Posted , 7 users are following.
Any one have problems with there breasts that last a while am scared to death .. health anxiety through the roof ??
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Posted , 7 users are following.
Any one have problems with there breasts that last a while am scared to death .. health anxiety through the roof ??
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anne29714 Maud12345
Maud12345 anne29714
anne29714 Maud12345
Maud12345 anne29714
tawana68 Maud12345
I’ve been more to the doctor and hospital this past year then I was my whole life . I skipped one period and then the darn thing came back the next month so I never know what to expect . Honestly some days I just want to cry all day over nothing , but I do know it’s my hormones and it will all settle down eventually , Thank god !
I’m 49 abd hope to be in complete menopause by 50 as the doctor says it’s all due to the estrogen changes the body goes through .
What I find helps me a bit is I drink a lot of water daily , I try to not eat oils and carbs , and mainly eat chicken and salads and spinach most days . If I eat like that and then drink lots of water I find my symptoms are easier to deal with . But when I don’t do that , it seems much worse . I would try some changes in your diet and maybe drink lots more water if you don’t already . I hope that helps ya as I know it’s a struggle to deal with the hormone changes . However , if it seems unmanageable , speak to your gynocoligist or GP about trying some meds to help with the changes .the meds seem to work for some people and others they don’t , so the dietary stuff may help more once ya figure out what your body is lacking and what it likes . Talking to other woman about it a lot helps too I find as then I feel not so alone going through this terrible crap . God bless ya and good luck !
Hugs from Canada :-)
anne29714 tawana68
tawana68 anne29714
All my jeans are much snugger in my mid section then they were for like 18 years . It makes me feel very unnatractive and sad , but I do try to remember this is only a faze , it will eventually get better , so I try to keep hope and stay positive . Lots of ya woman are in the same boat trying to swim through this change so to speak ya know ? But I’m so happy to have this website as talking to other woman in these forums helps so much thank god !
I recently went and got a bigger size waist jeans and that was hard to do but they actually look ok . Keep positive dear as ya know what ? This all will balance it’s self out and life will once again feel great and we’ll all be ok once we make it through the hormone changes , were all together through this :-) hugs
anne29714 tawana68
i hope you're right just want to feel normal again. I would be happy if my tummy went back to normal as some women say it will not go flat again!
tawana68 anne29714
I have faith in myself in dealing with this .
I have hope that my body will once again feel normal .
And I believe in my own strength and the help of other woman going through the same or similar changes . We all will make it through this .
Menopause for some woman is easy but not all of us got that lucky and we have to work hard every day to keep that positive additude . :-)
Remember your not alone ! We’re all here together :-) and will one day feel great and normal again .
anne29714 tawana68
tawana68 anne29714
Tomorrow start the day by saying “ I can do this , I am one of many woman who deal with menopausal issues but “ that’s ok and it’s normal .
We’re all gonna do great and feel normal again . Hugs to ya and best wishes always .
anne29714 tawana68
karen77710 Maud12345
karen77710 Maud12345
Guest Maud12345
I do have heavy full feeling breast VERY heavy feeling and sometimes very sore breast! And I posted weeks ago about the brown part getting like a raised thickness red sore feeling the size of a quarter like the thickness you get when you get bit by a wasp or something I was going with out a bras for months and was tucking breast under shirt somehow I may have rubbed raw or got infected somehow NOT sure what happened any ways I used antibiotic cream/ hydrocortisone and antibiotics by mouth I had some left from before I had for my stomach. Anyway its cleared all up ands been fine. I finally found a bra that I can wear and feels comfortable, MY breast have grown bigger every year sometimes they feel so heavy you want to carry them in your hands. Not sure what you are feeling you didn't go into detail but thats my story and issues with breast.