of breakdowns. I need a fresh little automatic and there were lots on the market a while ago. Funny how they're never there when you want one.

      Osteoporosis is doing alright but I keep getting the odd ache in the hip that has the poorer T-score so I may have to be careful with the weights for a while and back-peddle on the size that I lift. No gym today, they've decided not to open on Bank Holidays when everyone could go. Shall go tomorrow and wednesday as well to make up for it and just do my home bits for now.

      Got the grass at the back cut but the front seems to be growing at a high rate.  Have to get the hoe out.

      Going to help Pauline now

      Best Regards


    • Posted

      Hi Colin et al,

      Eileen so pleased you had a lovely holiday. 

      ​Colin, Bournemouth is a lovely place, I haven't been for many years - hope it all works out for you and Pauline smile

      ​Could you do me a favour and send the link to Patty on nutrients and strontium that you sent me?  I'm having a bit of trouble in sending the link, think I need to practice more but time keeps running away with me, as it is I haven't done my wrist exercises yet!!  Managed a short walk for some bread and hoping to enjoy the sunshine this afternoon in the garden smile

      Thank you smile

      ​Have a lovely day, kind regards Carrie

    • Posted

      Hi Carrie,

      Sent PM with a link, to Patty for the 20 nutrients and a copy of the document on strontium.

      The general links seems to work but I may have to unfollow some of the conversations because of too much traffic in my in-box.

      Regarding Bournemouth, I've been trying to find a coach trip that does Scarborough to Bournemouth but haven't had a lot of luck so far. It may be just a little too early in the season but I haven't tried the travel agents yet, they tend to be more expensive.

      A little Hedge Clipping this afternoon but no sunshime here and fairly chilly.

      Take care,

      Kindest Regards


    • Posted

      Hi Eileen,

      ​Very glad the holiday was good, though can imagine quite tiring.  At least a change of scenery for you smile

      ​YAY on hospital appt smile  Good luck with it and do let us know how you get on smile  That was very fast smile 

      Rest well and enjoy your pm smile

      ​love Carrie

    • Posted

      Hi Colin,

      ​Thank you, will check it out ......bit of a busy day today so will try and catch up on posts etc tomorrow smile

      Have a good day

      ​kindest regards Carrie

    • Posted

      Hi Colin,

      ​Thank you so much; Life has got a bit hectic and I haven't had time to practice with the links yet and I had a feeling I had done it wrong sad

      ​Having a lot of stuff popping up in my inbox too; just trying to go thru as and when I can smile

      ​Oh I hope you find somewhere that does a coach ok, fingers crossed.  There is an online place called travelzoo which may or may not be able to help, and can offer things slightly cheaper sometimes.  Else yes then a travel agent, tho as you say they might be bit more expensive.  

      Good luck with your hedge clipping wink  Am trying to clear some clutter here, but need to do wrist exercises again first! lol

      ​You take care too.  kindest regards Carrie

    • Posted

      Hello Eileen (et Al)

      Hope that you have recovered from your holiday and are picking up the threads of your life again, and of course, hope that the visit to the consultant went well.

      With a bit of luck you will soon pich up the threads of the osteoporosis forums. I spent quite a lot of time blogging while you were away and I quite enjoyed it but some of the posts were a bit too much on the long side. I found Kathleen again and have had a few chats with her, Carrie, Jean, Patty, Jill and a couple of others. I don't seem to find many fellows to chat with. One of the ladies comes from Whitley Bay.

      I've quite enjoyed helping out where I can but I'm still working on my project to beat osteoporosis and that is proceeding nicely. I'm getting on well with the Chia seeds which really are a wonder food as long as you soak them first. They look a bit like mini frogspawn but are virtually tastless and when stirred into my morning breakfast are nearly undetectable. They have lots of calcium and other good things and I recommend that you do a search for Chia benefits, you might get a surprise. They should certainly help your OP. 

      The list of completed items necessary to fight my OP is getting longer but I keep adding things to the still to do list, luckily not as fast as I'm taking them off.

      Think that I've twittered on for long enough.

      Do take things easy and give yourself a good chance to return to normal, and keep smiling.

      Kindest Regards



    • Posted

      Hi Eileen, Carrie, Jean, Jill, Kathleen, Patty, Et Al,

      Eileen, I do hope that you had a successful visit to the consultant and got a useful result.

      I'm just recently back in the land of normal people after a good session at the gym. Lots of cross-training (which is getting easier even though I'm on an increased resistance level of 5), and the Stepper-action part which is on 13. Ifound that I didn't need the minute break every five minutes and did the full fifteen minutes of cross-training in one chunk and then had a minute break to let my heart-rate lower before the stepper part. I managed to keep my heart-rate within the 140 beats per minute (my limit is 220-age which is 149). The rest of the session of steps and jumps went smoothly and since I reduced the weights, without adding to my various aches and pains (which seem pretty minor compared with anyone elses). With the other bits and pieces, I used up a quick 90 minutes and only a little time was used exercising my jaw.

      When I got outside it was raining soaking drizzle so it was straight home and get my lunch. The mail was delivered shortly after and my litmus testing strips arrived so I need to read up on the recommended procedure in The Book and get ready to roll. Jean has doubts that it will work, so do I but I'll give it a try and see what happens.

      Well, at last I'm getting the Chia seeds sorted out. The soaking details on the packet appear to be very much short of correct since the recommendation was only 2 to 1, liquid to seeds. At the moment I'm running at 4 to 1 and will be trying a 5 to 1 overnight soak. I have a link to an interesting article on this, anyone want it please PM me. When I've finally determined the correct level of liquid I'll write it up and post it all with the specification.

      The reading is progressing very nicely and nothing that I've come across has led me to doubt the validity of the path that I am following. I've even got a bit more information about dexascans than I had previously. Apparently the results are now analysed by a trained clinician instead of a technician who was untrained in analysis as in the past.

      I've been making a few tentative enquiries and there doesn't seem to be any support for osteoporosis or osteoarthritis sufferers in my town so I am quite reliant on you all. I actually don't mind at all because there are quite a variety of views and opinions expressed as well as lots of ideas for links and data. The quality of the data seems to be improving as time goes on and members become more aware of the problems and possible solutions.

      It's time for my Kiwi-fruit boost - that's something else that needs its specification properly posting on this site.

      I don't think that I have any more to go on about at the moment so I'll wish you all strong bones and successful healing.

      Take Care

      Kindest Regards


    • Posted

      Hi Carrie, Eileen, Jean, Kathleen,Jill, Patty et al,

      It seems like it's been a very busy day but I haven't got a lot to show for it. I tried out the Ph slips this morning and got the colour change as predicted. Then when I tried to refer to the colour chart, I discovered that the definition was 1 unit instead of less than 0.1. So I came up with a firm 7 which could be anywhere between 7.0 and 8.0 which is far too coarse for what I had in mind. I spent an entertaining  hour searching  for more slips with a better definition. All that I could find was a definition of 0.25 so I bought an electronic device with a definition of 0.1 and a calibration system. That should be here by monday if I'm lucky. It had good reviews so I'm hopeful that it will do the job. I'm even more hopeful that it will be worth while!

      The saga of the seeds continues, I used a 5 to 1, liquid to seeds and the liquid had all soaked up by morning with the seeds appearing uniform and level which suggests that this is the correct level. However, being the trusting soul that I am I shall test just one tblespn more tonight and see what happens.

      I also stumbled across an old unanswered post of Eileens' and answered it with a little bit of chat and then also stumbled across a post from Allison whom I used to chat with when I first joined Patient. She had posted an article from the a USA paper, having a go at those who don't like the osteoporosis medications. I left an opinion, I don't think the content was worth a comment to anyone else. Did some more at my story and read some more of my books - it was miserable weather here so these were the only productive indoor occupations that I could think of. Answered a few PMs and went shopping with Pauline, here OA doesn't seem too bad at the moment but she's becoming very fragile and more than a little emotional. She worries about our daughter who has her own problems as wll as OP.

      Carrie, I hope that you wrists are fairing well and not causing you too many problems. I can see that having wrist problems can be really inconvenient and painful because we rely on them for so many things. The same goes for hips, legs and knees and even backs can be so painful that it's difficult to think. Wouldn't you think that with all the resources available now, that some of the current problems should be in the past. I think that it's time that I did some re-appaisal  as part of my story since I have now reached the point at which I really need to harden my path and follow it, with changes only when presented with really good evidence. Even now, I'm significantly more healthy and fit that I was and have also lost around 8lbs since I came off the AA. That was a real good move, thankyou Kathleen and everyone who provided some support. Still got a long way to go but I do feel pretty good and probably haven't felt like this for many years. I just have to be careful about over-confidence but I think I learned my lesson. I'm still not very good at skipping but the jumping is good.

      Have run out of steam and have also been watching a tele-program about super foods and things and noticed the bias towards what the program presenters wanted us to follow. I shall still use my own common sense.

      Best wishes everyone

      Kindest regards


    • Posted

      Hi Colin et al,

      ​Well done on all your 'doings'.....sounds like you are getting to grips with what you wanted albeit slowly.  But then again....the tortoise always won the race against the hare! wink lol 

      Sorry to hear Pauline getting so fragile sad  I do hope today is a better day for you both.

      ​I am hoping to get to grips a bit more - again! - with checking out the links ppl have been kind enough to send me.  I start off with good intentions but then something else seems to crop up taking my attention away from what I wanted to do! lol  Do feel at times it is very difficult to keep up with ongoing stuff let alone new sad

      Onwards! smile

      Hope everyone has a good day...sun shining here so fingers crossed the laundry dries smile

      ​Apologies if someone says something and I don't get back immediately, I will, but as I say, Life has taken a somewhat convoluted road my end for now!!

      ​Take care kindest regards Carrie

    • Posted

      Hi Carrie, Eileen, Jean, Kathleen,Jill, Patty et al,

      Time to use up a bit more space:

      Firstly, I repeated the Ph test this morning in spite of knowing how coarse the readings are on my strips. I was quite amazed to find that it came in with the colour as per the 8 reading. Since the new meter isn't expected until monday, I'll continue with these just out of interest to me and to see if there is any consistency to the readings. The strips that I use are from China and there is no reason to believe that they are anything but good. The implication is that my body is tending towards the alkaline side which is one of my aims. This will be closely monitored.

      Secondly, the seeds trial to determine how much liquid to use, seems to have been successful. This morning, there was liquid still available after the seeds had soaked up all that they wanted. This was using six tblespns of rice milk to one tblspn of seeds and that is apparently the correct amount. If I used five, all the liquid would be soaked but there would still be room for more , so six is the answer. Now after all this, it occurred to me that I actually don't know how much of this I should be consuming so I think that a little more searching is in order.

      Done the searching and it seems that between 1 and 2 tablespoons are the norm so I shall stick to the 1 tablespoon for now and see how things go.

      Carrie, replying to posts takes a significant amount of time and if you don't have the spare time, there isn't any reason to exhaust yourself to answer. It's nice to receive chatty answers but you must put yourself first and conserve your energy and strength. You are the most important thing that you have and you are dependent upon your health. Please be careful, the rest of us can wait a while for a reply. Just don't lose touch please.

      I've been in touch with Patty who sent me a link to a newspaper page talking about a super-model who also monitors her urine Ph. Can forward this if you PM me.

      Pauline is improving again and seemed to be a little more robust this morning when we went walking after my gym session. The gym sessions have settled down to a regular bunch of repeated exercises with weight bearing and impact items being at the forefront in an attempt to get the osteoblasts to do their thing. I just hope that the five months that I was on AA aren't going to interfere. I haven't been able to find any information on this as yet. The walk, although it was breezy, damping and overcast, was enjoyable as was the lunch and I had an afternoon looking at all the posts on many subjects.

      Eileen, I do hope that you are alright and would love to hear from you if you can manage it. Sometimes it's enough just to know that someone is still Ok although in this case I would assume that Peter is taking good care of you.

      Have seen plenty of evidence that Jean, Kathleen, Jill and Patty are fine and active. I ought to comment on some of the things that I've read but I need time to write and also to read the books as well as to think a little about what I'm doing. I do think about our little group quite often and comment to Pauline about who's doing what and what's being discussed.

      I think that I've overdosed on waffle again.

      Take good care of your bones everyone

      Kindest regards


    • Posted

      Hello everybody,

      There's lots of activity at the moment and I've spent a fair bit of time reading and participating as usual. So it's been a busy day without the usual home activities.

      I used a litmus test strip again just to see how things were and the readings remained consistent at a little below 8 based purely on the colour, I would have guessed at 7.8. Anyway it won't matter anymore since the Ph meter arrived this afternoon and I need to just calibrate it and we're ready to roll for real.

      That's another step further along my road. Maybe I'll reach the highway eventually. I've begun listing the special foods, the supplements and the actions that I am taking as I go along. This is partly because as I've gone along, things have changed so often that my original sheets are barely legible being covered in scribbles. I have only been in contact with Kathleen and Jean today although I have seen posts from a couple of the others. It's still cold so there were no outside exercises today but the walking will be on for tomorrow when it's supposed to be warmer. Haven't much to chat about today.

      Hope that everyone is Ok and looking after their bones

      Kindest Regards


    • Posted

      Hi Colin et al

      ​Thank you for your kindness Colin, family have taken up the past few days, and my good intentions to get on here went astray somewhat.

      ​Well done on all you are doing smile

      ​I must try and look at posts etc a bit more....hopefully will manage that a bit more this week.  I need to get my thoughts in gear for when I see the rheumatlogist next month. Got the Dr tomorrow.

      ​Lovely morning again so walked down to the village, so at least got my weight bearing exercise in smile 

      ​My strontium citrate arrived a few days ago so I have started one capsule with my evening meal ...keeping it apart from my calcium and vitamin D that I take in the morning.  I still have to recheck my other vitamins etc as I fear I am still a little low in other essential ones.

      ​I'm glad to hear Pauline improving again, I hope that continues smile

      ​Like you I do hope Eileen is ok. 

      Off to sort an omelette for lunch smile

      Do take care everyone.

      ​Kindest regards Carrie

    • Posted

      Quick extra reply Colin - impressed you are being so organised with listing everything, I shall be interested in your eventual findings smile 

      In this maelstrom we all find ourselves, every little bit of info helps smile

      ​kindest regards Carrie

    • Posted

      Hi Jean,

      A few minutes ago, I received the following post from Eileen:

      Hi, Whowever gets this message first please pass it on. I'm having promblems with the site so I'm coming off altogether. Also its chaotic here I did post a message but it wouldnt go through



      The is Colin now:

      I have sent a reply and a PM with an email address in case she wants to chat sometime. I shall miss her.

      Kindest regards


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