Bowel habits - is it normal?
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Hi ladies
I need to know, if change in bowel habits is normal during perimenopause...
I used to go once a day and with normal stools - only with changes during my period and ovulation. But now it can be all over the place. 1-3 times a day and a variety from diarrhrea to hard stools.
I have several other symptoms of perimenopause - no doubt I'm going through that fase. I am 47.
- Troldepus
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Shana_P Troldepus71
yes I have been going through the same thing. I was going 3 times a day and now not even going every day!!! Don't know how to regulate it!!!
NannaNicola Troldepus71
Hi there
I have had a complete change in my bowel habits, I used to go every day but for the last 3/4 years since I began perimenopause I now can't go at all without "help"
I get horrendous constipation and need Lactulose to move things. I think it's part of the hormonal changes but if you're worried check with your GP
The battery of symptoms we get is ever growing and it's hard to know what's normal and what's not isn't it!
ImagineOneDay NannaNicola
Hi NanaNicola, can.I ask you what dose of lactulose you use please? Thank you
alison_94436 Troldepus71
My experience is that bowel movements do change
I have experienced some very uncomfortable moments, loose & uncontrolable episodes.
between the age of 42 and 53
I began a new regime 3+ years ago that helped massively
hope that reassures you
ImagineOneDay alison_94436
Alison, do you mind sharing that regime with us? Perhaps it can help some of us? Thank you
alison_94436 ImagineOneDay
Of course
I had got to a stage where all my symptoms were coming all at once, as I'm sure some on here have experienced.
I had become a couch dweller. I had pains in my arms, feet, hips, I had the runs on occasion.
A friend suggested that I start drinking aloevera gel and taking bee pollen, I got my energy back almost immeadiately & over the weeks & months I noticed that the aches & pains had stopped. I have added a couple more items to that small list over the 3 years but honestly it has got me through. Thats my experience. Hope it helps
kim35797 Troldepus71
Omg this is just how i have been like i went to see my Gp who has said the same hormones are alot to do with it ,
ImagineOneDay Troldepus71
I think it is to do with hormonal changes. I suffered from constipation during pregnancy due to hormon changes. Now it seems to be the same... not very pleasant. I will have to have my coffee every morning to have some movement. Otherwise nothing will come out. Ouch! 😦
kelly55079 Troldepus71
Have you tried magnesium at night? This helps me. OR if I eat a lot of apples and salads, I have no problem.
staci88515 Troldepus71
I have the exact opposite problem...every 3-4 DAYS if I am lucky.
sharcerv52408 Troldepus71
Hi Troldepus,
Yes it is very common to have bowel habit changes during peri. I was like you, I only went once a day with normal stool until peri hit. Now it's constipation some days, loose stools the next, gassy, bloating, etc. The constant fluctuations in our hormones causes this since a lot of the receptor sites for estrogen and progesterone are in the GI tract. Hope this helps. T
amanda59745 Troldepus71
I am exactly the same apparently hormones estrogen has an effect on bowels i have read somewhere xxx
tracy43395 Troldepus71
I have digestive problems, food sensitivity, hypersensitivity to light and smells. Vertigo, migraines, joint pain, visual disturbances, palpitations, the list goes on. I think we can assume that hormones can cause problems almost anywhere in the body. Pity doctors don't think the same.
I hope your symptoms ease soon, I've been having mine for 5 years, since my hysterectomy.
eleonora0422 Troldepus71
hi Tracy
I have been in meno for 8 years. I have so many symptoms just like u. some days I feel so sick not able to get out of bed till afternoon. ibs flare up is latest but worst is feeling of malaise every day on and off. Bioidentical hormones not doing much. I am very miserable.
sn21848 eleonora0422
My exact words to my gyno doctor. He really can't do much for me now because on or off HRT I'm still pretty miserable. Being in menopause and post menopause for 10 years my life has gone on hold. The fatigue is unbearable.