bowel movements !

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hey guys n gals me again! always open for a chat if anyones feeling down n out, like ill listen to your problems if you can listen to mine smile anyway this is about bowel movements which i know is pretty grim. im 22 and im consumed by health anxiety day in day out. just wamdered if anyone else suffers with, how shall i say.. odd poop? sorry i know its grim just i feel as tho my poop can vary during the day be it what id class as 'normal' looking poop to a lot softer poop. anyone get this? sorry to be gross ! peace and love

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17 Replies

  • Posted

    There is nothing to be ashamed of with talking about poop. It's a natural thing and it can be a indicator of what's happening inside. 

    Poop can change consistency for a number of reason from diet to physical. I have noticed that if I have a bad anxiety day mine can go from been formed to not pretty quick. After eating, on a bad day, I can find that I need the toilet for a poop within 10 min of eating. 

    My GP thinks I may have a touch of irritable bowel that is made worse when I have a anxiety attack. Go see your GP and get it checked out. A stool sample might be required to rule out a bug in your gut. Lay off any spicy food for a bit and see of that helps too. 

    You are certainly not alone in your pooping habits with anxiety. 

    • Posted

      cheers for the reply means a lot! 

      too many people are embarassed to talk about poop! i work with a dude who been pretty sick in his time and if i ever need to talk about poop i go to him lol

      i dont have the best of diets to be fair like my body is no temple!! its nice to know someone else feels the same tho! like even if im not worrying about something which is a rare occurance but even when im not im obviously subconciously anxious and my poops ugly still!

      this morning was fine.. but as day went on it become a lot softer and real smelly. been 4 times today! i think 2-3 is normal for me 

  • Posted

    Poop poop poop poop! 

    Now that's out the way, I'm kinda the same too! When I'm really anxious, or in the few days leading up to something I'll have softer poop, or if it's really bad anxiety I'll have diarrhea. Sounds silly, but I feel proud of myself/my body when I have a normal poop because it's kind of like a sign to me that I'm not feeling as anxious. It's like I look to my poop for reassurance haha.

    .. I've never said poop so many times in a paragraph haha!

    • Posted

      dude thats a great reply!! i totally feel that . like im obsessed with checking out my poop. and im not ashamed to admit that purely because were all as messed up and helpless as eachother on here! LOL im glad people feel the same as me! isnt it strange that our shared flaws provide comfort! 
    • Posted

      thanks buddy! it's strange but suprisingly funny haha. your comment has made me smile - makes me feel somewhat normal! bet all those unanxious people don't have these exciting conversations haha wink 
  • Posted

    I'm 24 and suffer from stress induced IBS, this means that when i get stressed I get a very upset tummy. With having anxiety as well you can imagine I get stressed a lot and then I get more stressed because I have an upset tummy.

    I recently started a new job which involves driving people round (so not always next to a toilet) and brain decided the best way to deal with this was to make me stop eating so I wouldn't need to poo. Needless to say it was my third day at my new job yesterday and I was there for half an hour before I collapsed and was taken to hospital.

    I hate my brain.

    • Posted

      thats pretty heavy like makes me feel like i shouldnt b moaning! im so sorry to ehar that you have that much of a proble with IBS.. have you seen anyone about this??
    • Posted

      Any issue that it upsetting you is never moaning when you talk about it, other wise how would you ever find a solution for it.

      I have talked to many different people about it and they never really give me a solution. I have been to counselling which works for a little bit but then I slip up again. I even trained as a counsellor to try and help my self.

    • Posted

      Exactly! It's not moaning if you have issues and need to get them aired. smile And everyone's problems are different but it doesn't mean that they don't all effect us in the same way. 
    • Posted

      Bowel movements can be a sign of what's happening in the body. If the subject of bowel movements bothers you then don't engage in the topic. Simple as. wink

      It's a bit of a sh*tty topic to some but not everyone smile 

    • Posted

      That's not nice people on her do suffer from these problems even to the point were it scares them to even go if u don't like the way we speak on here leave the discussion people need to get things like this off there chest because the way anxiety works  
    • Posted

      How can you tell say that people are insulting you when you came on here and basically insulted all of us? For someone with ibs their bowels movements are important.

      Did you know that you are a higher risk of bowel cancer with ibs? Or needing a colostomy bag? Its not as simple as what goes in must come out. Of course colour matters, if you were pooing red I'm guessing you would go to the doctors?

      This forum is for helping others and swapping stories so people don't feel alone, if you have nothing helpful or respectful to say then go away.

  • Posted

    I have deleted the posts above that were getting personal/off topic. In cases like this, whether the disagreement was due to a misunderstanding or otherwise, please do not get involved in arguments but use the "Report" link to draw it to my attention or send me a Private Message. If you do not like or agree with a discussion's topic then just do not post in it and leave it to users who do wish to discuss the subject. There is a Help section here which includes FAQs on messages, contacting me etc.



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