Burning Body & Extreme Anxiety
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Hi ladies - Well it’s me again, so once again I woke up with burning body parts calves, arms, neck, chest & back. It generally starts for me in the middle of the night and tends to wear off a bit as the day progresses. Today however, it’s really ramped up, I have it also on my face & feel extremely anxious - nothing seems to be making me feel better...I know that burning/tingling can be related to falling estrogen, but can it really cause this discomfort? I feel so woozy weird too. So I don’t know anymore if its hormones, anxiety or something else - I also feel like a weird vibration in my body - Has anybody else had this where it’s kind of dibilitating and you feel so odd -
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Ladytrainer debra16694
debra16694 Ladytrainer
shara04249 debra16694
debra16694 shara04249
Oh wow Shara - Thanks for that - I have been so confused about what is causing this...is it anxiety or is it menopause or is it emotions. I have had some significant losses in my life, plus I have been estranged from my oldest son since his marriage a year ago and I am really fragile emotionally. I am sure all this stress garbage is not helping with my already depleted hormones. Interesting that my acupuncturist suggested I do a liver cleanse. Do you take anything to support your liver aside from eating well and avoiding all the guilty pleasures? It’s comforting to know that I am not alone here, today was by far the worst so far, so going to really concentrate on cleaning up my act, cause I can’t handle feeling like this -
debra16694 shara04249
debra16694 shara04249
Hi Shara - not sure why my post got deleted 😡
shara04249 debra16694
Yes (clean, anti-inflammatory eating) because doctors don’t tell you that unless our livers are functioning optimally during peri and menopause then the hormones either don’t get removed or moved correctly through our body. That’s when things go haywire. She also had me on pre and Pro biotics, magnesium fizz, vit D and fish oil and cbd oil pills for inflammation she says I have to sleep a minimum of 7-8 hours a day, exercise (just walk around the block 20 min. Minimum) without fail 5 days a week and I do sleep/anti stress hypnosis tapes on you tube when I can’t sleep or feel overwhelmed. It’s sounds like a lot but I do exactly what she says and I got out of my rut. I feel good for once.
Nancy2121 debra16694
theresa53424 debra16694
Hi Debra,
I can so relate to you.This last year has been by far the worst for me. I was so desperate that I called my OBGYN and begged for an appointment. When I saw her, I had a meltdown. She put me on Paxil and within 3 days I was having terrible side effects. It only made my peri-menopause worse. I told her I was allergic to SSRI's but she really thought where my body was changing the Paxil would work. My anxiety, and hot flashes were worse, and I fainted. Last week I went to the Pharmacy and I bought ESTROVAN and another natural product for menopause. I take the AM pill in the morning and the PM pill at night along with the Estrovan. These last 5 days I have felt wonderful! I haven't had any hot flashes, anxiety, and I'm calmer, I'm finally sleeping! I have been sleep deprived for over a year now. But I was at my breaking point, I really felt like I was loosing my mind. I've lost a lot of time at work because of menopause. The Estrovan and natures menopause contains Biotin, Magnisuim, and black Kohosh. It contains more Biotin and Magnisuim. Sometimes I will take two of the AM pills. One in the morning and one in the afternoon. I'm praying this will continue to work with my body. I feel like myself again but its been one hell of a ride. I don't drink soda, and/or caffeine and I stay away from Sugar. Its bad enough that we have to suffer from this and then be told we can't eat certain foods, sugar, caffeine, and alcohol. I need my couple drinks when I go home from work, its the one thing that was keeping me sane! But I picked a drink that has little calories and Diet Flavored Tonic water that doesn't have the ingredients like Splenda in it. Splenda will mess with my stomach and give me anxiety. We're literally robbed from a good quality of life when going through menopause, and then to be told it could last 10 plus years! For the love of GOD! lol.
debra16694 shara04249
Wow Shara! What a wealth of information. Oddly enough, I just got my labs back & my CRP score that measures inflammation has jumped again since last year @ this time which is concerning - also, fasting glucose has also risen along with cholesterol - everything has gone to pot, so it makes sense with the imbalance in hormones (or lack there of) that this is happening to me. What I said in my post that got deleted was that I have suffered significant losses in the last few years & my oldest son got married last year & I am now estranged from him. So on top of all the physical BS I am dealing with, I am also dealing with emotional garbage, so it is a perfect storm for my body to crash & burn - I have an appt this week with my GP, but I think I am going to make an appt with a functional dr as well - interesting about the dirt, I get the ritual part of it, but does the dirt actually help the nervous system?
debra16694 Nancy2121
debra16694 theresa53424
Thanks Theresa - I know exactly what you are saying - my GP is always pushing anti depressants & I know I am not depressed, just low mood because I feel like crap! I don’t need one more thing for my body to try & fight - I think cleansing my body right now is what my body needs most. I have suffered thru a lot of significant losses of late & I know I have comforted myself with eating & drinking my feelings away - I know exactly what I should be eating, but choose a grilled cheese sandwich over a poached chicken breast with veggies every time & pay the price for it. My body is revolting! I think this may be the wake-up call I needed because I have suffered with this burning body parts for 8 months & it is only getting worse instead of better & it is wrecking havoc on my life - Ugh!
theresa53424 debra16694
Debra, I too have suffered many losses. My mother past away 4 years ago, while my mother was dying my ex husband was cheating on me, during this time, I lost my home and my pets. Last year my ex husband walked out on me with just the clothes on his back leaving me with 17 years worth of baggage, and was cheating on me again. He filed for divorce and within two weeks it was over. Haven't seen the man in 15 months, don't care to either. My daughter didn't talk to me for months, she told me I was angry and mean all the time but she doesn't want to learn about what Menopause does to a women. I have a heart of gold and I'm a very kind person but honestly, I have been one moody b***h. I need her to understand that she too may have a tough time with Menopause. My mother could be nasty when she was going through it. Maybe the Ex left because of my menopause, they say 30% of married men will leave there spouse due to menopause. I have a wonderful man in my life now and I have to admit my sex life hasn't suffered from the menopause but I had no desire to want to be with my ex husband and went a full year with no sex from him, maybe we had sex 3 times in 3 years. I actually though he was gay. He looks it.....
I'm still a little bitter, I'm sure you can tell. Keep us posted on the Liver Cleanse and good luck.
debra16694 theresa53424
Wow Theresa! That’s tough! However, I get it big time-I was the sole caregiver for my Mom & Dad (Mom passed 4 years ago, Dad 2 years ago) My two sisters did Nada to help care for my parents & yet, my fathers body wasn’t even cold, they were both hounding me & my father’s attorney about settling the estate. You hear about people acting like this, but you never think your own family members are capable of it - during this time of caring for my parents & taking care of 2 homes, trying to manage my life, business etc. I had a major disconnect with my husband, he just wasn’t there for me emotionally during this extremely trying time. I am trying to forgive him for that, but it is hard to feel so alone. After settling my father’s estate, I was looking forward to my oldest sons wedding in April of last year. Wedding was in my town, so a lot of the planning fell on me. I was more than happy to do it because it was the only “happiness” I had had in so long. After the wedding, things changed, my son & daughter in law, never came to visit very often, when they did it was always centered around what they wanted to do, which oftentimes did not include us, so my husband, other son and myself started to feel very slighted by their actions & after them spending not any holidays with us & extended holidays with her parents, our family decided to have a “kumbaya” with them. Well, that was December 29, 2017 & I have not seen them since! They even came into town a few times & never chose to see us. I have been in the fetal position for most of the year, but am finally realizing thru estrangement forums that this is not so uncommon & I need to stop blaming myself for what I did as a parent. So in the course of 4 years, I have lost my entire immediate family, my son & his wife, 2 dear friends & hanging on to my marriage by a thread - yes, I do believe woman who have emotional stress do get hit harder with menopause symptoms!!!! I didn’t mean to download, but sometimes it feels cathartic for me to articulate that BS & realize I made it thru that & I am still alive, not thriving, but alive -
Nettie261962 debra16694
I have horrible burning and itching of my arms. I’m 56 and in menopause for sure. I also get woozy a lot and have jelly legs and am full of anxiety.
debra16694 Nettie261962
shara04249 debra16694