Brain fog....what actually causes it.....?

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Can anyone tell me please what actually causes this?  Other than reading that low oestrogen affects the chemicals in the brain, I have no idea.  Also, when people describe this "brain fog", can they describe how that actually feels?  I just want to know if I am experiencing the same thing......? X

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24 Replies

  • Posted

    hi Bubbins 

    exactly that.. Declining hormones ..

    Hormonal shifts at menopause can throw you off your mental game. 

    The reason: There are loads of estrogen receptors in areas of the brain (like the frontal lobe) that control working memory. 

    When there is less estrogen to turn these receptors on, memory degrades until the receptors adjust.

    With the fluctuations of menopause, the receptors often cannot adjust fast enough, and you forget your next intended move or thing to do..

    Up to two-thirds of women report forgetfulness and other mental hiccups at this time. 

    ​Things often improve once the wild hormone swings stop, but plenty of other factors like sleep, diet and how often you exercise can help.

    100mg of B6 will help and other supplements..

    jay xx

    • Posted

      Another great post, great content and easily understood. 

      Thanks hun

  • Posted

    Thanks, but how long will this last?  This I seriously affecting my work and it mustn't.  Plus, I barely feel safe to drive :-(   Have been taking the vit b's for a week now, but can't tell any difference :-( x
    • Posted

      hi bubbins

      no one knows ... Mine was for quite a while and i still have days where i cant think what on earth i was going to say.. 

      On the good side .. I find it quite handy .. When some mind numbingly boring is going on about something of absolutely no interest ... Then i admit i have brain fog day ( as a excuse ) 😃...

      when i had brain fog, i use to not really listen to people ... It was like a blank brain... Not taking it in.... 

      Also remembering things ... Even now i write a list or a post it note so i dont forget.. 

      Yesterday i laughed as i went to a new dentists and they asked me my address... Well.... Brain fog real crept in... I thought ' hell what is my address' hahahaha

      just go with it ... dont worry about it ..

      jay xx

      jay xx

    • Posted

      Hi, just feel really upset at how it is affecting my life.  Like I am just surviving rather than living.  And two weeks ago, everything was so different.  Gutted :-( x
    • Posted

      hi Bubbins

      well i wasnt like that daily ... Erratic hormones in peri up and down, so it varied with me, wasnt like it 24/7 ..

      i am post menopause now hun... 

      My hormones are depleted ... Declined as nature intended ....

      you will be fine, don't dwell on it ... 

      jay xx

    • Posted

      Maybe I've got something different then.  Mine is pretty much constant.  I,m not dwelling on it, just hard to ignore as I feel so crap x
    • Posted

      Hi hun

      well if your concerned go to the docs hun

      jay xx

    • Posted

      Hi dears. Everything goes as menopause hits.  It's the gradual change at old age.  I try to play mind games like sudoku or watch chain reaction on TV to keep things moving.  Like the saying goes...don't use lose it.  I don't have brain fogs dears i have hurricanes lol
    • Posted

      Hi Bubbins

      how are you today ..

      hope your feeling abit brighter ..

      i was thinking about you saying you had Prolactinoma .. Maybe this could make you feel different symptoms ... ..

      hope your feeling brighter today

      jay xx

    • Posted

      Hi there, yes maybe, I'm not really sure as I don't know enough about it.   Doc says to book in to see her after my holiday as she wants to monitor it.  Am not too bad today....I managed to survive the shopping mall, despite anxiety stuff.  I have never ever suffered from this before.  went to holland n Barrett and got the bits you suggested, so thankyou.  Now having a glass, or two of vino.  Thankyou for thinking of me.  I hope you are having a good weekend xx
    • Posted

      Hi Hun

      yes you have a good weekend too...

      jay xx

  • Posted

     oh dear bubbins you sound really upset, i know the brain fog is horrendous, i can be reading something but then realise iv not taken any of it in and have to start again, i'm forgetting what i'm saying half way through a sentence, i've got that i don't talk to people as much i avoid them. I feel like my heads full of cotton wool. If i don't write things down on a post it note at work I'll forget it.  I've also noticed i've become really clumsey which i never was before and im off balance.  Try not to get to upset about it hopefully it will pass soon but i think your over thinking as i did when it all began.  try and do something to occupy your mind.  sending you one of my clumsey hug x 
  • Posted

    More hugs from me!

    Suffering with it all day today, had two meetings and I'll be blowed if I can remember what was said in most of them. I have action points to deal with and it's only becuase I made notes all the way through I have hope of dealing with them.

    I absolutely understand the driving thing too, most days I do about 200 miles sad

    B6 is helping and have decided to up the dose again.

    Don't get over worried about it as I think that makes it worse and I've given myself anxiety attacks over it.


  • Posted

    Thanks all x

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