Breast pain

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Any solutions for breast pain? It's so bad it causes panic. I seem to have hot feeling when I get these pains sometimes then other times just comes and goes

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31 Replies

  • Posted


    i am in the same position. My pain is just on one side and I've been to the Doctor who said it was just hormonal and to come back in a fortnight if it hasn't gone.........she hasn't got to live with it!! I can't sleep and my bras are so uncomfortable but worse without support. I am going back to the doc on Wednesday. It will be interesting to see what she suggests. Warm baths help a little and I take paracetamol. Someone suggested nettle tea to help shift some of the trapped water but I haven't tried it yet. Good luck, I know how you are feeling.

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    Evening primrose oil. As simple as that. I take 1000mg per day. Takes a few weeks to get into your system, but it the real deal. I forgot to take it on holiday last year, and I suffered horrible Breast tenderness. Hope you feel better soon. X
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      Thank you I will for sure get that today. It's terrible feels like something stabbing them then of course the other breast bone pain and reflux why??
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      Jackie, you are right it has helped me a LOT.   So, do the Omegas and Flax seed oil three times a day, the lugols iodone is something I am purchasing ASAP
  • Posted

    Misty, you and I must be the same people I was going to post on the SAME thing today. My breast are hurting and they are hot, and I too panic. 
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    Misty, I was online and these are foods that are good for breast health: Iodine rich foods- seaweed, kelp, navy beans, cranberries, salmon.

    Red cabbage





    Sweet Potato


    High-Fiber foods





    Black beans


    • Edited

      I made a huge mistake this evening and drank a glass of ginger wine now not only do my breasts hurt but my stomach smith under the ribs what was I thinking no am so tired of feeling like crap just want to be me again
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      Misty, I know exactly how you feel, coffee does that to me, I was sort of easing a little coffee in now and then, and everything returned as far as tightness, soreness, ect, so its absolutely no coffee, I have not drank for awhile because of my diabetes, but well I take that back I had a beer a month ago, but wine did not cause problems, but its so frustrating that we are now almost hostage to the symptoms of perimenopause, I had the under the ribs pain for about 8 months. 
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      Well as you can see I take relief in reading and writing to those on the blog I'm sitting in the dark because it hurts to lie down the breast bone pain is terrible I bought the primrose last night but afraid to take it which is stupid because it's just a supplement guess I'm afraid of side effects
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      Misty, do NOT feel stupid, we are dealing with so many issues, fears, and anger over what seems like our bodies turning on us. But, with that said Primrose is safe and it will really, really help your breast pain. Along with the Lugols iodine over time, 
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      Thanks I don't to take pills but find myself taking more and more pretty scary stuff we woman have
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      I have high anxiety too, and I often feel like I am taking hundreds of pills. Even though its not hundreds, LOL< i know if i were not taking the herbal stuff i would feel worse.  i="" know="" if="" i="" were="" not="" taking="" the="" herbal="" stuff="" i="" would="" feel="">
    • Posted

      Hi misty

      It caught my attention you breast BONE pain, not breat pain, is that correct?

    • Posted

      I started this morning with primrose cap when I went to bed last night I felt good got up this morning a feeling of gas in my chest and pain I keep hoping one day I will wake up to my old self (if I can remember what that was)

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