Bottom Pain !
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Hi ladies
Has anyone every experienced dull pain in rectum?
I get it occasionally for absolutely no obvious reason, then it passes, either on its own or I take a painkiller.
Been seen at hospital...all clear...doesn't occur very often but just suddenly happens
Could it possibly have a connection with pelvic floor?
Any ideas ?
Thank you
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donna48864 janeben
jerry72101 janeben
I was at the doc yesterday for the same thing.
Completely random pain some time really sore and others just like a press. Sometimes off to the side no reason. I got checked tummy pressed nothing and then the obvious exam but all ok. She did not have any idea what it is an no other pain or anything else. I got a cream to put in twice a day it is for spasms. But I have not got it yet they need to order it. But as soon as I get it I will post the name and let u know how I get on.
julie2510 janeben
donna48864 julie2510
janeben donna48864
Are we talking about same pain/ discomfort?
It' seems to be in back passage and happens for no obvious reason.
Sometimes, if you go to loo, it helps but returns soon after.
I only get it occasionally but do remember a time when I was asleep in bed and got these pains and at night seems worse. Just sat on loo, tried to go back to bed end took paracetamol!
Not constipated or too loose either!
Thanks for feedback jx
donna48864 janeben
Brevis janeben
I've been suffering from this for about six months. I'm convinced it's linked to hormones. It is SO uncomfortable. I've tried every cream and have been to two specialists. Nothing abnormal found. I'm now trying to eliminate certain foods to see if that helps. Any ideas would be gratefully received!
jerry72101 Brevis
I have been trying to pin point when it comes on but yet I can not. Nothing all day then driving home from work it starts. Lasting for seconds to couple of minutes. So if there is Anythg I will post. Good luck
janeben Brevis
Just wondering how certain foods aggrevate this problem?
Does yours feel right at base of coccyx but inside that area?
Quite extreme when first starts changing to dull ache then just delicate or tender ?
Mine started yesterday at around 5.30, whilst just standing in house!
Pain stopped after half hour but even today, although fine, that internal area feels tender...same?
jerry72101 janeben
brendababy janeben
I was taken to hospital had lots of tests done, consultant told me I had a condition but can't remember the name of it. MRI scan showed I had small amount of fluid accumulated on my rectum
He drained the fluid and prescribed cream called diltasim (don't think that's how you spell it) you insert it inside back passage and it eases the muscle spasm, the condition can be linked to chronic stress & anxiety
I'm nearly 52 ( Feb) now considered early full meno so don't know if Peri caused any if the muscle spasms I also have a history of ME. The pain was excruciating I could hardly sit or out my foot on the floor
No problems with the spasms fior a couple of years now so here's hoping that symptoms past
My main symptom since March. 2015?is off balance, woozy drunk feeling, it's awful, can't wait till this goes
Hope all you ladies hormones settle down soon
Brenda X
janeben brendababy
Thanks for experience...thought I was the only one...seems to affect lots of us!
Wasn't sure if it was a peri/age symptom or just me!
I'm 58 and still not considered menopausal, as had last period in April 15. I never had these symptoms when did have periods...
Could be stress related I suppose but I can't see any pattern of when it does occur...perhaps I should log it from now on.
Muscle spasm makes sense...but 36 hours later, I still have a very slight tender feeling.
Yours jx
donna48864 janeben
Sochima822 janeben
janeben Sochima822
Thank you...makes sense but I seem to have developed these occasional symptoms since periods stopped...can't actually remember if they started when had periods!
Oh least it's nothing serious just uncomfortable for a bit...
I glad I raised the subject as it seems fairly common! Jx