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Hi one and all just to let you all knowy Botox injection outcome.

I had this injection on the 6th December 2007, I was only in for the day, I feel so much better, no more having a bath at 2 and 3 in the morning.

The muscle spasms have gone, if anyone of you have read about me on this forum I was in a bad way, in pain every day, not good for anyone.

I feel so much better, I get a small abount of pain sometimes after going to the toilet, but all in all my bottom feels much better, I may have to go in for a second injection, I see my Surgon in FEB. I will keep you all informed, if you have any questions send me an e-mail, or post your questions on this forum.

Happy bottom pain free new year.


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207 Replies

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  • Posted

    JamieInPain, don't feel bad about a little whining, those of us who have suffered with this affliction know just what you are going through. I bet you wish you could have lost the weight in a less painful way.Stay positive and take good care of yourself.This is not a subject one likes to talk about to too many people, in my case only my daughter who is a nurse. I hope you have understanding friends/family you can share this with and who can help you over the worst of it. Let us know what progress you make and especially once you feel you are cured.All the best from....Karen
  • Posted

    Hi all, haven't been on here for a while so just caught up with everyone's progress.

    JamieinPain, you really shouldn't feel bad about whining....that's what we're all here for. As I've said before, only those of us who have suffered can truly understand the effect this awful condition has on your whole life. I am sorry to read your Botox surgery was not successful. Is it possible you could have an infection - I had a minor one after surgery that was easily rectified with some antibiotics along with Diclofenac.

    My experience was very different and literally saved my life. I had reached a stage where I was afraid to eat and could not find any help. (I can remember sitting in my GPs office in excruciating pain and her ask why I was crying.....?!!) the only answer was to go private and I was operated on 2days after meeting an excellent consultant. He could not believe the state I was in, nor the advice I had been given at my NHS hospital. I had a fissurectomy along with the Botox injections and believe this made a significant difference. The spasms have not returned in the 5 years since I had this done. The fissure does sometimes open if I have not been careful with my diet, but it quickly heals itself. My muscle movement is now normal, and I know this as I took part in a case study...amazing what a balloon inflated in the bottom can show them!! (I find some of the medical technology fascinating!)

    I do think diet is key. In my experience some bulk IS required,but only with lots of water. I find if my stools are too loose, it makes things worse so I avoid too much fruit or dairy. I have porridge with prunes everyday to keep things regular. I find it better to have one regular movement rather than lots of loose ones. I know this is different for everyone but want to offer an alternative as different things work for different people. I never eat white bread, pasta or rice but can pretty much manage everything else now.

    To all of you suffering, I just want you to know there is light at the end of the tunnel. Keep at it, keep nagging the healthcare professionals, keep asking for second opinions and try to stay strong. If anyone needs further info or has any questions, please ask....after all, it's not the sort of thing you can discuss openly over a coffee with friends.

    My best to you all

  • Posted

    Latest update - I had an appointment with a sympathetic GP who thinks I may have proctalgia fugax, which is the cause of the severe spasms. She's given me two types of morphine pills, one as a twice daily baseline pain relief and one as an as and when quick intervention, as well as omeprazol to counter possible stomach bleeding from the naproxen. She's also given me a salamol pump as tests have shown it helps ease spasms. I'm ringing the consultant tomorrow to see if he can investigate why the pain is incresing. I've been virtually pain free since friday, which has been amazing, thnks to the morphine, and am taking enough movicol and drinking enough liquid to fend off any constipation. Obviously this is a short term measure, but I'm enjoying it while I can! Thanks for your input, ACC - if I could afford to go private I would, after experiencing what I have smile
  • Posted

    JamieInPain I'm really sorry when reading what you're going through. Nice of the GP to give you morphine, it is a great pain reliever but be careful it could also cause constipation, but I guess you know this already. Having a pain free day is wonderful, I know.

    Since my last posting I'm actually doing very well. What I did seems to have worked for me. The first week of soft food, but since then I'm eating foods with lots of roughage which has brought me to an almost normal level.

    Have any of the doctors suggested Nitroglycerin Ointment to you?It is very powerful and one uses just a pin size amount, it has great healing power. Of course what works for one does not always work for someone else.After several years, I can almost say I'm feeling human again and optimistic. This affliction almost takes over ones life making it miserable most days. I'm hoping I've beaten this for all time. Hope springs eternal does it not :-) I hope to read future postings from you or others to tell us they are better and no longer suffering, that would be a good day.

    • Posted

      Hi Karen, 

      To be honest the amount of creams I've tried over the years I really can't remember all of their names! I'm using Diltiazem Hydrochloride 2% at the moment, but I'm unsure if anything is working due in part to the morphine but also because I have several different pains down there and it's difficult to seperate them. Glad you'er enjoying some pain free time, here's to it continuing for good.

    • Posted

      Sure you know Jamie but be careful of the morphine - only from the clog you up aspect - sure your taking steps with diet and laxative (just in case).

      It took me a tube or 2 of the Diltiazem Hydrochloride 2% to notice the difference - the thing I noticed (gross alert coming up) - was previous my bum was in spasm and as tight as the proverbial ducks - so even passing wind was a near imposssible feat - however with the cream I was back to passing wind normally (or a little more) which was great news . so perhaps that is a sign of its helping to relax that area.

      I had a fair amount of blood yesterday which I am unsure was either the fissure or a pile - in any case better today thank goodness!

      Happy Easter to one and all and hoping its a pain-free one for us all.

      Jeff ;-)

    • Posted

      My latest news is; after thinking I was doing so well and healing myself I'm sort of back to square one!  Went to the doctor yesterday who told me the only way I'm going to heal is by having surgery!  I trust this doctor, I'm now scheduled for surgery on May 6th.  I'm told by the doctor I will be free of pain after this.  I do hope he is right as I'm fed-up with the daily drudge of this affliction. I'll write again as soon as I'm feeling well and over the surgery.   I hope many of you are doing well, it's been a bit quiet on the forum for a while.
    • Posted

      Hey Karen, all the very best for the surgery, and here's to a pain-free future! Make sure they give you decent pain meds afterwards, as over here at least they seem to think that having been on IV morphine all morning they can send you home with paracetamol! Let us know how it goes.
    • Posted

      Thank you for your good wishes Jamie.  What set me back after I thought I was doing so well was; I had a salad while out at lunch a few days ago with a spicy dressing. The next day I was in hell again, it was like a match had been lit inside of me.  That was when I decided this is enough, I can't live like this anymore.  I envie those in the UK with your NHS I'm hoping part of my surgery will be covered by my insurance but some I will have to pay  myself. At this point I don't mind as long as this ends soon.  By the way, the doctor who is performing the surgery on me is an Englishman,  if I'm totally healed you will be sorry he ever emigrated to the US :-)  Will keep you posted.    
  • Posted

    Hi again. Wow we are slow to improve aren't we?! Im stuck at the 50% better mark and have not seen any improvement for a few weeks. My 6-8 week follow up with the consultant after the botox has now turned into a 15 week wait due to lack of appointment availability (good old NHS - thanks Jeremy Hunt and the Conservative gang). Anyhoo, i'm paying a private doctor for a second opinion on what to do next as I am due to go to half pay in 8 weeks (Not due to see consultant for another 9 wks!). I need to know if there is any realistic chance i will be mobile without triggering a spasm in that time frame or if more intervention will be needed (and if so what). You would think that these questions could be answered by my NHS consultant but I have had no follow up care. Very very poor. In the meantime I have moved onto MSM cream alongside my 5th tube / 4th month of using GTN 4% (it says not to use it for more than 8 weeks but my discharge plan said continue until next review). I walked 250 yards yesterday and was i full blown spasm by the time I got to my destination. On the brighter side, i'm guaranteed no pain when sitting down these days, gotta keep finding those positives i suppose ;o) Good luck guys!
    • Posted

      Onwards and upwards, TMI! Would you mind telling me how much the private consultation cost, and with who? I'm waiting for an 'emergency' appt with my consultant (or whoever he puts in his place - Mr Elusive he is) 'some time in May', this after two further calls to his secretary, stressing that I'm still in considerable pain. I'm going to put a complaint in, though, as I really feel badly served on this. Unfortunately the hospital is one of the worst in the country - Medway Maritime - and is in special measures, so I really can't see that a complaint at this stage will achieve much. Still, at least it may make the process better for future bottoms! We're moving to the south coast in a couple of months, and the hospital there has a colorectal unit so I'm hoping to have more joy there if this doesn't resolve itself. There is improvement, but I still can't pass anything more solid than (sorry!) custard without suffering badly for two or three hours. The morphine has greatly reduced the spasmsing, and I use a salbutamol asthma inhaler when it does strike, which really seems to work - have you heard of that, TMI? - but the process of pooing through clenched muscles leads to other aches and pains. The worst of it though is that since the op my hairs a lot greyer and face has pain wrinkles sad
    • Posted

      Sorry to hear of your pain guys (and gals) . . . I am taking a wee step back myself - back to intense burn after poo - which only goes after a few hours and a handful of pain meds.

      I got discharged from colorectal unit in Salisbury as I was in no way confident that anything they do will help - its just me personally but after 2 rounds of botox and what I consider either bad luck or a botched attempt at 2nd round - id rather keep away from them than let them cause anymore damage - going for the long-haul recovery.

      Though a private consultant might be interesting - look forward to hearing others experiences and outcomes down that road.  My original colorectal suregon has been off sick for almost a year and his replacements were hardly synpathetic - i really feel they do not get just how bad the pain is and how it ruins your daily routine - your relationship - everything.

      Thank goodness for this forum to let off steam - stay well folks.


      p.s. I have too noticed that I have acclerated grey hair since this all began - will look like rip van winkle soon! 

    • Posted

      Hi Jeff and Jamie, sorry to read you're not doing too well.  I'm anxious now at the thought of my surgery this coming Tuesday.  My doctor tells me: I will have no more paind after this procedure. I do hope he is right.  I never asked him what this procedure he does is called, except he tells me they don't do this in the UK.   I'm not looking forward to it but hopeful that I will be cured.  Right after, my daughter is taking me to her house so I may not be online right away to tell you how things went.  I wil post again as soon as I can, hopefully with good news.  Wishing all of you the very best.  
    • Posted

      Hi Karen - I am intrigued to know what this procedure is - are you in UK or USA?

      Regardless I hope your treatment goes very well and recovery is soon.

      Keep in touch.

      Jeff ;-)

    • Posted

      Hello Jeff & Jamie,  I hope I'm not plagiarizing by posting this below which I copied from another fissure web-site  written by a young Englishman who had done what I'm having on Tuesday.    There is nothing like a good bit of English humor.  I hope my outcome will be as successful as his has been.  By the way, he paid to have his done in a private UK clinic.   I hope his posting will make  you laugh like it did me :-)


      After breakfast I started to run the bath and decided to sit on the toilet in the hope of kick starting my body. I sat there stationary, no straining or pushing and after six or seven minutes I got that rumbling feeling in my stomach that something was about to happen…… and then the point of no return….. it was about to happen!!! I grabbed hold of the radiator with one hand and the bath with the other, tensed up and prayed for forgiveness for every wrong doing in my life…… three days’ worth of food all in one go, it was not going to be pleasant….. then I let go of all my anxiety…. It all came flooding out…

      I don’t believe it………. I don’t believe it………. I DON’T F*CKING BELIEVE IT!… No pain WHATSOEVER, no soreness, no twinges, no discomfort; it was a zero on the pain score! (Apologies for swearing but that was my state of mind at the time). I was shaking and on the verge of tears – is this a taste of things to come? My face was brimming with the biggest smile I could muster and has stayed like this ever since the BM, this was my first sign that I may have my life back again, words cannot describe how I am feeling right now.



    • Posted

      Hi Jeff,  I'm in the US an expat.  To answer your question:  I checked with my doctor  he tells me I'm having a Fissurectomy/Sphincterotomy laser surgery.  I think they do this in the UK as well, so don't know why my doctor told me they did not.  Anyway, I hope it will stope this pain for all time. Thanks for your good wishes.   I will be in touch for an update when I can.   
    • Posted

      Thanks for that information Karen - I had heard of the Fissurectomy/Sphincterotomy but was not sure how this was done - I just imagined some medieval procedure.  Knowing our NHS I would not expect the most advanced options for this to be readily available.

      Seems BUPA who are the UK's largest provider of medical care do this:

      See link for more info:

      I wonder if this is where the guy you quoted went?  Do you mind letting me know where you got that post from - Id like to read/poss contact.

      I am terrified of going back in to hospital for a third time however if both the guy you quoted and yourself (big fingers crossed) have a cure throught this treatment then maybe its worth going to BUPA.

      Wishing you all the very best for Tuesday.


    • Posted

      Hi Karen,

      I am absolutely amazed that you agreed to have a sphincterotomy performed without being given the necessary information in advance. Did they tell you that you can expect long term, if not permanent partial incontinence after a procedure like this? I had this after a botox injection but at least it stopped after a while, 

      What is the legislation in the US like?  Here in GB every patient needs to be informed of what precisely is being done and what the possible side effects are. 

      My mind boggles if you allow a something to be done to you without really knowing what it is. 

      Another piece of misinformation: The above mentioned procedures are available in the UK. 

      I would chang my doctor if I were you. 

    • Posted

      Hi everyone,

      As the discussion has turned to specifics of ops I thought I would add my experience. 

      With my NHS treatment, I was offered a LAS (lateral anal sphincterotomy). After the op, I found out that due to the severity of the spasms I was suffering, that particular op would have never solved the problem. 

      I had done some online research and found that Botox surgery was the most effective. However in 2009, the NHS did not offer this (in my local area) and in fact my consultant and GP had not heard of it as an option.

      My parents live in Ireland where there is no NHS and are therefore used to paying for private healthcare. They offered to lend me the money to seek further advice from a Spire/Bupa consultant. I was offered an appointment via email with the consultants secretary on a Thursday evening. After one look at me, he decided to operate 2 days later (yes on a Saturday morning!!!) 

      i was given a Fissurectomy and he injected Botox into the surrounding area to calm the spasms and allow the area time to heal. The experience of the earlier writer who could not believe the experience of a pain-free poo was completely relative.

      My consultant extended his NHS treatment as he was horrified by my story. I was treated at Spire Harpenden, total cost approx £3000. Worth every penny even though I'm still paying it back! Gave me my life back. My fissure still opens occasionally if I am not careful with my diet, but the spasms have completely healed. I am pain-free 99% of the time. 

      It takes time, but when you get the right treatment, this problem is solvable...

      my thoughts with you all.

    • Posted

      Hi Jeff,  The posting I copied that you were interested in, I tried to insert it  on this page but  the web link  would not go through.  The site is called Anal Fissure Support Forum.   There is a lot to read so hope you find that particular patient.  Good Luck.   
    • Posted

      Hi Suleika,

      I have to admite you have scared me greatly with your advice.  However, my doctor has been doing this for 25 years with great success according to the many patient reviews.  He did surgery on me 15 years ago which was successful.  I hope I don't live to regred this surgery.  

    • Posted

      HI suleika,

      You may have by now read my posting I had the sphincterotomy done and it was  successful.  I'm so totally grateful to the doctor, I feel I have my life back.  I just feel a little tender at this point but all else is comfortable.  Wish I'd had it done sooner and saved myself the pain.  To think this doctor is from the UK and doing such a wonderful job helping people here.   All the best to all of you, I hope you find a good doctor in the UK  to help you all.   Regards.....Karen.

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