Bulls eye bite/rash

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For the past 5 years I have been back and forth to the doctors with exhaustion, muscle aches and pains, insomnia, dizziness, weakness and feeling depressed. After about 3 years, I finally got taken seriously and diagnosed with Hypothyroidism, however this has now been treated, medication has balanced my levels out and according to my endocrinologist I should now feel normal, I don't. 

Looking back, I distinctly remember having a bulls eye bite on my ankle, no tick was present but the rash was huge and happens to tie in with me feeling incredibly sick. I've always put this down to my hypothyroidism but now I'm starting to rethink.

My sister has been treated for lymes, roughly 5 years ago, when my rash appeared. I stayed with her for a few weeks before she started having symptoms and now I look back, it's quiet possible I may have caught lymes at the same time.

I did mention this, after visiting the doctors with my complaints but they didn't even know what lymes was and totally dismissed me.

Is there anything else that could of caught this bulls eye bite/rash? Horsefly? In pretty sure it wasn't ringworm. I worry I'm going to sound like a total but case going to the doctors for a rash I had almost 5 years ago, but It seems silly not to rule it out considering how I feel and everything else.

Any advise please ?!

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18 Replies

  • Posted

    Just been to the doctor who actually listened, testing me for Lymes, however if this (which I guess it will) comes back negative I am going to ask to be referred privately.

    she's testing me for an array of health problems but is there anything else I should get tested for? I've read about other diseases that people with Lymes have caught, babesia etc? 

    • Posted

      Hi Bethany, great news. Make sure you push for a Western Blot lyme test as the ELISA is notoriously unreliable. There was a brand new study that came out from Raigmore lab in Scotland, so the very people that test for lyme saying it was not very reliable and that a negative ELISA test result should not constitute a definitive answer to lyme, ie-the GP should treat anyway if symptoms persist. So try and get a Western Blot as they are more reliable but NHS will only test when ELISA is positive or unclear. I pushed for Western Blot with GP and they agreed to do it even though my Elisa was negatuve. I did lyme co infection testing with County Pathology. Rickettssia, Bartonella and babesia. Very good service. Not too costly.

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