Brief flu symptoms
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Hello ladies I have posted on here many times with different symptoms which come and go, I am over a year post menopause but notice I have brief feelings of flu like symptoms, they are breif like shoulders seem to ache a little feeling a bit chilled and nauseous but only briefly, does anyone else experience this post menopause?
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kim27003 pinkcatfairy
pinkcatfairy kim27003
sharcerv52408 pinkcatfairy
I am not post menopausal but I experience flu-like symptoms periodically when I'm about to come on my period. I am peri menopausal. I have been for about seven years. I think it is because estrogen, which is a key player in the function of our immune system, once it starts to drop will cause our immune system to react like this. I have thought I had a cold or the beginning of the flu and as soon as my period starts the symptoms ease up and go away. Why? Because estrogen starts to rise again at the onset of your period. During the PMS portion of our cycle it dips which is probably when we're having some of the wonkiest of symptoms. Estrogen actually dips twice during our cycle. Even though you may be post menopausal your body still reacts and has symptoms at or around the time you would be getting your period even though yours may have stopped. It takes the body a while to catch up to where our hormones might be especially if it (our body) was used to a certain pattern for thirty or forty or so years depending on how young you were when you got your period. Hope this helps.
pinkcatfairy sharcerv52408
maria101 pinkcatfairy
sinead57494 maria101
Hi, how do you know you're late peri?
Jokey sinead57494
Your period will start to be erratic and may be heavy (My experience)
If the dreaded hot flushes have not started yet you will probably
start to get them. There are lots of other symptoms but hopefully
you will not get any.
When your period stops you are menapausal and when you haven't
had one for a couple of years you will be postmenapausal, but you
should get a test to make sure as some say 3 years is the time.
Hope this helps you Sinead.
All my best to you
lori93618 pinkcatfairy
Yes I experience this off and on. I've heard it will stop eventually.
pinkcatfairy lori93618
sinead57494 pinkcatfairy
Hi I'm feeling that too but in peri-menopause. How long did your menopause last? Did you ever have patches of sore skin or funny sensations on your face. It's all a bit overwhelming at times.
alissa78133 sinead57494
sinead57494 alissa78133
I know it's great to confirm you are not losing your mind. Have you ever had the sore skin thing? My skin literally feels like it has been badly sunburned on one area of my tummy. Even my clothing hurts it. It's been here about 3 weeks and just starting to face away now.
Thanks for replying.
alissa78133 sinead57494
sinead57494 alissa78133
pinkcatfairy sinead57494
I started going into menopause about 51 but then had ovaries out due to family history, so went immediately into it full on, I am over a year post menopause and still have the odd symptom but it seems to be few and far between and vague more now x
pinkcatfairy sinead57494
Jokey sinead57494
Got that now Sinead can't bear my bra against my skin. Have dry
skin in most places, been years since that started.😕