Broken left humerus Surgery and Suck: Depression Help!

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So where do I begin.  Maybe I should start with I am living in my own personal hell.  Many say keep positive thoughts and to look at all the amazing people that surround and support me.  Don’t get me wrong, I am so grateful for my family, friends, and husband but some days seem hopeless.  More days than others.  

It has been 64 days since I broke my humerus in 5 different places.  And about 61 days since a plate and pins has been surgically placed from my shoulder to my elbow.  It all started on Sept 13th.  I fell at one of my two jobs.  The scary part is the job I was working at, at  the time of my fall, I was working solo.  As soon as I fell and heard that pop, I laid there screaming for help.  Of course no one heard me so I mustered up enough courage to get up, in shock and hold my left arm in place with my right hand. I then called security telling them I am almost positive I broke my arm and to call an ambulance.  Lets just say I was lucky to not have  knocked myself out, because who knows when they would have founnd me.  I count my blessings that I am alive.

Anyway the ambulance rushed me to the hospital where they cut off my sweatshirt and took x-rays.  The whole situation felt surreal, like a nightmare.  They soon after told me I had a spiral/oblique fracture to my distal humerus. The ortho PA on duty splinted me and told me to call the ortho that Monday for an appointment that Thursday.  Unfortunately that Saturday night  was a nightmare.  I could literally feel my bone moving around and pain killers weren’t cutting it.  My husband rushed me to an even closer ER the next morning.  I had more x’rays done at the ER and was replinted.  My husband even went out and bought a recliner since I couldn’t sleep anywhere else.  I was then sent to the ortho for Monday.  As soon as I entered the ortho on Monday I was set up for Surgery on Tuesday.  The amount of pain I went through from when I broke it, up to surgery was excruciating all day long.  So for the surgery I am grateful.

Did I ever tell you I never broke a bone in my life, nor did I ever go through surgery and anesthesia before. Going into surgery was probably the scariest moment of my life ever.  However I was out for the count in a matter of seconds.  While I was under my doctor found not one, not two, but five breaks coming off my spiral break.  This lead to the surgery to last 7 hours instead of 3 hours. A plate and several pins were placed from my shoulder to elbow.  

So you might be thinking well Lauren you had surgery and are no longer in excruciating pain every moment so whats wrong.  Firstly I still get pain, just different kind and did still take pain meds for it.  Also during the surgery the doc had to move over my radial nerve so I couldn’t move my fingers too well after the surgery.  I now have radial palsy meaning weakness in the radial nerve.  For the first 5 weeks I was in a splint with splint changes each week.  My fingers can move a little better now but my thumb is still completely numb. But lucky part is  my incision healed well; no infection etc.

This past couple of weeks have been one of the scariest.  My ortho introduced me to a physical therapist and he said I needed to start moving my arm or I would be stuck with a bent arm that can’t turn over forever and at the same time the doc saw updated x-rays and my bones haven’t fused yet or even started. He needs a cat scan by week 12.  Therefore the doc wants me to move my arm on my own using my good arm, but not too hard because he doesn’t want the plate coming out by accident and then he has to God forbid do another surgery.  He doesn’t want me doing physical therapy yet because he is afraid it be too rough and will pull out my plate and pins.  So definitely scares me when my doc wants me to wait for PT, move my arm on my own, and me now being afraid of it staying like this forever.

Basically I am in a make shift splint for the next two weeks.  It is a half splint with ace bandage around it.  Everynight my husband takes the splint off and I move my arm ever so slightly with my good arm. 

I miss work, and doing normal things with friends without being in pain or nausea.  I hate having people doing everything for me including me simple tasks of bathing and pulling my pants down to go to the bathroom.  It is embarrassing and dehumanizing.  I just want to get better sooner or just better at all.

Added stress I was taking too many percoset so I went cold turkey and went through all the withdrawal symptoms physically.  But mentally I am more depressed then ever.  I am so worried of never getting better, 

I am scared sh*tless and just wish I knew someone who experienced the same trauma so I don’t feel alone.  I am scared the feeling and movement won’t come back.  I can’t be like this forever.  I am already a mess, crying every moment.   

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    Hi hope all is well and you have made a speedy recovery. I have had a similar brake to my lower humerus bone but my whole arm has been displaced as the shock went from my hand to my shoulder. My humerus bone has a clean brake in 2 places and I am scared it won't be the same again even the fact that it won't recover fully. I didn't go for surgery took the option to let it self heal I don't no if this was the correct thing to do as my orthopaedic doc wasent of much help! He wouldn't tell me what to do infact was asking me what I wanted to do?? Like I am the doctor and I no what's wrong with my arm!! So I asked him what would you do if you was in my place and he said let it heal naturally. So I took hthe s word but it's been 2 months maths now and still feel lots of pain cannot move my arm at all just Usy my fingers twiddle about. Every 1 I see or my go said I needed surgery doing. I am going to see my orthopaedic doc again and ask him! He said it could take upto 6 months to 18 months for any improvement but that's. It a full recovery. It's so stressing and upsetting the fact I can't to normal Dailey tasks 😪 Can't sleep at night get back pain and just feel awful. 

    How are you feeling now and have you made a recovery. Hope so x

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      I hope you are doing better.  I broke my right humerus on 7/2 & also went non-surgical route.  Frustrating because it is my dominant hand.  I am on my 3rd doctor, I could not get any answers out of the first doctor.  I had a lot of pain when the initial swelling went down & the brace loosened, I had tightened it, but not enough - I could feel the bones moving. At my next visit he tightened it so much that my lower arm & hand turned purple & was very painful. I loosened it, because I was very fearful of permanant nerve damage & because I could not stand the pain.  I still had it on tight, just not dark purple fingers tight.  I could have a conversation with the 2nd doctor, but it was the same Orthopedic group & was condescending. I really like doctor #3. I had been in a compression brace with a shoulder stabilizer & a sling that kept my arm bent & attached around my waist & shoulder. Doctor #3, told me that I did not need the shoulder stabilizer because my break was mid-shaft, not up by the shoulder.  And, he said that I no longer needed the sling.  That was huge in allowing some movement in shoulder & elbow.  By the end of the week, I was able to kind of use a mouse & keyboard for a short period of time. I do put ice packs on my arm anytime I am sitting & watching t.v. to keep swelling down.  My arm is still quite swollen, i cannot fully straighten it, I can only raise it to just below my chest, & I'm still sleeping in a recliner, but I think of how far I've come.  I will be in the compression brace for at least 5 more weeks.  I am also taking a vitamin D & calcium supplement, hoping that will help.

      Are you sleeping in a bed?  How often do you see your doctor?  Any sign of bone growth on your x-ray? 

  • Posted

    March 20, 2017 I fell from my bicycle and fractured my left hip, which required a hip replacement, and I also acquired a quadruple proximal fracture of the left humerus which also required surgery. I have no pins or plates. The surgeon used suture material to put it all back together. I have lovely 6 inch scar from the top of the shoulder (shows when I wear a scoop necked T-shirt) clear down past my armpit on the top of my arm.  I am still in physical therapy. I can certainly relate to all of the concerns you had with pain, crying, wondering if you're ever going to be well again. Please tell me that you are now well and whole. 

    I asked my physical therapist if I would ever have a day without pain again, and he said, "oh, yes. But it will be a couple of years." Not the best news, but at least he was honest. I was on vacation when I had the accident so could not return to my home for 5 weeks. Fortunately we were visiting my daughter, and she was able to take care of me. I know all about having to have help showering, dressing, etc. At least I could use the toilet on my own. We also had to purchase and electric recliner when I returned home so I had a place to sleep. My daughter had the ideal set up for me in her living room with several lovely leather recliners, all electric, and my own powder room. All three of my daughters helped me shower and dress during my recovery. It is very humbling to need that kind of help when you are a 61 year old mother who has always been independent and is the one that takes care of everyone else. 

    I have made remarkable progress with the physical therapy, but still cannot raise my arm straight above my head. That is the motion for which I am working now. That and the outer rotation. Oh, yea, and to reach behind me. I just don't want to settle for less than 100%, so I am going to keep doing the PT and work hard at it!

    I've been back to work, but not full time, since the first week of June. My employer is very understanding and supportive of my recovery and they said to take as long as I need to work part time hours in order to continue with the physical therapy. 

    Every day is challenging with the hip and the shoulder. I have been back on my bike for about 7 weeks, though, and love my riding, though it is painful. I can't ride every day yet. Only once or twice a week.  Wishing you the best!

  • Posted

    Hello brokenwing ! Let me first say my accident was May 9 2017 very similar 2 yrs except I shattered my left humerus and broke in 4 places ! First off I can honestly tell you it’s so important to keep in slingand attend physical therapy! You most likely like I will never have full use of that humerus arm! But you can get 75 % back ! It sucks cause it takes so long! Hang in there use that sling ! Wishing you the very best! I have 45% of my shattered humerus! But I’m making progress it’s just a very slow healing process! 
  • Posted

    I am so glad to have found this forum. I decided to look for support because I’m depressed and feel like I’m going crazy. I broke my right distal humerus on 8-17-17. I spent many weeks in a cast trying to let it heal without surgery. It never did I had surgery three weeks ago to put a plate and screws in. I’m sick of hurting, swelling and getting very little sleep. I can’t sleep in bed. I have started PT and can move my fingers pretty good but my thumb very little. The rest of my arm is so sore from la k of movement. I take it one day at a time. Sometimes one minute at a time. Thank you for starting the discussion. 
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      Bless You, it's so awful feeling like this. I can totally relate.

      It's been 5 months since I broke my upper humerus. I had the plate and screw surgery. I'm still in constant pain, still having physio and have now been diagnosed with a frozen shoulder.

      Been to pain clinic and starting at occupational health.

      I've been told that it's going to take two years to recover and I will always be disabled.

      So I just wanted you to know you are not alone in the way you are feeling.

      I try and look at the positive and be greatful that I still have an arm although I must admit I've often felt like cutting it off.

    • Posted

      Hi Julie,  I broke my right humerus on 7/2/17 & was in a compression splint until 9/28/17.  I slept in a recliner for 3 months.  I can finally sleep in bed on my back or my side with a pillow supporting my arm. I am not yet able to sleep  on my stomach.  they gave me something to squeeze, which helped get my fingers moving.  My elbow was stuck in a partially bent position from being in a sling for 5 weeks.  I started occupational therapy on 10/11/17, he told me not to expect to get back to 100%.  But I am making progress daily.  I can not put on mascara - it was a disaster with my left hand, Lol, so I am happy that I can now do it with my right hand.  I can spend more time on the computer keyboard now, previously my hand would go numb.  I have found that microwavable heat packs work great (the moist heat is wonderful) & ice packs to help reduce swelling.  I wish you well & look forward to an update on your progress.

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      Emma, Have you tried microwave heat pack on your shoulder?  The moist heat really helped to get my elbow from being frozen.  Best of luck, frustatingly slow process.  
    • Posted

      This brings me tears. I KNOW HOW u feel! I had to go to pain management I had to get on oxycodone. I WISH they had put  me on it the day I started therapy. I went months with minimal motion in my shoulder and elbow. I am an occupational therapist and I thought I would never move my arm. I thought the pain would never go away. And withdrawing was AWFUL! But I highly recommend seeking better pain  meds it is what helped me regain 95% of my motion. It took a year for the pain to go away and still if I over extend my arm it hurts. But at least I got my range of motion back .. hang in there .. it is HARD !!! But u can do it ! I know that’s the LAST thing u want to hear. I pray u recover and pain free!! Don’t let anyone tell u, you won’t get your motion back!! U talk to your arm daily and talk to God daily and ask him to help u have the strength and patience to recover as much as you can !! Trust me celebrate every little milestone! I also went to massage therapy and physical therapy. Find your self an amazing massage therapist that is certified or has training with neuromuscular techniques. I also had a splint bought the JAS splint that helped. The pain was a 10/10 the medicine I took daily for therapy. I hated the way it made me feel high but it was a MIRACLE when my arm would move !! Hang in there !! Positive thinking !!! Prayer !! Patience !! I KNOW that’s not what you want to hear bc i didn’t want to hear it .. but coming up on 2 years and i am still very weak but at least I have my range 
    • Posted

      This brings me tears. I KNOW HOW u feel! I had to go to pain management I had to get on oxycodone. I WISH they had put  me on it the day I started therapy. I went months with minimal motion in my shoulder and elbow. I am an occupational therapist and I thought I would never move my arm. I thought the pain would never go away. And withdrawing was AWFUL! But I highly recommend seeking better pain  meds it is what helped me regain 95% of my motion. It took a year for the pain to go away and still if I over extend my arm it hurts. But at least I got my range of motion back .. hang in there .. it is HARD !!! But u can do it ! I know that’s the LAST thing u want to hear. I pray u recover and pain free!! I also got frozen shoulder too. I recovered the range of motion in less then a year and well strengthening will always be an issue. I can’t lift a gallon water into a pick up. But at least I got my range 
  • Posted

    Thankyou lord for this discussion. I had a open reduction internal fixation surgery for my right elbow after a fall on 8th August 2017.  I am left with an arm that is more or less fixed at 90degrees. Im getting increasingly frustrated as my physio and consultant do not seem to have any sort of communication. The actual fracture is yet to reunite so the physio is very cautious .. that and it causes me extreme pain when he attempts any kind of manipulation. yet the consultant is so flippant and says just do your exercises and try swimming... I am still in ALOT of pain ...I simply CAN NOT move my arm. Ive been to GP to discuss pain relief and she gave me Naproxen which does nothing along with paracetamol and codeine ..still no relief.  I saw consultant yesterday and he is considering more surgery to help get rid of some scar tissue. I am also concerned as the area of my elbow where the plate is fixed is still swollen, hot and bruised 3 months on??? Im beginning to wonder if I am alllergic to the metal work.  Anyway sorry for the Ramble. I am just feeling like Ive been operated on by the NHS and then thrown out into the abyss with no aftercare and an arm which looks ridiculous and is useless which is not ideal with 4 children 2 under 2 and a job.
    • Posted

      Hi,I am a year and 8 months on from open reduction surgery to my right humerus and although you can no longer see bruising,it still feels very bruised to touch. You are only 3 months on,give yourself time.
    • Posted

      This brings me tears. I KNOW HOW u feel! I had to go to pain management I had to get on oxycodone. I WISH they had put  me on it the day I started therapy. I went months with minimal motion in my shoulder and elbow. I am an occupational therapist and I thought I would never move my arm. I thought the pain would never go away. And withdrawing was AWFUL! But I highly recommend seeking better pain  meds it is what helped me regain 95% of my motion. It took a year for the pain to go away and still if I over extend my arm it hurts. But at least I got my range of motion back .. hang in there .. it is HARD !!! But u can do it ! I know that’s the LAST thing u want to hear. I pray u recover and pain free!! 
  • Posted

    Hi everyone, I am so glad I found this message board! I broke my left (non dominant) humerus shaft 9/21/17...was put in a hard cast for a week, then in a clam shell... was healing ok...or so we thought, was supposed to get out of the clam shell 12/15, but on 11/30 I fell and re-broke all the lovely new bone growth. My doctor sent me to a trauma specialist and they decided that my arm actually wasn't healing as well as they wanted and since the new break they decided to do surgery. I am scheduled for surgery this Thursday 12/14. I am kind of afraid of nerve damage as I have none and can fully used my left hand....with absolutely no weight in in it. Just a shout out to everyone dealing with this injury. IT IS HARD! Not only the physical pain, but the emotional pain of not being able to take care of yourself and your loved ones the way you want to, it wears on your and beats you down. Being in constant pain, not being able to sleep, being a burden to your loved is a very difficult journey. Reading about all of your struggles and successes has uplifted me. Thank you for sharing and letting me know that I am not alone. I wish you all healing and peace. I will be checking back in for updates and to let you know about my surgery. Any tips before I go under the knife?  

    • Posted

      This brings me tears. I KNOW HOW u feel! I had to go to pain management I had to get on oxycodone. I WISH they had put  me on it the day I started therapy. I went months with minimal motion in my shoulder and elbow. I am an occupational therapist and I thought I would never move my arm. I thought the pain would never go away. And withdrawing was AWFUL! But I highly recommend seeking better pain  meds it is what helped me regain 95% of my motion. It took a year for the pain to go away and still if I over extend my arm it hurts. But at least I got my range of motion back .. hang in there .. it is HARD !!! But u can do it ! I know that’s the LAST thing u want to hear. I pray u recover and pain free!! 
    • Posted

      Hi, sorry for the late reply, things have been crazy with the holiday and surgery. I am almost 3 weeks out and things are going well!! I got my stitches (25 of them) out this morning! Thank you so much for inquiring smile The doctor says he is very pleased with my motion and how things are healing. I'm going to post a few pictures. One of my initial break, one when the wrap came off after surgery (about one week after) and then my xray today (3 weeks after surgery). I hope everyone is healing and keeping their spirits up. It is a long road to recovery, but we can do this! 

    • Posted

      Hi Whitney,. I had surgery on my distal humorous Nov 21, 2017. Can't flex past 90 extend is 110 or so. Feels weird walking with elbow bent weirdly by my side. Has anyone got full extension back? Can't find any good recovery stories out there. Pain and swelling is awful and the inner plate by elbow is so tender and painfull!!! I had surgery on ankle and this is way worse injury as ROM is larger in elbow.

    • Posted

      Hi Nancy, I don't have full extension back either, but I'm getting close. My doctor told me to absolutely not rush it. He doesn't even want me in therapy yet, but said I could do gentle stretches using a pop can to help get elbow extension back. The weirdest part for me is that my forearm and bicep are numb to the touch. Well mostly numb, like it's asleep. I can feel touch there but it's all tingly...I hate that part. My external swelling is completely gone, but I can feel where the muscles are extremely tight inside...what a process. I'm ready to go back to normal life sad but like the doc says, we can't rush it. 

    • Posted

      Thanks for getting back to me so fast. I feel like no one comes back to post a positive recovery ?????? I hope you and I can do this smile with my ankle surgery 9 months ago there's more support from others on a FB page but none for elbows. I need full recovery as I have a fast-paced, busy desk job.

      To a good recovery,


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