Brain fog

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Anybody else out there feel like they have lost there mind. I know the brain changes as we get older,but at 50 this is ridiculous. Forgetting names, and walking into a room forgetting what you were going to do. What's your story?

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23 Replies

  • Posted

    Yes, I'm 47 and have had this for a while.  On top of dealing with other symptoms, it makes things awkward at work.

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    Thanks for all responses. I think we all have a lot going on in our lives and this doesn't help. I always think , what is wrong with me? Then with your health anxiety you think dementia of Alzheimer's.

    • Posted

      Heavens, yesss!!! Health anxiety can find a disease for any symptom!!!
  • Posted

    Hi Michelle... You can see the replies... Oh I'm terrible...I feel I've got the start of demensia... I I also remember where I left things in my home and so frustrating... But no point in worrying as I know it is just part of the course... You are not alone... Hang tight and keep checking in here for support.. CK

  • Posted

    There was a discount for expensive bras in a department store (I got an SMS). I planned the trip the whole week. I wanted to spend a nice day shopping , get those luxury bras, etc. On Sunday I went there, and when I reached the shop I COULD NOT remember why I was there!  So that is my brain fog. 

    (I did some other shopping and on my way home I remembered!)

  • Posted

    I'm 43 and have this on a regular basis! It can be very frustrating and upsetting at times.

    I now fully understand what my mum went through!

  • Posted

    Yes! I feel so dumb anymore. I forget why I walked into the next room all the time. I forget things at work that I do on a daily basis. Some days I feel like i’m In a total fog!
  • Posted

    This sounds like me, although I think mine was caused by super heavy continuous bleeding which lasted 3.5 months and only stopped after a recent visit to A&E. That and the fact that I've cut out coffee.


    Not sure what the answer is but hang in there and hopefully it will pass as meno passes. I was thinking about that today actually, it feels a bit like 'baby brain' after you've given birth and you don't know what planet you are on! I am a maths teacher too and normally have very sharp brain. I am the go to person when it comes to harder stuff. This has not been affected but I have just spent 10 mins trying to remember did I take my last iron pill and couldn't remember for the life of me.

    Hopefully we will get through this stuff together ladies, it is so horrible.

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