Bunion surgery - recovery experiences please
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I have just been referred for bunion surgery and I am interested in knowing peoples recovery stories.
I am a single mum of 2 children aged 7 & 9 and my job involves driving.
So I am wondering how quickly people could driver after surgery and how much support I would need at home from my Mum in the early days?
I woould also like to hear from anyone who has had the minimally invasive surgery as I keen to know if the recovery is quicker?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance
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Nismat zoe17623
Hi Zoe
Well it's Monday and I had surgery 3 days ago (Friday). Both feet done. Bunion removal by minimal invasive surgery (MIS). The pain is not as bad as what I thought. Just feels like wearing a tight shoe. The problem is having both feet done is being cared for. The dr. (Australian Peter Lam) said I was only to walk on crutches to the toilet and that is it for two weeks. Very strict with those instructions. So my partner does everything for me willingly which is fantastic.
I am allowed from day one to put full weight on each foot. But apparently for healing purposes both feet must be up 24/7. No way could I drive a car even if one foot done. Some people recover quicker than others and also depends how bad your bunions are prior to removal. I stayed over night in hospital only because I was the last patient of the day. Back to room about 6pm. Happy to answer any further questions to anybody
ENrn252 Nismat
Thanks so much!
elizabeth_86956 Nismat
maria27972 Nismat
ENrn252 zoe17623
how are you getting on with your recent surgery ? Do you mind if you can let me know who you did it with as I am considering the minimally invasive surgery too.
Thank you
laticia97999 ENrn252
maggie56266 zoe17623
elizabeth_86956 maggie56266
elizabeth_86956 maggie56266
my surgery was keyhole performed by dr Peter Lam. St George private hospital at kogarah (Sydney) it’s day 18. Can weight bear from outset but only had one foot done. Drove car today (auto). Can’t spend too long walking though as it gets sore. Didn’t use crutches at all nor many painkillers. Off work 5 weeks but will see how I go. I’m a teacher so not easy to teach with my foot elevated. Bandage comes off at 2 weeks and I wear a bunion sleeve 12 weeks. With socks and wide toe joggers. Cannot get my foot into my other sneakers. I’m hoping in 3 more weeks the swelling is easing.
syl03043 elizabeth_86956
Just woundering how your recovery is going? I am day 10 both feet keyhole. I can walk a little but if I do need to rest after. I go see my surgeon on Wednesday to remove my bandages. Just woundering what where you able to do once bandages where removed. Hoping I can be more mobile.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
elizabeth_86956 syl03043
I see Dr Lam again on 1/12.
syl03043 elizabeth_86956
Thank you for sharing your experience!! I just got my bandages off yesterday, and have got a sleeve put on and got a pair of bunion shoes which I was told I will wear for 4 weeks. I am in a lot of pain but happy the bandages off. I managed an hour on my feet last night to help with my kid’s lunches for school to help my husband out, but paying for it today.
I understand what you mean by not able to put a lot of pressure on the balls of the feet, mine are extremely tight too. My surgeon is fantastic but a bad communicator and didn't tell me much as to what I should do post two weeks. Did you get told to ice as well? I bought an elevation pillow and have been resting and icing my feet. Any tips you can provide I really appreciate. You must be happy you are going to work next week! I have started working from home today which I can do whilst lying down. You must be excited to reach 6 weeks next week.
elizabeth_86956 syl03043
I worked with my trainer this morning but modified . Can’t do lunges, burpees, push-ups or any jumping.
syl03043 elizabeth_86956
When did you start working with your trainer? i was expecting to have to wait the entire 6 weeks, but can't wait to start something again, I know 2 weeks is to early was hoping by week 4 I could do something.
elizabeth_86956 syl03043
Missed next week then this week. But until I can tread normally it will be modified. I do a class Monday which is lots of jumping so won’t be back at that one for a bit. My notes say 4 months no running , jumping and 6 months no heels. Wear bunion sleeve 12 weeks.
syl03043 elizabeth_86956
elizabeth_86956 syl03043
syl03043 elizabeth_86956
I called and they said they don't have any after care instructions. This site is all I have. Once again thank you for your advice, defiantly won't be wearing the sleeve tonight.
pamela68350 elizabeth_86956
elizabeth_86956 pamela68350
Have to wear a bunion sleeve for 12 weeks which I believe could have helped hadci worn one the past 16 years. I’m not sure why o let it go so long.
But I think recovery will be longer. I’ve been on 3 walks this week but not at the pace I like to walk. Can’t put too much pressure through the ball. Plus the side thickness of the joint from ball to top of foot is bigger than other and I don’t know how much of that is swelling. Back to Dr Lam next Friday. Will ask more details then.
pamela68350 elizabeth_86956
Hi Elizabeth, many thanks for info. I'll see how my toe is after having it shaved, I am at week 9 now and still have swelling. Have bought a good pair of walking shoes which I can get my foot into, so will try driving next week and also going for short walks. Wondering now after what you said whether I should get a bunion sleeve. Would be grateful if you could tell me what you think about them and where I could purchase one in Australia. Thank you Pam
Nismat pamela68350
Hi everybody. I haven't been keeping tabs whats going on for awhile but find this is the best blog for our operation. I am now week 10.
I am back at work - 2 weeks. I had 2 months off. My feet look amazing - thank you Dr. Lam!!!. They still feel stiff every day and still a little swollen and purple but I am assuming this is normal. I wear my bunion sleeve in my joggers every day and will up to 3 months. My feet ache sometimes with the sleeve on but I am presuming this is normal. Never painful just ache. I rub my little scars every day and do the the little exercises Dr Lam has told me to do. He told me I was a little behind on my 6 week visit as I was too gentle with these exercises and so I went to physio twice. I am back at the gym rowing and cycling and cross training. Pushing on the rower I believe really assists stretching the tendons and the next day my feet feel really great.
Everyday my feet feel like they are stiff and hard so walking and pushing off at the toes assists for the next day. 2 steps forward one step back appears the way it is for me. Cant wait to feb 2018 when I hopefully can run again.
Good luck to you all. We all go through different ways off healing. Be patient.
Nismat pamela68350
Hi Everybody. This is my 2nd attempt in sending you all an update on my feet. Having problems sending...... So I apologise if there is a previous message sent.
I am 10 weeks post op. I had 2 months off work and have been back for 2 weeks. Finding it fine. I feel my feet ache a little with every step. No pain just a little ache. Like muscles hurting after exercise when they haven't been used for awhile. My feet are still a little swollen and if I do hard exercise my toes go a little purple.
In the meantime, my feet have sometimes been really itchy, feel so hot I have had to ice them and swell up first thing in the morn. Putting my bunion sleeves and shoes though seem to control the swelling like a compression bandage.
I have been rowing, cycling and cross training at the gym (as per Dr. LAM's advice - he informed me I can't run, cycle - outdoors or walk on the beach) and when pushing my toes on the rower I find the next day no ache. My 6 week post op visit to Dr. LAM wasn't as good as I anticipated. He said my feet were a little behind because the exercises he prescribed i wasn't doing them hard enough, I was doing them with no pain. He told me to see a physio and so after 2 visits my feet are getting there. I think I have just been too gentle with them.
I wear the bunion sleeve every day with socks and joggers but my feet love walking with no shoes. I massage my tiny scars as told.
However my feet still feel hard and stiff with every step, but I am very happy - thank you Dr. LAM. We all go through different ways of healing, I am assuming I am slower than the next. Hopefully able to run in Feb 2018.
Good luck to all.
pamela68350 Nismat
Hi Nismat, Glad to hear you're really happy with the results of your bunion op. It is just the recovery time now which is quite a slow process. You mention that you are wearing a bunion sleeve and I was wondering if you could tell me where I could get one and also which one you have, as when I check on the internet there are lots of different ones. Would be very grateful if you could help me with this info. Because I've only had my bunion shaved and the toe was not straightened I think a bunion sleeve would really help.Many thanks Pam
elizabeth_86956 Nismat
I’m walking but not at my full pace. I went back with my trainer at 3 weeks but mostly core work and upper body.
Without shoes my foot doesn’t appear to be flat. I don’t think I’m putting weight through that main joint. It’s swollen in afternoon.
elizabeth_86956 pamela68350
I also saw Dr Lam.
carol32817 maggie56266
I am 8 weeks in, just driving.my bunion boot is
, removed when driving I put on a comfortable slip on shoe. I still have to walk with bunion shoe.
its still swelling if on it to long. I am just starting slowly back to my workouts. I sit most of the time, but Iam out there. I go to classes, and I fine it's ok because Iam not confined to the house.
good luck. I had traditional surgery and 61 waited to long.
carol32817 elizabeth_86956
How is PT working out. I start December 21. I just started using shoes, working out twice a week. This is after 2months. My big toe is still stiff, does PT help with that.
carol32817 elizabeth_86956
Hi elizabeth
my first day with my PT, walking is highly suggested. Toe spreads, massaging the foot, heel raises and big toe crunches with a towel. It felt great, and pulling the big toe. I needed that, and it's also to be done at home.
My big toe is very tight, so I will be doing this until next appointment.
maria27972 elizabeth_86956
tara84596 maggie56266
I’ve had a Lapidus fusion Bunionectomy (screws and pins inserted for permanent fix) on both of my feet. Right was done May 2017 and the left done October 2017. I was non weight bearing for 6 weeks and had 2 weeks with a walking boot before walking in sneakers again. Physical therapy was a must for me because I wanted full mobility of my toes and feet. I started week 6 post op on both feet. Has really helped the healing process. Best decision I made to have this surgery. I also have an amazing podiatrist!
jay26523 elizabeth_86956
Hi Elizabeth and other Sydneysiders who saw Dr. Peter Lam,
Thank you for sharing your experiences.
I'm in my 30's, hoping to see Dr. Lam and am concerned if having foreign screws/pins will cause me complications in the decades to come.
I've read up on Dr Lam's minimally-invasive technique and then, I've also read another online forum where some patients (I don't know what technique they underwent) had their surgeon remove the screws due to discomfort/protrusion during the recovery process. And it actually didn't affect their healing. Does this mean, essentially, the screws don't need to remain implanted in the big toes at all?
I'm wondering if Dr. Lam addressed any of these issues to you?
Kind regards,