Brain fog....memory loss....
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Hi, please can anyone share their experiences of the above. I am really worried now, that what I am experiencing may not be hormone related at all and may be something more concerning. Today I had 5 incidents of really worrying short term memory loss which is really frightening me now in case it could be early dementia or something. I dont feel myself at all. It all started in September with feeling really weird and spaced out. After a few weeks this seemed to improve slightly, but am now back to feeling really strange again. I called a friend by the wrong name today, couldn't remember which was the headlight dial in the works vehicle...which I drive every single day, literally couldn't recall having taken a plate out to the kitchen like 1 minute previously. Went to the loo, then went to get my plate to take to the kitchen. My friend said "you just took it out". Now I just feel really frightened what is happening :-((((
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Toddpodd Bubbins
Take care....
annieschaefer Bubbins
I've had incidences like what you describe and it scares me too. There is a lot about Part of it may be that we all do have quite a bit on our minds and when the hormones go wacky, it does create these types of moments. Like you, mine seems to get bad then improve, much like my overall mood-very cyclical. I am seeing a new physician on Monday, as this whole nonsense has me really sad lately. Tired of feeling so out of sorts. Not sure I'm much help to you, but I do understand.
Annie xx
Trevis Bubbins
val50972 Bubbins
angela35947 Bubbins
The hubby and I always have a chuckle when it happens, he just keeps telling me 'you'll go in a home if you keep that up mind'
Keep your chin up hun it'll pass xx
loretta63638 Bubbins
I too have had this it has been on again and then ok, more off than on!!! I just tried logging on 4 times could not remember my password!!! Had to have them send me a link, it happens alot, and I am on here all the time! I called my girlfriend and asked her if she thought I had Alzhiemer's, my mom passed from it I am so frightened by it. I can never find my cell phone when I just used it, I stop in the middle of my sentences and loose my train of thought, I know people and call them by the wrong names, it is scary, but it is all part of this change, I am weaning off HRT and I think that is making it worse, was so bad on it full dose! But it is scary, very! I even looked into a website called luminosity to help with memory and cognitive skills, too keep my mind , can I even say sharp??? Take care and try not to dwell as others have stated this to shall pass! I hope so, here is to remembering in 2015!!! xo
BellaRubia Bubbins
debwestmids Bubbins
Queeny55 Bubbins
anxiousface Bubbins
was. PLEASE dont get sad cos you'll make yourself worse believe me i'v been there and it will get better. sending you a comforting hug x
debwestmids anxiousface