Bouts of Depression during ovulation and before my period

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I have pcos and I am starting to wonder if the condition exacerbates a problem that I have: A couple of times a month I experience small bouts of depression and anxiety, which I have worked out is related to when I'm ovulating and just before my period starts. I don't think that it's 'normal' PMT.

It varies in severity, but I feel like it's getting worse as I get older. I'm a total emotional f***wit during this time- anything has the potential to make me cry. I feel lethargic, but can't get a good night's sleep. I'm overwhelmed by multiple tasks and make mistakes on simple things. I get really frustrated and angry.

I can be surrounded by people that I love, but feel isolated and lonely. I feel needy, but I don't want to socialise or for people to see me- It's the time when I feel at my ugliest and fattest. I'm more critical of myself than at any other time and I feel paranoid that other people don't like me.

It could be a bright, sunny day, but if I can get away with it, I'll close the curtains and won't go outside. I won't even get dressed.

At the time, I don't feel like there's anything that can fix it or like I will ever be able to snap out of it.

I can usually hide it quite well, but I'm just going through the motions and Inside I'm feeling absolutely miserable.

I always forget what causes it or that it's coming, even though it happens like clockwork and, even if I did expect it, I wouldn't be able to prevent it from happening because my hormones hijack my body and my mind.

It only lasts for about a day or two and, like I said, sometimes it's not as severe as other times.

I want to find a way to control this problem and not feel like this because I hate it.

Most of the time I am a very optimistic and generally happy, relaxed and independent person.

Has anybody else ever experienced this and overcome it (preferably without the use of drugs, such as anti-depressants)? I haven't raised these issues with my GP, because I feel like if I mention the symptoms above, I will be prescribed anti-depressants, which you have to take every single day. I can't take the pill anymore, unfortunately. All of my PCOS symptoms have become worse over the last year, since I came off of the pill. I didn't find out I had it until then.

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    hi, are you still having this premenstrulation emotional depressive syndrome? I had it 8 years back, which I got so emotional and depressed for about half times of a month, and it went on for sometimes until my O&G friend pointed out that it could be related to hormone unbalance either during ovulation or postmenstrualation. My syndrome is more of like I got really depressed during ovulation, and the it turns into irritation during menstrualation, and then back again to anxiety and depressive symptoms. By knowing when will it strucks, it helps me to accept myself, my anger, and my powerlessness. I found that acceptance helped me to grow out of it. I didn't go for any counseling nor seeing any psychiatrist for this. I remember that  If I need to sleep, I slept the whole day off, and knowing that it was a mere transition, when I can't afford to put my attention to works I needed to do, I just drunk myself with things that I can put my hands on that day, and often I find that after a while (probably 2~3 days) I can put myself back to the work that I need to do. It was easier for me back then because I was a student and staying alone. I hope that this help. 

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    I have been experiencing simptoms of depression as a part of my PMS couple of days before period, sadness, and severe headache exactly three days before my periods. ..

    I know hormones are very powerful. They can turn man to a women and oposite smile. Unfortunately, I had a clinical depression couple of years ago, which was situational.My nervous sistem was already weak, I didn't have a strength to cope with stress.

    I am off antidepressants, but I am taking herbal remedies, St Johns, and it helps.

    The last two months, I have started to notice that during my ovulation week I become confused, as if I was high, irritable, I speak my mind to the point of hearting other people's feelings,..

    That feeling of confusion makes me worried, I regret saying things. I am afraid I'll loose my mind.

    Last month it lasted a day.

    I'm in my mid forties, and worried it will get worse in menopause, and later. Or emotions stabilize after menopause?

    Anyone with similar experience?

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    I relate to the nuttiness during ovulation. The feeling lonely but feeling so irritable I want to avoid people, feeling worse about myself then, feeling frustrated in general, feeling frustrated I'm not being as productive.

    I'm yet to find appropriate treatment and recognition of my hormones being out of whack. So far only this new Naturopath has sent me for a bunch of tests and is saying things are out of whack hormonally, but I haven't seen her in a while as it gets expensive going to Naturoapths.

    I think the older I get the more I notice things are cyclical in terms of mood swings.

    I also don't want to take any meds for this, I want to fix it naturally not stick a band aid on it.

    I've also struggled with anxiety for years, and I feel like when I start to feel good about mindfullness practice or meditating, my hormones take a dip downwards, and all my awarenss practice feels utterly futile to deal with this internal imbalance.

    I'm also less motivated to exercise or even eat properly during this time as I'm so irritable, I kind of lose my appetite and don't eat till I have to. I know that's not helping, but yeah, stuff seems bland around this time.

    I tried to learn something today and I lost my patience with it today completely. I think it might be worse on the day I can feel my ovary actually crampy.

  • Posted

    Hi. I got an account just to reply to your post. I googled a few words and this is the first thing that came up. It's like I could have written it! It's good to know I am not alone. I am 46 years old and have had PCOS in the past but for many years now my periods have been fairly regular. I have begun to notice a pattern or a drop in the way that I feel and I've pinned it down to around when I ovulate. It's like night and day for me. Just a week ago, I was happy, smiling, felt great, good mood, etc.. and today and yesterday it's like my world is crashing down. Have had trouble sleeping which is one of the first things I've noticed. Last night, I knew I would have trouble again so I took a melatonin like I usually do and it still took me another 2 hours to fall asleep. I am not interested in going on any kind of drugs either. Have you found any solutions?? I had my gall bladder out 3 years ago and I'm wondering if that might have anything to do with it. I take vitamin B12 which seems to help when I am not "dropping"???

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      Well I feel like only naturopaths in the past 2 or 3yrs are even acknowledging my hormones are off. Before that nobody was! And I spent at least 18 months on herbs that were supposed to help my hormones and my severe period pain. But they didn't work.

      This newish naturopath has a different approach, but so far every natural thing I've been on hasn't helped. I went to one doctor that acknowledged some stuff was off, but she said she didn't know how to help me.

      I've discovered l-tryptophan, so that's worked way better on me than melatonin, for the sleeping. It's a precursor to melatonin and serotonin, something like that. I got it off a US site even though I'm in Australia.

      So yeah, the journey continues.

      Food can greatly affect my moods. I'm lactose intolerant so that's already all out. But I'm also very sensitive to caffeine and sugar, that excasberate as any moodiness, anxiety and even sugar lows the next day! So I'd recommend not binging on high sugar chocolate to pick your mood up, or at least noticing if you feel better without it, coz I paid the price of a massive sugar drop next day and I felt anxious and depressed all day!

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      ooops I got confused with the email I read, i thought the website said you replied to my post. Ignore my post if you wish, unless you find anything helpful there.
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    I just have to say that I disagree that antidepressants are the answer for PCOS. I had a "friend" once that I confided in and she insisted that I get on them. I started taking effexor by a so called Dr. who put me on a seriously high dosage and then wanted me to make regular monthly payments to him in order to remain as his patient. Be careful who you trust. I started taking the Effexor for depression and I did notice that I could not cry. It was as if my tear ducts had dried up and it was impossible, but not only that I felt completely emotionless and I could not find any passion in my marriage either. It was as if ALL of my senses were dead but I could still function robotically. The thing is is I could still feel sadness and hopelessness. I still was depressed and unhappy on antidepressants and even worse I now felt unloved because the ones I thought really cared about me were the ones who insisted I get on teh antidepressants. I then felt like they just wanted to shut me up so they could tolerate me. It was worse than just being depressed. It took lots of expensive bottles of a natural juice called Mona Vie to ween me off the medication and even then I had to reduce the dosage everyday but the headaches were intense. Eventually I was off of it but I was back at square one. My life has not gotten better I just know where it stems from and I deal with it now, whether that means I cry and read depressing things or write or however I deal I just do. But one thing I don't do anymore is confide in anyone.

  • Posted

    This is exactly me! I haven't found a solution but I am definitley not going to take anti depressant or any other medication. 

    I documented my moods with my cycle and for the first two weeks, when I have my period and the week after i'm fine, then ovulation hits and I cry! Things that bothered me that I wasn't crying about but were annoying me on the surface all of a sudden make me cry and I can't contain my mood about it, I ususally have to tell the person who's offended me or lash out etc for that one or two moment in the month.  Which screw up relationships with people for a period of time.  Thankfully its only happened once where I haven't been able to contain myself. I intend to just avoid people during this time, keep to myself. I try to improve my diet to improve my moods, but at the end of the day its just a chemical reaction going on in your body.  I'm trying to control my initial reactions thing, in an attempt to preserve myself. 

    However yes all other times I'm happy, content, independent. I'll let you know if I come across anything. In regards to flying, I think I'm going to seek some valium for that though from my GP or something, because it's just a whole other ball park of anxiety which when you'r up in the air, diet and changing your thinking lose out. 

    All the best. looking forward to hear any tips you have re: getting it all under control. I'll let you know if i have any progress too smile

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      contain myself with a non family member, who wouldn't understand a thing.

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    I don't have PCOS but I do relate to all the symptoms around the time I ovulate.

    I took the mini-pill for years and never had any symptoms like this, then when I came off it I noticed really horrible low periods. Then suddenly they stopped, it was only a month later I realised I was pregnant. For me, both being on the pill and being pregnant, although different hormones, at least gave a flattening out of hormones and that seemed to help. I've now had my son and I've restarted the pill because I noticed it coming back. Might be worth a shot

  • Posted

    Wow! You have just described my life. Yes, it is getting worst the older I become. I am 47. Actually, I only have about 2 - 3 good days during the entire month. I have PMS symptoms before and during my period. I have major major PMS before and during ovulation. And now I also have anxiety. Feel like I am literally freaking out. I have noticed when I exercise, keep my weight down, stay active, be positive in any and all situations, eat healthy (staying away from all restaurant food), drink plenty of water and stay focused on whatever Im doing, I do get some relief. I have also learned Im unnecessarily stressing annd probably making my situation worst. Just trying praying and hoping I can make it to menopause.
  • Posted

    I haven't been diagnosed with PCOS, but I do experience what you describe, mostly during ovulation. I just turned 40 and it seems to worsen with age. I notice it all started for me when I had the Mirena placed. It's awful! This month has been worse due to stress in my life. I use essential oils to help. I also have a supportive husband thats helpful too. I notice, living in Iowa it's also worse for me in the cold dreary months. This spring, before the warmer weather and sun showed back up, I tried taking vitamin D. I am also trying to find the motivation to exercise regularly as that seems to help too. I've had somersther scary reactions to antidepressants, so I really don't want to take those either. It's truly been helpful just to read this post to know I'm not alone. Now, if we just lived near each other to be able to support each other through these miserable times!

    • Posted

      Hi Jamie! I'm new to this thread but since your post is recent I thought I would respond to you because you might actually see this!

      I had a similar issue where I was on a bc pill and stop taking it cold turkey. One month later my life fell apart! I was a generally happy person that overcame many obstacles in my life...and after I stopped taking the pill I fell into what I call a deep depression...even had thoughts of dying. To the women that read was a tough road for me and im still not fully back to my normal self. Not sure if I ever will be. I think once you experience depression or anxiety...unless you figure out how to rewire your will probably have a trigger that can pull you back into that hole.

      I was asked by my obgyn if I would consider going back on the pill to help alleviate my systems...I said heck no. My doctor tried putting me on anti depressants...I turned those down too.

      I went to a chiropractor that specializes in holistic health and he was able to get me back to good health. Birth control eats away your B6 and other crucial vitamins and mineral so that alone could be contributing to mood swings...just a simple vitamin deficiency. Also check your gut health! Most of your seratonin is stored in your if you have any digestive issues that could be linked to your mood as well.

      One thing I would tell everyone to look into is depravation tanks! Flotation therapy...please do some research on how important and amazing magnesium is for your body. These tanks have helped people battling anxiety and depression so much...and magnesium is my go to anti-anxiety "med" wink

      Good luck everybody! Find yourself a good holistic doctor that will help heal whats wrong with your body not just mask the symptoms.

      What works for one person may not work for all...but these things helped me a great deal.

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      Thanks for responding! I did see it!

      So, I work as a therapist and often refer patients to float tanks. I have really need to find the time to do that. Also massage would be helpful!

      I also struggle with gluten issues. When I eat gluten accidentally I will notice a difference in my mood from that.

      BUT what I was experiencing a few days ago seems to happene each month during ovulation time. I'm wondering if other women experience this?

  • Posted

    Hi, just wanted to chime in to say what's been of help for me.

    Even if an old thread, I assume it may help others as there seems to be no cure in sight for the pcos misery. I've had it all my life and get severe irritability around ovulation, and then severe anxiety around menstruation. Not fun. I also get side effects from both birth control and depression medication, so they are not an option.

    Long walks around a quiet neighbourhood help to lower stress levels and anxiety. Every day, no cheating. Bring an ipod.

    Walks in a park or somehere in nature are also helpful.

    Moderate (not excessive) exercise help keep energy levels up and combat fatigue. Leslie sansone has been a great help to me, google her workouts.

    'Gaba' supplement helps with sleep, magnesium as well before bedtime. I don't take magnesium all the time, it sometimes makes me drowsy. Gaba can also be taken during the day if anxiety gets really bad.

    Inositol supplement helps keep periods regular.

    Vitamin D helps with really low moods.

    I avoid coffee and dairy like the plague, they are the Devil. Alcohol is fine in moderation. Beer actually seems to help my moods, I suspect it might support estrogen levels.

    This is not a perfect regime and I am sometimes poor at sticking to it, but when I do it makes a difference.

    I have yet to try acupuncture but I am thinking about it.

    I have had one miscarriage and still hoping to conceive again despite all this mess. I wish you all peace and love and hope you find relief.

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