Brain fog....what actually causes it.....?
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Can anyone tell me please what actually causes this? Other than reading that low oestrogen affects the chemicals in the brain, I have no idea. Also, when people describe this "brain fog", can they describe how that actually feels? I just want to know if I am experiencing the same thing......? X
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annieschaefer Bubbins
I understand how this is a very worrisome feeling. It scared the heck out of me when it first started happening last winter. I used to have an incredible memory and right now it seems as though I really have to fight to pay attention to even the simplest of conversations. Forget remembering names of people I meet now. It's almost embarrassing when not a few minutes after initial introductions I find myself politely asking for whomever to say their name again, good grief, as I have seemed to forgotten it. Thankfully the majority of times this happens is with other woman in the same boat, and usually I'll get that familiar smile as if to say, "I understand". It passes, so I am told, but I am impatient, and really dislike this phase, like others.
Sending you hugs and hoping you will be able to find some peace of mind this weekend.
Annie (((())))
Bubbins annieschaefer
annieschaefer Bubbins
To me it feels like someone flipped a switch and I went from feeling youthful and together to senile and decrepit overnight! And like you, I am still working and can't afford to make any errors at all, so I am constantly checking and double checking my work these days.
As I say-from friends that have already weathered this storm, it does all pass, eventually, to an acceptable degree. xx
Bubbins annieschaefer
HotDot7 Bubbins
jayneejay annieschaefer
glad you put ' acceptable degree' as it hasn't all passed for me yet ..
and i am post menopause after a 9-10 peri .. Age 50..
think we all vary dont we ... We all deal with it differently, some accept it and carry on, and some wont and they must find it the hardest..
mine has been a long journey, but cant say i resented it, just went along with it ...
like this morning, i get up and always my ankles feel like they need oiling 😄
but after a few steps and minutes back in to busy routine, its losened up and fogotten about ..
i have to eat little and often or feel faint anyway, so when i make sure thats done, i am fine through the day, no drop in energy and blood sugars and feel okay... Been all trial and error..
Diet is so important,, as also ' we are what we eat' .. We function as good as the fuel we give ourselves to get through the day..
jay xx
annieschaefer jayneejay
It sure has been an interesting journey. I am 56 (had my 1st night sweet at 47) and I am still in peri. A few months back my GYN took bloodwork (unreliable) that suggested full menopause. And at that point, premature as it was, I was sure hoping they were correct. Funny thing about us, as each of us are different, while it looked like for almost a full year I would be over that patch, I have gone back into somewhat regular cycles
. Yet many of the other symptoms are going full speed ahead. The GYN said it happens and not to worry. Ha!
Thank God my husband is incredibly supportive because quite frankly, at the height of the craziness, I could not even stand myself.
I have worked real hard to learn as much as possible how to help myself beyond what the GYN and GP suggest and while I am in no way a 100% ok, I am way better. I really appreciate these forums and being able to learn from you and others, plus there is comfort in knowing we're not alone and others do understand how we feel. And that there really is light at the end of the tunnel. Off to Yoga class now, enjoy your day!
Annie xx
HotDot7 Bubbins