Broken 5th metatarsil not healing after surgery

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I fractured my 5th metatarsil in the end of Feb and, I was in a walking boot for 4-6 weeks no healing got worse. Then was in a nwb cast for 4-6 weeks with a bone stimulator had maybe 20 percent healing. Then we decided to the surgery with plate with screws now it has been four weeks and, the latest xrays still showed no healing?? I go back in three weeks for another xray and, I do have degenerative bone desease. My foot/ankle doctor is baffled and, he said this is not normal. I have been on calcium pills for over three months. Please anyone have an options?



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18 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Mike you say you are on calcium tabs but if you are low in vitamin D then your body will not absorb the calcium and your bones want heal, get them to check it.
    • Posted

      Hi Alex,

      Thanks I'm going to ask my doctor more questions and, has been a long haul and, I getting little worried if this is ever going to heal.


  • Posted

    In my (without any medical knowledge) opinion, your degenerative bone disease is interfering with your healing.   When I broke my 5th metatarsal my orthopedist started the conversation with "everyone heals at different rates" and said that I may need surgery because I wasn't 20 y/o anymore.  Since I was in my late 60's I figured that was in my future and wanted him to go ahead and just do the surgery right away.  He refused and I'm glad he did.  His first step was a toe to knee non weight bearing cast for 4 weeks.  It worked.  I would hope that your doctor is not "baffled" and that you and he do see more healing when x-rayed again.  20% is better than none.  Slow and steady works too.  Good luck and you can always go for a second opinion. 

    • Posted

      Hi devsmom,

      Thanks and, I'm probably going to see about a second opinion I go back in three weeks for another xray.

  • Posted

    Hi Mike sometimes it takes longer to heal the lower down the body the fracture is.

    I have a hip fracture that looks like it may never heal even after two years.

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      Wow thanks for the info and, I hope your hip starts healing. A lot of people around here think my doctor did something wrong but I don't think that's the case.

    • Posted

      Really good news, 50% is half way their but don't try to rush it, it will get their I'm even more sure as if it can get to 50% it can heal fully, so how long is it now since first op

    • Posted

      HI Alex,

      Thanks and, I won't rush it. It has been 7 weeks since I had surgery plate with screws and, I have been in a NWB cast since April 16. Back in March 7 the doc put me in a walking boot and, it got worse. I have been using a bone stimulator since April as well. I know it's going to be a long road before I can get back to bowling but, I would really like just to start walking. I'm sure PT would be next if this heals 100%.

  • Posted

    One of the biggest issues with foot injuries not healing is the lack of blood circulation in your feet. Make sure you eat healthy: fatty fish (omega 3, vitamin D and magnesium) , vegetables, fruit, a bit of chocolate, ...  Don't smoke, try to move your foot (without overdoing it, follow doctors orders for this) it improves circulation and no alcohol. Take your calcium and make sure you have enough vitamin D (as said before) lay outside in the sun, ... And last but not least: Sleep... Build energy during the day and sleep at night so your body can use that energy to heal your bones. 

    Again about the moving, try to move your foot as often as possible, but follow your doctors orders smile ... If your doctor said try not to move your foot or bear weight on it than don't do it.

    • Posted

      Thanks Vhoxz I go back next week for another xray to see where I'm at and, hopefully healing. That will be almost 7 weeks since I had the surgery and, still using the bone stimulator. Doc said it will be the tell tale sign if this bone is going to heal god I hope so my wife is tired of me LOL. I have been taking calcium meds since April. I'll keep you guys posted thanks all.


    • Posted

      Okay went to see my Doctor and, the xray showed good healing. The top view showed it healed but, the side view still had some that needs to fill in. So he took the cast off and, put me back in the walking boot. He wants me at home start to put some gradual weight and, get some blood flowing through my foot. Still using the knee walker but, it does feel great to have that cast off. I'm still using the bone stimulator and, still does not want me driving since it's my right foot. Feels like progress and, yes it feels very stiff /weak it's been a long 5 months.

    • Posted

      This is very good news.  Do you also have a walker?  My walker helped me to get back to walking.  Of course at first most of my weight was carried by my arms but over time I was walking and just pushing the walker forward just in case.  Your doing very well.  Good luck with continued progress.
    • Posted

      Thanks devsmom  and, no I don't have a walker that's a great idea. Just having that cast off feels great and, my foot is very stiff atleast it feels I'm finally making progress. It's sore now hopefully the bone will heal all the way and, my Doc said he has seen other cases where it took a good six months after surgery for the bone to heal.

    • Posted

      I hope a walker will help.  It's good that you doctor shares and explains your x rays.  Mine did and it was very interesting to see the changes.  My break was also in an area with a blood supply issue but all went well.  

    • Posted

      I'm glad that you were able to make a full recovery and, I might buy a walker as well. I'm starting to bear a little weight on my foot with the walking boot. My foot is very stiff and, it has some pain as well. I think it's going to be a long road for me one day at a time. I have not really walked in five months so I know I have understand that I can't rush this. My Doc said if we can get the blood flowing in my foot it should increase the healing. I'm hopeful...

    • Posted

      I went to a local medical supply business and rented a walker for 4 weeks.  Healing takes time and you should be hopeful. 

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