Broken up stools and incomplete BM's

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Hi all,

I've been having this problem for a while now. When I have a BM, my stools are often broken into many pieces. I can't remember the last time I had a well formed "log". After I'm done it often feels like there's still some left inside my anus. Soon after eating I get discomfort, not pain, in my lower/middle intestinal area and flatulance/belching. It's enough to make me restless or irritable. It's like a slight urge to have a BM after every meal. Anyone experience these symptoms? Can someone recommend something that will help get me regular again?

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    My GP was very dismissive. Sent me away with a leaflet and told me to google IBS. The next one again was dismissive but eventually organised a scan. I was told the waiting list was 6 weeks and as I was in so much pain I referred myself private. This consultant did suspect IBS due to slow gut transit and has referred me back to himself on NHS for further tests. My original GP was miffed that I dared to refer to private as he wrote a comment on the referral implying so. Another GP dismissed me saying I had chronic pancreatitis and there was nothing she could do for me. Even though I'd had a scan which showed a perfect pancreas. Blood tests also revealed no pancreatitis.

    I would if you can afford it, go private. Quicker professions and reassuring. Then they will probably refer you to thier own clinics on NHS. At least you might get some answers.

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      My NHS appointment for an ultrasound was going to take a month.  I was too anxious to wait this long so I went private.  The scan came back normal.
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      I know that's what they keep telling me. But it's such a dreadful way to be all the time. Ruins lives
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      Definitely agree with that re: ruinous. 

      I am up ridiculously early as I don't feel great. It feels like a water only day.

      At the same time I am looking online at jobs, as I do a lot. And thinking should I risk it again? Maybe find a job close to a train line. These are all the things I think about on a daily basis and then become too fearful to do any of them.


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      Marginally. Always do in morning then become progressively worse throughout day
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      Not fair is it? I can't do my job online...I'm a hairdressing teacher 😞
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      Indeed. Technically at the moment I can as my job is trying different foods and sitting on the sofa watching YouTube videos but no I can not do my actual job online.
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      Yes but the calls have started coming in now so I think at some point I will have to take the risk. The thought is scary though. I spend ages plotting locations next to train lines, bus routes or car journeys where I can travel with minimum traffic. It is exhausting. It also means I find it very easy to dismiss roles, potentially good ones just because there is no loo access, too much traffic or no wooded areas on a bus route but I find myself lying saying I am not sure this is the right role even though it might be perfect.

      It it definitely plays with ones head.

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      ah that's brutal. what have you tried to fix it?
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    So I went to see another doctor who seemed much more willing to help and he referred me to a gastrologist. I'm going to ring up next week and make an appointment. My doctor said the gastrologist might do tests for things like Celiac Disease and frucose malabsorption among other things. If nothing is found, then it's on to getting a colonoscopy (I'm super excited about that! rolleyes). I'll keep this discussion updated in the hope it might help anyone. I'm not expecting tests to wield any results, but you never know!

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      So I went to see a gastroenterologist who said to get a blood test and a stool sample. It should determine if I have Coeliac disease and/or intestinal inflammation. I asked him whether I could have a blockage  since my stools come out flat and broken up, but he said flat stools are a symptom of IBS. I got the impression he will diagnose me with IBS if those tests come back negative. I don't think he wants to do a colonoscopy, but I'm still thinking it would be a good idea just in case...I don't want to miss something that could be causing my uncomfortable bowel problems. Maybe I should bring it up next time I see him?
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      I was wasn't offered a colonoscopy either and I was diagnosed with IBS.  I think the doctor will only refer you for one if he thinks you have suspicious symptoms.  If he has mentioned that your flat stools are a symptom of IBS, then he probably doesn't suspect anything nasty. 

      Having further investigations may reassure you, but sometimes they can make you more anxious.  I found that waiting for the tests, having the procedure and waiting for the results made me panic more and made my symptoms worse.  However, it is up to you to decide because everyone is different.

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      yup! I was the same way. I thought I had something terrible, but my doctor didn't find anything after the colonoscopy , but by anxiety was insane, i was losing it.

      Was this the same for you?

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      I had terrible anxiety for three and a half months.  I googled too much to give doctors more to work on because they couldn't help, my ultrasound was inconclusive, I couldn't tolerate one test, so it had to be abandoned, and a stool and celiac test were clear.  The blood test frightened me because I had a botched one previously which left me in permanent pain.  With no answers, I thought my symptoms couldn't be something simple.

      It was decided I should have the ultrasound again followed by an MRI or CAT to make up for the abandoned one.  This scared me too because I have never had these two scans before.  I explained all my symptoms and my panic again to an eighth doctor. He said I didn't need any of these tests repeated because I had had no new symptoms in three months and I was no better or worse.  He diagnosed me with IBS.  That was the only thing that got rid of the panic.  Apparently, anxiety and IBS are linked.


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      They are, it's hard to believe, but your body works in crazy ways.

      Do you have ongoing anxiety issues?

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      I have always been very anxious because of Asperger Syndrome.  I think the anxiety has probably led to IBS over time.  I tend to rely on avoidance tactics to keep as calm as possible and keep IBS at bay.  I have a broken tooth to be fixed in the next few weeks and as much as I would like to, I can't avoid it.  The thought of it is causing anxiety and so will the repair.  The only thing I can hope for is that it wouldn't be painful and there will be no complications. 
    • Posted

      If I could just add to your comment. I have always been very anxious but no idea why and recently it was proposed that there is a link between ASD and anxiety. Why do you think this is?  I could not doubt one leads to the other I have been told my anxiety has led to my IBS and my former partner who knew me before is in agreement as I was always anxious but never ill to go with it and then 5 years ago I started to be ill too. 

      I lost a main front tooth but because there was a little bit there they had to take that out first so there was a large gap, tried to fit a crown which failed so had to have a bridge and all this time without a front tooth. It is not the end of the world though your may struggle with pronounciation.

      Good luck with the tooth.


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      Certainly does not put other parts of your body at ease

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      With regards to which? Anxiety yes, IBS yes and ASD yes.  I seem to have many issues smile

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      Some people with ASD get anxious because they can't cope with certain situations such as social interaction because they don't understand social cues, facial expressions, jokes and may have sensory overload problems.  Some get anxious because they can't express themselves or they have phobias.  It is also to do with the way the autistic brain is wired which differs from neurotypical people.  I saw a programme where people with Tourette's and autism managed to fin work according to their special interests.

      Fortunately. it was a small piece that came off my tooth so with any luck it may just need filled and hopefully not crowned because that takes longer to do,  I have two crowns already.

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      This is where I am different as I think I cope well but others' around me often say otherwise. I do not realise I am being curt or that I have upset someone.  This is very common for me.  All of a sudden people will stop talking to me and I have no idea why.  I thought I had a few traits but I was not ASD like those with the characteristics you detail but my health professionals who know about ASD disagree with my analysis.  It is just that I do not see things myself until they are too late.  I obviously do not understand facial expressions but it does not stress me I just do not recognise it happening.  It is a difficult one for me as I thought I was NT for so long but my diagnosis tells me otherwise. My sis messaged me and I watched that too. 

      Sounds like you will be fine then. I was in a fight years ago, yes I have anger issues, and lost half of the tooth which was fine but then it went bad and I had to have the rest out and that was not good. Without a front tooth we develop a lisp. I underestimated the importance of teeth.

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      I didn't know I had Aspergers until the age of 40.  I had difficulties learning at school and with handwriting.  My hand-eye coordination was very bad as well as social interaction.  My social deficit was picked up at a job interview.  I also have comprehension problems and being very abrupt at times.   However, with years of coping mechanisms, my clumsiness, sense of direction and social skills have improved and I go to an Aspergers group. I don't have a job but I concentrate on my poetry and have published a book called Lyrical Musings which you can google.
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      That is interesting and not too dissimilar.  My handwriting is atrocious and I mean that.  Sometimes I can not even read it myself although that is rare. Luckily the ability to type has become more important but it is believed I have had to retake exams unnecessarily and all because of my handwriting.  I seem to struggle in interviews now but for years I did not interview either because people knew me or had just heard of me.  It has only been in the last few years I have had to interview again.  I am abrupt or curt which has been used very recently.  I am just starting on that road. I have no coping strategies except to say this is who I am and if you don't like it you know what you can do hey ho let's go! I do not think I am quite as gregarious as this but you know what I mean if someone perceives a problem with me that is their problem not mine has always been my motto. I have maps for sense of direction but without one I am lost literally which is strange as I lead walks occasionally. My social skills are great if I am talking about one of my passions like music but my social skills are not so great in a work environment.  I do not go to any groups but I have admitted only today in fact that I need help and today I had my first one to one. I do not at the current time either so you are not the only one. That sounds like a lovely way to spend the way. I was a very big reader when I was younger, not so much these days but hopefully I can get back into it when I get back into a rhythm again. My rhythm is lost at the current time.  I will have to have a look and lovely title by the way. I used to read a lot of poetry and literature and still remember the odd line.

      "Everything's for the best in the best of all possible worlds"

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      PS That should be lovely way to spend the day not way.

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      I got great help with joined up handwriting from a one to one teacher at primary school.  Maths, however has always been a weak point.  I have photographic memory, so I can memorise a building or feature near where I have to go if it has something unusual or interesting about it.  But I do have spend a day or so finding a place to make sure I don't get lost and panic.  Even then, I sometimes need to ask for directions. 

      I also find I have spates of facial blindness if I see someone I know in a different context.

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      That is good. I try to avoid or write in capitals but do not let anyone see and type up later. I am good with numbers and for fun play with spreadsheets. I know nerd.  That is fine if you are somewhere with landmarks but I tend to walk 6 + miles in open countryside and one field can look very much like another field. If I am going anywhere I visualise it on Google Earth first. I really could have done with this years ago as I used to get lost late at night in London on my way back from clubs. There is no asking for directions at that time of night in the areas where I used to drink. 

      I have not heard of this and and sounds a little scary but then anything with the word blindness in it is scary.


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      Hey there,

      Could you tell me more about your anxiety issues?

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      Hello Difficult to explain really as I feel like me but I have been told by others' I am a nervous person and tend to spend hours rather than minutes in the bathroom. Different doctors I have seen have said it is anxiety rather than food but I suppose I ignored them until recently. I do tend to think a lot and maybe this stresses my body. 
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      Are you stressed in any specific part of your life?
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      I am now as illness makes me struggle in my working life but cue Scooby Doo harp and travel back 5 years I was not stressed, happy and secure in my job, saw my then g/f regularly and one weekend much like any other I started to be ill and I have not stopped. Illness is more intermittent but still present. In the end that job fell apart, as did my relationship and break up very much linked to illness and I suppose my happiness went away around the same time.

      Was there any extra stress at that time? No it just happened one Sunday morning.

    • Posted

      ah im sorry to hear that.

      If you ever need anything, post on here or feel free to send me a PM.

      you are not alone.

      Good luck and all the best!

    • Posted

      Thank you

      I will do

      I agree and many far worse than me

      I have been trying to find a job on the rung or even 2 below where I am so in theory it should be easier but then you get comments like over qualified so very difficult to win these situations.

      A few years ago I applied for a company I really wanted to work for and the role was 10K less than I was used to but I did not care I liked the company. They declined me and the agent said there was concern I would be using the company as a stop gap until something better comes along which was not true at all. 

    • Posted

      I know this is an old post. But I am having the same problem. Starting happening when I turned 50. What's strange that when I was taking pain medication for 4 years, I would get constipated, and Citrucel or Benefiber used to work. At that time, I never really worried about bowel movements, or if I didn't go in three days or a week. Now I am 55, off pain meds and constipation even worse now. I am overdue for Colonoscopy, but have to wait because I am in so much medical debt. I wish I knew what was wrong with me. Eating more Fiber (Flaxseed, oatmeal, Brown rice, raisins, grapes, Prune juice, olive oil, 8 glasses of water, fiber supplements, nothing works). I was prescribed Konsyl, didn't work, Miralax is made from Polythene Glycol, same ingredient in Antifreeze, don't want that) Only thing that works is Senna-Lax. Tired of straining and only getting broken up pieces. I wish Doctor's would treat cause and not symptom and prescribe Miralax like candy.

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