Bunionectomy two days out and miserable
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It was just two days ago that I came out of bunionectomy surgery quite elated with the good drugs and numbing still very present in my system, however, when they wore off a few hours later I have been hard pressed to enjoy any relief from the stabbing, swelling and burning sensations. I'm glad to hear that this swelling and stabbing is normal and am sorry for the discomfort that all of you are suffering. This blog has given me some comfort knowing that I am not alone or just weak! Now I have a couple of questions. I hesitate to call the doctors after hours number (surgery was Friday/office closed) when I don't think it's an emergency; except for lavatory trips I am down with foot elevated but the compression from ace bandage and boot make the pain more unbearable. Am I doing any damage by not wearing them?
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carol14843 vanessaWestmor
vanessaWestmor carol14843
jennifer70624 vanessaWestmor
I am 3wks into post op and I know about that excruciating pain after the first few days is normal. My Dr said that loosing to boot and icing it would help with the swelling. I also had my neighbour help loosen the bandage. Also, I was taking arnica tablets which made a difference as well. I do know the pain does get better. I am still having pain and discomfort, but not like before. The uncomfortable boot always makes me feel uncomfortable. Good luck to you. Wishing you a quick recovery.
shelia25757 vanessaWestmor
Mishe55 vanessaWestmor
Good luck Vanessa, hope you feel better soon
christine83627 vanessaWestmor
I am 15 days post op and on the second day after the nerve block wore off I was in a lot of pain and taking the maximum dose of pain killers. On the third day the pain was not as bad and for the next few days I only took occasional paracetamol or Ibuprofen.
The pain is not too bad now,mainly tingling and some throbbing. I understand is part of the healing process.
I am able to walk round the house wearing a heel weight bearing boot and crutches but spend most of my time sitting on couch with leg elevated.
I am due to have stitches out on Tuesday. Hope things improve for you
MollyDJ vanessaWestmor
vanessaWestmor MollyDJ
MollyDJ vanessaWestmor
MollyDJ vanessaWestmor
Anna1821 vanessaWestmor
Mishe55 vanessaWestmor
The pain which stops you from sleeping would wear down even a super woman
No need to have any expectations just listen to your passion and respond with the best management possible
I am 11 weeks pay surgery and back on morphine
I mended without it for few weeks and I read not sleeping
I ended an emotional mess
My Gp put me back on strong meds only at night and sometimes on the afternoon and I am fine again
The specialist told me today to expect significant pain for at least another 3 months
Please be patient and kind to yourself
It will get better but it takes time
And yes you ate right a kind and gentle helper/care giver makes a big difference
But we do not always have that much control over our lives
All the best
Mishe55 vanessaWestmor
vanessaWestmor Mishe55