Posted , 16 users are following.
Hi haven't been on for a while but a question for all you lovely ladies out there, do any of you get short of breath with the menopause? Xx
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Posted , 16 users are following.
Hi haven't been on for a while but a question for all you lovely ladies out there, do any of you get short of breath with the menopause? Xx
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Guest karen96096
karen96096 Guest
Hi Suzanne it's worst when it's hot and there's no air xx
Guest karen96096
Musicgeekgrl karen96096
Hey. Back in June, about six weeks ago, I got sudden-onset asthma after not suffering from it since I was 9 years old, and even then it was allergy related. In late May I got sick with a sinus infection that went to tonsillitis and then bacterial pneumonia and then lingering bronchitis, but after numerous pharmaceutical and natural meds, those have cleared. This has also been the most humid and rainiest year I can remember in Georgia. Right now, it's 85 degrees Fahrenheit, but that's not the issue. The humidity is 71%! So, I have an inhaler and I'm stuck with being short of breath a lot. Ugh.
michelle50768 karen96096
I have this awful symptom
I’ve been in peri ten years
Currently 10 months no period
But went 13 last year so nothing surprises me anymore
I’ve had this on and off in peri
Had chest X-ray heart monitor and bloods
Always normal
But lately this is happening every day
I’m even scared to get out of bed and go to work these days
I constantly want to run to the doctor have to stop myself
I too keep thinking it’s my lungs or some disease
This is my 11th year if suffering every symptom in the book
I also get extreme bloating and acid reflux when this happens
So I do think maybe it’s my gerd playing up causing the right chest feeling and short of breath
I cry most days now
I’ve had one period in nearly two years so I can only pray I’m at the worst
The anxiety is just horrendous my mood swings and hot sweats are through the roof
I’m not in HRT but was on an antidepressant for a year for the anxiety
I’m no longer on it
I’m not ruling out going back on it either
I’m 51 this September and I’ve been suffering since 40
My heart goes out to all of you it’s really hard to put all these symptoms down to menopause when secretly you think ur dying
Can’t iffer much advice as to what to do other than take one day at a time read the bible and read positive thinking books x
karen96096 michelle50768
Hi Michelle never thought of putting it down to my acid reflux but yet you could be right. I've also had every symptom going for over 3 years. I'm on hrt patches low dose it dose help a little xx
juanita93228 michelle50768
I am so sorry you are going through all this.
Even though it's not right, I understand in the old days when they used to put women in asylums during menopause, they didn't know what else to do. Surely hormones can be causing all this! But it does! I admit I breezed through peri and had my last period in 2010 and had no post menopausal symptoms until 2014. The symptoms that I have had have gone away in year or less. BUT, I still have the health anxiety and depression sometimes. The health anxiety is the worst. I pray, drink plenty of water, go to the gym three times a week, take a good multivitamin, fish oil, vitamin D3, garlic oil, and magnesium. Get a message, meditate when you can. I hear Mindfulness and Headspace are good ones. I have the apps on my phone.
I can't take HRT because it makes me feel like I've bee run over by a truck, I have a light period, it makes my hair fall out, and it bothers my fibroids. So I take a mild antidepressant called Trazodone. It's a SNRI not a SSRI. The SSRI's were just too strong for me and the side effects you had to go through before you feel better weren't worth me staying on it. My doctor also gave me Valium for the really rough days. Hang in there, you will get better. I don't think we will ever be our old selves completely, because this is a new chapter in our lives. But we can get close. Years ago women didn't have forums like this or the internet where they could research their symptoms. I wish you the best in coping with your symptoms and you can come on here anytime want to vent or just talk because you're having a really rough day. ((((hugs)))))
mary27278 michelle50768
Hi Michelle..I'm searching for answers on this symptom of shortness of breath and I came across your posting . Are you still having shortness of breath? Ive been having it since last week and it is horrible. Like you, I have gerd ( hiatal hernia) , bloating like crazy. Yes its worse with the bloating, and not to mention heart palpitations and chest discomfort. I've had it before but not to this extreme..Its hard for me to talk or eat . I'm wondering if its from my hormones or the gerd. I do have symptoms of low estrogen such as dry eyes and skin. I even want to cry but cant. I am 2 months without a period. I hope you are feeling much better now.
Musicgeekgrl mary27278
tmpearce karen96096
juanita93228 karen96096
Yes, I went through this for a short time off and on. I was weird, it wasn't exactly like I was out of breath, it was like I couldn't get enough breath in my lungs sometimes. It eventually went away. Every time I went to the doctor for my physical the oxygen level in my blood was good and my lungs were fine. This is some crazy stuff!
CarolKelso juanita93228
I think it's all a bit crazy but we must plod on lol. I'm so thankful for this forum it's really helped me over the past 2 years xx
CarolKelso karen96096
kellyshane karen96096