Brown, stringy discharge
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Sorry to be graphic here but I have developed a brown, stretchy discharge. It sounds silly but I'm not entirely sure where it is originating from and I am really worried. I have not had a period in 2 years and have never had so much as a spot of anything down there since. That is why I am so worried about this, which started yesterday. I did have unusual itching for a couple of days and thought I was getting thrush. however, last night, when I wiped after my pee, I noticed brownish stuff on the paper. I used a liner today and noticed a brown coloured stain on it after a couple of hours. Earlier tonight I wiped after my pee again and this brown mucous was there a bit more. I don't know if it's gynae related or if it's from my urinary tract. I am scheduled for a cystoscopy on Monday to investigate microscopic blood in urine. Could it be that this has increased and has now become visible? I can't see my GP until late next week. I do feel tender in the pubic area but have no temperature and otherwise feel well. I have not noticed a smell. Sorry if this is too much information but I am hoping someone will come along who has had similar. You worry about everything at this stage in life. x
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2blessed2bstressed caz11527
Could be just a little period, even though you haven't had one for a while. Some women can get a period after several years of not having one. Good your getting checked though. I once had that same thing for like seven days...😬
caz11527 2blessed2bstressed
Thank you. Was it normal? I am so stressed out about the cystoscopy on my bladder that stress could have brought this on. I have read that excess hormones can cause it too. I will wait and see my GP next week, she is always very reassuring and will refer me if she thinks its warranted. Thanks again for your reply, it's good to know I am not alone. x
2blessed2bstressed caz11527
For me it was completely normal. I also had cystoscopy done. Really it's no big deal. If you've ever had a catheter before, it's almost the same thing except they put water in your bladder so they can see around and it just makes you feel like you have to pee or like you are peeing. I think the sedation won't be worth it unless you are in serious need of it as you will be sedated much after your procedure. Wishing you well!
caz11527 2blessed2bstressed
I cancelled the NHS scope because they would only do it with numbing gel, this private one is the same price no matter what anaesthetic they use so I'll definitely be having sedation. Apparently it is normal to forget the entire procedure and the time immediately before and after and that is exactly what I need. I had a bad experience in theatre years ago and when I heard the scope wasn't done in a normal room but an operating theatre, I freaked! Never had a catheter and hope never to have one. Anything that goes in there scares the life out of me. As the day gets closer I find myself worrying more and more about what they will find, especially after this blood stained discharge. He did say he would be able to tell me what he sees on the day so at least I'll know on Monday.
Lotti1966 caz11527
Hi Caz,
Don't stress yourself over the cystoscopy. And I'm sure there's nothing wrong. Could be like 2blessedtobestressed said, a little bit of old blood coming through.
The kidney Dr may even know what it could be.
God bless and keep us posted. Good luck with your test!
caz11527 Lotti1966
Ta Lottie. I'm trying not to worry and to stay positive but it is difficult. I'm not used to having anything wrong with me!! Luckily I'm having the scope under sedation, I'd never relax enough otherwise. Fingers crossed all will turn out ok. I will make sure I post afterwards. x
Lotti1966 caz11527
Take a deep are fine😉the important thing is that your Dr is on it. I had a hysterectomy last year. Had never had surgery before. 2 weeks later I had to have a stent put in one of my ureters. A month later went to the kidney Drs office to have the stent removed. They used the numbing gel. I watched on the screen what she was doing. Never felt a thing. Had to go back in 6 months to have the procedure you're having done. Same thing, numbing gel, didn't feel a thing😊I have horrible anxiety and panic attacks. Haven't had much wrong with me through out my life either (knock on wood) this procedure will be a piece of cake. I know you will be fine? deep breaths!
caz11527 Lotti1966
Deep breaths, yes!! No more discharge so far, strange. I think I'm now just worrying about what will be found, or not, with the scope. I will have fast acting sedation which will be worn off within 30 minutes of the procedure. He has said I can be home by lunchtime if all goes to plan. Hope he doesn't have to biopsy anything, it's included in the cost if he does but hopefully it won't be necessary. Did you have many after effects from cystoscopy, like frequency and stinging? I'm planning to go back to work 2 days later so hope I feel up to it. x
Lotti1966 caz11527
I had no after effects at all. I was scared to pee after it, thinking it would hurt...nothing😊I went to work the next day.
sue976 caz11527
Hi Caz
i had a brown discharge out of nowhere a couple of years ago, they did a urine sample and it showed microscopic blood,I too had to go for a cystoscopy all was ok, they said it was the blood from the dicharge that was showing in the urine, the brown discharge I had ended up been a polyp that was deep inside, I had it removed and it all stopped, so it may be worth going back to go and be sent onto a gynaecologist, I have just had the same thing happen all over again and it is another polyp.
hope your ok and I'm sure everything will be fine
caz11527 sue976
Thanks Sue. It's so strange. Nothing at all showing today, slight irritation but no discharge. I will be seeing my GP next week after the cystoscope and will see what she suggests I do. I feel silly not being able to tell if its coming from front passage or urethra
Whatever it is I hope the scope doesn't make it worse. Maybe I do have polyps, I'm not sure if the ultrasound I had last week would have shown these. It's meant to show the ovaries but I don't know. I really dread what they will find once inside my bladder, I'm fearing the worst but know that's not helpful. I will post afterwards. Thanks again. x
sue976 caz11527
Hi Caz
the polyps don't always show up on the ultrasound, my bloody discharge wasn't all the time, I'd have clear days too. The ultrasound does show up the ovaries, they also could see a fibroid on mine.
with the bladder camera they see everything clearly and they tell you on the day if there is anthing untoward, so please try not to worry xx
Lotti1966 caz11527
I have PKD. Polycystic Kidney disease. There is a small cyst in my left kidney. I've had blood in my urine for the last 3 years. I went to the Dr 2 weeks,ago and got my results yesterday, no blood in my urine. I'm so excited I can't stand it! The cyst hasn't changed in size and that's what they're looking at when I have an ultrasound.
My brown stringy discharge was coming from a cyst in my left ovary. Because of the kind of cyst it was they decided on the hysterectomy.
What organs have they done ultrasounds I'm? Just curious
caz11527 Lotti1966
The ultrasound was of kidneys, ureters and bladder. It wasn't arranged by GP, I was able to self refer. I just thought that if it showed everything was normal then I wouldn't need the cystoscope. I have went to great lengths to try to avoid it!! It's good to hear that you have no issues after yours. It showed normal kidneys, no problems with ureters and some urine retention in bladder but that was because I had had enormous quantities of water!! My consultant said it's not significant at the moment.
Lotti1966 caz11527
Honestly if I was you I would have an ultrasound done on your female parts. Ovaries especially. My OBGYN said my discharge was from my cysts in my ovaries and endometriosis. I don't think yours is kidney related....
Can you make an appt with your OBGYN and let him/her know what's going on? Why is that Dr wanting to do a cystoscopy?
sue976 Lotti1966
I agree with you lotti
thats we're my ultra sound was done and they found a fibroid and a polyp