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Do any of you ladies bruse easy or get bruises you have no idea how you got them?My legs look bad anymore and ive never bruised easy...most of them are small but i do have a couple big arms do bruise but not like my legs...They look awful...Thank you ladies!!

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18 Replies

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    hi laurie

    when your in peri you have to bear in mind skin changes too, and gets thinner, and may in time look orange peely, where you dont want it too.. all to do with oestrogen dropping,  I tend to bruise more easily for sure, infact its strange you say this as i have a bruise now on my thigh, been wearing shorts as hot in spain, and thought where did that come from... 👀. Jay xx

    • Posted

      Hi you have any advice for me?a couple days before and during my period i still get a little shaky and weak and head is not as bad as in the past but enough to bother you know im on b6 and d vitimans...i know i shouldnt complain cause all is much better but would like it to be just a bit better..any advice would be great..takin 150mgs of b6...thanks jay and all you great ladies
    • Posted

      Hi Laurie

      i am glad you feel abit better, but as for the period symptoms you mention, ie . shakey, weak and head funny, not sure you can do anything really, i remember my last period last Aug last year, OMG headaches migraine for 4 days solid, and same weak and shaky.. but i wasnt taking B6 then, and havent had a period since, had symptoms but no period up until Taking B6 and had no symptoms since.. not sure what to say hun, I suppose before we were all peri and had normal non peri more troublesome periods we just got on with it with maybe had a painkiller for tummy cramps, but peri periods are somewhat different arent they... for the first few years of peri i just took Maca and Calcium and magnesium, but about year 6 of peri i needed something more so took Estroven Max and now I take Menapol Plus two a day, along with B6 ( only been taking that 150mg of B6 since April and its helped me soooo much)  not sure what to suggest hun, maybe we just cannot eleviate all the symptoms when a period does kick in... sorry i cant suggest anything 😩

      Jay xx

    • Posted

      Thank you jay!!!I know i shouldnt be greedy but just thought i would ask!!!lol ive come along way and I need to embrace that and just deal with a few days of yuck and soaking bed at night...its so funny because my hubby was always the heat source in bed and now he cant even get close to me when my period is coming...thanks again jay and glad your doin so well!!!!!hugs
    • Posted

      Hi Laurie

      are you having night sweats too .... try some relief like menapol plus or Estroven Max ... if your not already... just a suggestion ... night sweats for me were in early peri they didnt last all the way through my peri... they are not nice... use to wake up with my legs slipping all over the place 😩

      funny you mention heat scource, i cant bare my partner too close at times, as i also feel the heat... POW!!! hahahahha i think the bodily thermostat breaks during peri... plus here in spain its roasting too 😊... 

      so pleased your feeling some relief and B6 helping you too... Jay xx


    • Posted

      Oh yes!!!!!I have night sweats so bad that there is not a dry stich on me and bed is just soaked and cold....i have them a couple days before period and 4 days that im on my period.... and during the day im just always warm and sometimes get flush....i think i sweat so much at night that it takes all day to hydrate again....but i will give one of them a also dealing with a uti and yeast infection....oh what a joy it
    • Posted

      Hi Laurie

      i too in early peri suffered alot with sensitive bladder, and feelings of thrush like symptoms, my doc back then said its all hormonal 😣 it does pass ..

      i always had urge for a wee too but never really did much when got to the loo, all weird isnt it... had bladder camera too and all was okay..

      magnesium helps so much with flushes and sweats ... i stopped mine and blimey they came back crazy, hot day flushes, so I am taking an effervescant  

      Magnesium now and drink it every night, just pop the tablet in some water and drink it, i was amazed that worked too..

      before i took calcium and magnesium mix for years from biovea uk web and changed to Natecal which is Calcium and VitD ... so not thinking it through, i wasnt then taking magnesium, thought nothing of it then about three weeks later i was having 12 severe day flushes a day, then i twigged it was after not taking magnesium,  then i googled magnesium and hot flushes and yes it helps reduce or stop symptoms.... remember to take calcium and Vit D for bones Laurie .... dont want osteoporosis ... protect them... Jay xx 

    • Posted

      Yes i have to get calcium...already taking D...Its just amazing what our bodies go thru at this ive said before men are pose to be stonger then us but that is not even close to the truth...but my hubby doesnt like that hugs
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      maybe in stength but they wouldnt hack periods, childbirth and menopause..

      no way .... 😀

      i am coming back a man in my next life.. 😃

      take care Laurie .. Jay xx

  • Posted

    My the legs looks the same. Big blue bruises and I  have no idea where they come from.
  • Posted

    Yes I have had bruises some quite big and I can never remember banging myself, I never really thought about it being connected to the Menopause.  I agree with Jay about the skin changes, the skin on my legs has definetly changed and seems much more see through, to the point of looking a bit grey.  I did get really worried about this and ended up seeing a specialist to check into my circulation, which was all fine.  Just one more weird symptom of the menopause I guess.  Hugs to you, hang in there we are all here to support you xx
    • Posted

      Thank u ladies....Had me a bit worried...Even shaving legs is a bit scary at times since skin so dry and would think meno would get tired with all it does to I know it makes me tired...have to joke about it or go crazy....hugs to all
  • Posted

    I've always bruised easily.

    It can be in the family. But if you are suddenly bruising, and haven't done so before, I would recommend you get yourself checked just I case there is some other underlying problem .

    As I say better to be safe than sorry!! 😃

  • Posted

    laurie70017, sounds like your Iron count may be low. Have you had any blood work done?  I would have the iron level checked in your blood or maybe starting taking a low iron supplement and see if that makes a difference. Just be careful because too much can constipate you sad


  • Posted

    Hi Laurie I also bruise very easily and I didn't used to I often find brusies and think where the heck did that come from.

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