bowel movements !

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hey guys n gals me again! always open for a chat if anyones feeling down n out, like ill listen to your problems if you can listen to mine smile anyway this is about bowel movements which i know is pretty grim. im 22 and im consumed by health anxiety day in day out. just wamdered if anyone else suffers with, how shall i say.. odd poop? sorry i know its grim just i feel as tho my poop can vary during the day be it what id class as 'normal' looking poop to a lot softer poop. anyone get this? sorry to be gross ! peace and love

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17 Replies

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    Hi. I know this can conversation is from like 3 years ago but just wondering if anybody still has the same problems?

    I have had anxiety since I was 18....I'm now 31 and it is pretty exhausting getting through every day putting on a mask to my 3 children (7,4 and 4 months) 

    I suffered terribly at the start with panic attacks etc then I had anxiety about having them, then my anxiety resulted in the physical symptoms of feeling sick, needing to rush to the toilet and it just went from there really. Now all these years later, I still get the attacks however I can manage them slightly better but the toilet issues have just taken over my whole world really as dramatic as that may sound.

    I seem to not find anybody to relate to as sadly I'm the only person who seems to suffer with it that I know of.

    I guess it's made me hate going out and really anti social.

    Anybody to talk to would be great that's all 😕😔😌

    • Posted

      this is me totally... and I know you posted this three years ago but hoping you might see and respond. I'm 31 and it's really taking over my life 😦

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