Bunion surgery - recovery experiences please
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I have just been referred for bunion surgery and I am interested in knowing peoples recovery stories.
I am a single mum of 2 children aged 7 & 9 and my job involves driving.
So I am wondering how quickly people could driver after surgery and how much support I would need at home from my Mum in the early days?
I woould also like to hear from anyone who has had the minimally invasive surgery as I keen to know if the recovery is quicker?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance
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bzjen zoe17623
I am post-op day 6 from L bunionectomy.
Recovery has been okay, not easy, but, maneageble with help at home.
Approx 6-8 weeks. First 2 weeks toughest.
Recs: Lots of rest, elevation and ice is required per MD orders. Only walking to bathroom and use of boot. Weight bearing on heal only with boot worn at all times.
Ask your doctor the specifics and follow instructions for best possible recovery.
Driving is a tricky one especially if RIGHT foot. CHECK with YOUR DOCTOR!
It will be a while I am sure...maybe someone else can relate to this later in recovery. For me, my surgical foot is left so maybe less time.
My first post-op appt this Thurs 1/12 so I will know more.....
Also, BIG TIP: Make sure to get a HANDICAPPED placard from DMW or AAA!!
Ask your doctor for letter.
And another one....If you take pain meds, it will cause constipation! BE AWARE and know your body!!! Hydrate a lot and only take medication you need!
Eat right and LOTs of fiber and Milk of Magenisa.
You are in bed a LOT and it is difficult to move your bowels....
Anyone else have any advice on consitpation?
Hope this helps you! Happy to answer any more questions.
Best of luck!
chesry_75844 zoe17623
Hi there Zoe I'm a mom of 3 my kids are 6,9 and 14 I also take care of my father who is ill and my husband works abroad for months at a time. My kids took good care of me. I'm 5 weeks post op I had bilateral bunionectomy. I'm not able to drive as yet I pull the car in and out of the garage using the sides of my feet(manual). for the first 2weeks you will need someone around to help you.
I haven't had much pain only 2 or 3 days after surgery after that it was more just uncomfortable. But everyone heals differently. For the first 4 weeks I strictly used a wheel chair becoz I couldn't stand walking in these orthopaedic shoes with crutches. So a few days ago I started walking in my cross on the sides of my feet also with crutches that's in and around the house.
Are you having both feet done. I had to do both feet becoz I could only do it over the holidays. Although I regret it now if I did one foot at a time I could atleast have the other one done with another surgeon seeing that it appears unsuccessful.
Everything of the best for your surgery aswell as your recovery and please make sure you ask your surgeon all the necessary questions so that your surgery can be successful.
susan_89757 zoe17623
Wondering if your having one or both feet . I had my left foot November 10. Am finally in my own running shoes but ver wide ones. My foot is still swollen and more so if l walk on it or go for a long ride in the car. I can drive as the car is automatic. Pain is much better now. Today i actually felt good about my foot takes awhile to learn to walk again l had my husband who was really good with helping me am just now starting with helping with dinner laundry and take many breaks to sit elevate my foot. Good luck i hear it's really worth it after it is all healed
Cluckers46 zoe17623
I had both my big toe bones fused in October but my bones haven't fused yet but I would say you defo need 2/3 weeks help it depends how fast you heal good luck
Thanks for your responses.
I'm unsure as wether to have one or both done ? If one at a time it will be my left first.
I'm also undecided about wether to have the standard op or the minimally invasive.
My main worry is how long before i can drive and if i can manage with the kids alone.
susan_89757 zoe17623
carol32817 zoe17623
It's 8 weeks, as mention about 6 weeks driving switching from bunion shoe to regular shoe, larger and it's a slip on I use.
victoriaj72 zoe17623
i had my left bunion corrected last weds; i have two children age 6 and 8
yes it hurts slightly nothing major i found ..i also have a throat infection and id say my throat is worse pain than foot
they discharged me with no prescription, said take co codamol
i did have to go to doctors 2 days later for stronger prescription
first 3 days are worst but copable; more the mobility part is the hardest. You will need alot of help first few days with kids and taking them to school etc
my friend takes them to school and picks up for me
i can walk around on shoe without crutches 4 days post op
stairs i go up and down on bottom; apart from that being 6 days post op now i am quite mobile
yes you need to rest and keep elevated as much as you can; get comfy and chill
for example today i have cooked tea and showered kids from school, i brought myself a bandage protector for shower its really good
Today i did by myself and washed hair, gradually youll be doing more
for those first days ensure you have help with kids and for you
i thought the whole experience would be a lot worse, really hasnt like i say my throat is more painful which now on antibiotics too
The shoe they give you is to protect foot and walk on hell; im not good on this as they are so hard to walk in...hardest thing ive found and not being mobile like im use to
apt to remove bandage and stitches on tuesday
Hope this helps
zoe17623 victoriaj72
Thanks - it sounds like you're recovering well!
Did you have the traditional surgery or the minimally invasive op?
joanne78640 zoe17623
I am still not fully recovered though 6 months down the line. The swelling has gone but the pain continues. Good luck!
lumplessfeet zoe17623
Hi there. I had bilateral scarf and akin osteotomies October 2016. I'm so glad that I had them both done together because it's out of the way now. The first 2weeks, you shouldn't do anything, so I think you'll probably need help, especially with 2 young children. My kids are 12 and 14, so I didn't need to be available for school transport as they take themselves, so I didn't need to drive (you won't be able to drive for at least 6weeks). I didn't drive for about 8weeks, but that was because I couldn't get shoes on and I was still using the post operative shoes which were too bulky to drive in. I went back to work after 6weeks, but only 2days a week. You will experience swelling if you're on your feet for too long, so you'll have to be sensible. Your foot will tell you when it's had enough :-). I didn't experience pain at all, really. I took paracetamol for the first couple of days, but that was it. It was more of an inconvenience because I wasn't able to do what I wanted, and had to rely on other people for shopping, etc., but 2months, in the grand scheme of things, is nothing and I'm so glad I've had it done . My feet still aren't back to how they were ; still slightly swollen, but I'm told that it could take up to a year for them to get back to normal (better than normal because I'm bunion free :-)!!). I am wearing wider, flatter shoes at the moment. I have never been a high heels girl, so it's not that bad for me. I don't want to be wearing Jimmy Choo's - not any time soon, anyway.
I'm sure you'll sail through it and you'll be so happy. You'll be fine. Take care.
Island zoe17623
cristinaljoy zoe17623
Hi Zoe,
I'm 25 and I'm on day 1 post minimally invasive keyhole bunion surgery on both feet and I feel great!
I've had bunions for as long as I can remember and recently they have started to debilitate me a lot so decided to go for surgery.
The procedure itself was great, it was done under general anaesthesia + ankle block. Woke up full of energy and refreshed, with no pain.
The ankle block wore off after 8 hours or so, again barely any pain, just slight discomfort. I'm wearing my post surgery sandals and feet are bandaged. I can walk about without any pain, you do need a strong core and glutes so if you can get fit/ squat lots before surgery it may help with stability in these shoes.
Of course it's too early to deem this a success but so far I am very pleased! I have my first appt on Feb10th so will keep you updated on how I get on.
Ps - my surgery was done by Dr. David Gordon - he's one of the top doctors that perform keyhole surgery.
emma35528 cristinaljoy
I am considering surgery with David Gordon and I wonder how you have recovered. My main concern is if I will ever be able to wear high heels after this as I am only 5 foot and this is so important to me.
Would really really appreciate any update or advice you can offer. Thanks so much!!!
pamela68350 emma35528
lin95286 emma35528
Hi Emma, I have not had my surgery yet but I'm also concerned about wear my heels postoperative. Have you gotten any responses that I may have missed?
cristinaljoy emma35528
Hi Emma,
I have recovered amazingly! I'm able to wear heels & my feet feel better than they ever have, I wish I did it sooner.
My shoe collection has increased massively in the last few months & I have my penultimate appointment in a week's time. Everyone recovers differently but im sure that if you follow the advice, you'll be back in heels in no time!
cristinaljoy pamela68350
David Gordon is based in the U.K, I had my surgery done at The London Clinic, but he practices at other hospitals too.
In terms of recovery, please see response above.
pamela68350 cristinaljoy
emma35528 cristinaljoy
Thank you so so much Cristina!! I really really appreciate your response. It is so useful to hear from someone who has actually been through it! Just one more question if that is ok? How long did it take before you got back into "normal" shoes and then into heels also? Thanks again
cristinaljoy emma35528
Hi Emma,
About 6 weeks to get back into trainers/ wide fit shoes & about 3-4 months tops to heels. Depends on swelling and how quick you heal, but I think those are the timeframes x
Nismat pamela68350
This is the first time ever I have responded to a forum. So... I am having both bunions removed tomorrow (22/9/17) and my left big toe may have to be fused because of the arthritis in there. I am 53 - tomorrow!!.
I would like you to know that Dr. Peter LAM from Kogarah, is performing the surgery and he is nationally and internationally known for his skills regarding minimal invasive surgery. He has been doing it for years in a couple of private hospitals. St. George private in Kogarah for me (Suburb of Sydney). Google him. I have enjoyed reading all your posts and will have to update my experience with you all very very soon.
pamela68350 Nismat
Chelmer cristinaljoy
I was so interested to read your comments as I am also going with David Gordon on December 6th. I will therefore be just over 2 weeks by Christmas. Can you remember if Immediately after the first two weeks you were able to move around more normally - i.e could I move around and cook Christmas dinner or is it still very painful? Really grateful for any feedback.
elizabeth_86956 pamela68350
elizabeth_86956 pamela68350
pamela68350 elizabeth_86956
Hi Elizabeth, thanks for your reply. I am about the 6 to 7 week mark now with my shaved bunion and tendon release. My toe is not straight and looks very swollen. I am hoping that it will be a lot better when the swelling goes down, can only hope it will be better, two thirds better would be ok just so I can fit into normal shoes again or otherwise might have to have it looked at again. It does look quite swollen still and lumpy where it was shaved. Just hope he shaved enough off the bunion as it is very hard to tell with the swelling. Does this this sound like your experience? How long did the swelling take to go down? Does this sound like your experience and then when your swelling went down, maybe it was' t shaved enough? Sorry about all the questions but would love to know because I havnt heard from anybody else that had it done this way. Many thanks Pam
cheryl-ann60082 elizabeth_86956
Hi I've just seen the doctor about the surgery on my bunion and was told that Recovery was 6 weeks to 3 months. My concern is I am a personal care assistant and I can't take 3 months off. So my question is were you able 2 go back to full duties after 6 weeks ?