Brain fog

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Hi all

Does anyone suffer with brain fog - i’m Having real issues with my memory and concentration. 

I am already taking extra vitamin b tablets but am struggling to remember what 1+1 is!

Any help would be really appreciated. 

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20 Replies

  • Posted

    Yes I have that most day , detached feeling I started on Vit D and B12 ... advised this would help . Think we would try anything .. 

    Looking towards better days 💕

  • Posted


    Yes, terrible brain fog caused by insomnia!

    Memory so-so, bit flaky, but I just don’t feel my usual happy self! Life becomes an effort. 

    I, too, take all sorts of supplements but it’s the sleep problem for me. 

    Good luck

  • Posted

    Hi there, yes brain fog or 'senior moments' as my men call them are very common with menopause no matter what stage you are at. Strangely since being on hrt I've had much less fuzzyness in my head and have been able to think quite clearly but its taken 4 months for the hrt to kick in properly so nothing is a quick fix. With the b vits you are taking make sure it is a high strength b complex that you take to help you. I take one which disolves in water to make an orange drink and then I use it to swallow my other meds! It is something that will eventually settle when the body becomes used to the reduced hormones. Also look at a high strength meno vitamin supplement to back up the b complex. Hope you find this useful. XXX

    • Posted

      Hi Tina

      Thanks will do - but my other problem is i’m Seem to be allergic to slot of tablets. 

      All of this is okay but there are days like this week when things get me down. 

      I work in finance so this us just not helping  - could do with just crawling under a stone and coming back out in ten years. 

    • Posted

      I just can’t help but look at my friends  and feel envious they are still having a Happy go lucky  life and don’t seem to be suffering with their age .  They are confident and enjoy going out , all the things i dread now and can’t seem to enjoy 


    • Posted

      I know how you feel hun I think there are times when all of us ladies on here suffering with this would like to hibernate and come out only when its over! Sadly what we have to do is try our best to manage the symptoms and cope as best we can. I am difficult to prescribe drugs for but my dr always manages to find something to help me. I'm either allergic or immune or the stuff clashes with my other meds so I am very hard to prescribe for. I am on hrt although in an at risk group as my symptoms were so extreme and so many of them. I take a high strength meno vitamin supplement, Vit D, Vit B complex, folic acid, valerian and diazepam and that little lot just a b out holds me together. We all have our good days and bad days with this process just know that there is always someone here for you. XXX

    • Posted

      I'm so sorry, Clare. I felt like that for so long, too. Everything made me panicky and overwhelmed. Some days I couldn't even make dinner for my family because of the brain fog, lack of energy, and just feeling overwhelmed.

      A real low point was when I was on the floor on my knees in a heap, just crying my eyes out and blubbering, " I take care of EVERYONE and nobody takes care of ME!!!" 

      Of course that's not entirely true, it's just how I was feeling. My husband and daughter are very helpful people. I'm NOT a super emotional person. Some would say I'm even stoic.

      I saw my midwife recently and she encouraged me that, although this goes on for several years before actual menopause, it DOES plateau. Things will even out. Just be prepared for another dip. For that, I hope you find some effective coping strategies, meds, and vitamins. My midwife suggested vitamin D3, which is super helpful in mood regulation, and most people ARE at least a little deficient, especially if you live in a place far from the equator that doesn't get much sun.

      Hope you feel better soon!!!

    • Posted

      Hi thanks for caring ! 

      Only symptom today is brain fog , even managed to go for cake and coffee with my friend which was really nice BUT all the time I’m sitting in anxious waiting for my dizzy feeling or racing heart , it’s awful I just can’t feel normal again and just constantly worry or dread everything I do .... 


    • Posted

      Hi Clare, I wish I could go for a coffee and cake.with my friends I think the minute I land there my heart would start pounding and I would leave terrible time of anyone lives and yes don't feel normal but they say it's all normal try not think about it I trying all I can, I cook and do as much as I can but can be over powering do you find that happening I don't know how we make it day to day I guess God is in control

    • Posted

      I was 6 weeks without going out the house except to the doctors, I didn’t drive for weeks either . So that was so out of my comfort zone as well . I told my friend I can’t plan a coffee and chat as I have to wait and see how I am when I wake up . Awful isn’t it . 
    • Posted

      Clare yes I understand that too,I look at people and wonder they probaly on HRT a lot of them they don't tell nobody..I have a friend play she does not know anything no support from her at all..but at least I have other friends that are supporting and tell me it will be over one day

  • Posted

    Hi there... Oh at times I think I have the signs of dementia...

    Yes I suffer with memory and awful disorientation at times... Check out the 66 symptoms of the menopause posted to this site... It is a search for it.. Hope this helps. You are not alone in this. Ck

  • Posted

    Oh yes sometimes I freak out and think I have Alzheimer's. Last night after a very long and busy day at work I had a lot of errands to run. I know I bought some honey, I buy a particular brand at a particular store and that's all I bought at that store, I looked for it this morning and couldn't find it. The other day I found my hairbrush on a shelf in another room and I don't remember putting it there. I wonder sometimes if the antidepressant is causing this but, it doesn't happen often. This sounds crazy but, I realized I was probably dehydrated. Because my day was thrown out of wack, I didn't get my normal amount of water intake. Water is an amazing thing.  I do take a Multivitamin called ALIVE! Women's 50 plus. I do think that helps and prayer(which I should have said first).

  • Posted

    Hi yes sometimes I have that too.but you would only hope it get better can you concentrate on the tv without thinking about yourself 
    • Posted

      No all the time I am watching TV I am constantly thinking about myself and what’s that’s  ache , feeling or my racing heart . I have wore a Fitbit for over two years now and it gives you your heart rate so I am constantly checking that . 


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      I watch to but it’s like i’m Looking through it rather than watching it! If anyone asked me what I was watching I would have no idea . My memory really worries me - how can I keep on working in this state? 

    • Posted

      What is a heart is quiet unti I get upset or can't sleep at night I hear it maybe because it's bed time and I'm alone and the mind wouldn't settle down

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