Burning Body & Extreme Anxiety
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Hi ladies - Well it’s me again, so once again I woke up with burning body parts calves, arms, neck, chest & back. It generally starts for me in the middle of the night and tends to wear off a bit as the day progresses. Today however, it’s really ramped up, I have it also on my face & feel extremely anxious - nothing seems to be making me feel better...I know that burning/tingling can be related to falling estrogen, but can it really cause this discomfort? I feel so woozy weird too. So I don’t know anymore if its hormones, anxiety or something else - I also feel like a weird vibration in my body - Has anybody else had this where it’s kind of dibilitating and you feel so odd -
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Nettie261962 debra16694
shara04249 Nettie261962
debra16694 shara04249
Hi Shara - I am fairly religious about taking my probiotic, B stress vitamin, magnesium, omega & Vitamin D - I even take some Spirit Calm which is a Chinese herb - sometimes I do some CBD oil - nothing calms my burning body parts when I am in full flame though -
Guest debra16694
Hi Debra, I believe that these are hot flashes, just our version, with no sweating. I started with burning feet. Now I also get burning in other parts of my body. Never any sweating, but definitely burning. I am also waking up at night feeling like I'm on fire. When I get these burning sensations I will also get anxiety or depression feelings, and also physical symptoms, like a headache or backache, or just feel flu like. Used to feel like adrenaline rushes. I had all kinds of tests too, including a brain MRI. All normal.
debra16694 Guest
Hi Suzanne - Yes, I thought that at first also, but my burning body parts usually come on in the middle of the night & now stay with me most of the day. In Peri, I had my fair share of the hot sweats at night, now I don’t get that so much, but this is altogether different. Yesterday I actually felt “out of body” most of the day - I think I was experiencing a really bad anxiety attack on top of this really bad burning episode & today I still have the burning but not as bad. I just really snapped at my husband & all I want to do is cry cause I feel so bad. I have two friends that are each traveling abroad & are sending me photos of their travels & I can barely get out of bed...i just can’t cope anymore!
Gwenn1120 debra16694
Hi Debra..
Yes, burning, buzzing, muscle pain, twitching, insomnia, anxiety.. just some of the things.
Ive had every test under the sun except neurological ones (they're next when I get the courage) thst show Im in full menopause but otherwise "normal ". I don't feel like it though.
debra16694 Gwenn1120
Hi Gwenn - I am just curious how often you experience the burning sensation. I used to get the tingling a lot more than now, now I am just experiencing the burning like everyday & it is really taking its toll on my mental health. I feel so “tapped out” or maybe “burned out” (get the pun - hah!) is a better word. Yes, I was laying around here today thinking maybe I should get neurological testing & brain scans & everything else, but I am still paying on all the medical visits I have had this year...it’s just all so over whelming. May I ask if you are menopausal or peri? How long have you experienced the burning sensation. Thanks! Praying I can sleep tonight -
Gwenn1120 debra16694
Hi again Debra,
It varies. From burning daily , then it stops for days or weeks, then the daily burning starts. It can be my thighs, lower legs and feet, back, arms..no area seems off limit. Muscles at times feel very tight with it, but not always.
As I type now, it's in my right hip and both legs.
I had an MRI (no significant abnormality) and every other damned test you can imagine, except the Neuro ones to rule out ALS or MS. At the moment I'm fixating unhealthily I have one of those two things (not helping the anxiety any! ) , but GP thinks it's a combination of menopause and off the scale anxiety, which I'm not arguing about but with combined with other issues I'm getting rather morbid about the whole thing.
My GP said "You are in full blown menopause", so I just repeat that to people lol. I didn't think to ask for a copy of pathology report re: hormone levels, at the time. Ive dabbled in hrt, but feel I need customised therapy, not off the shelf, so to speak. If neuro tests are okay, I'll probably will be going full tilt with diet adjustments and see a Menopause Expert because seriously, this is just damned HIDEOUS being like this.
I have always been an emotional type of eater and atm am stuffing myself with a ridiculous amount of food and wrong types of food at that, so need to address that asap.
Thankfully all my tests bar the MRI on my neck because I requested it, I had done have been free so far, the neurologist won't though but I just feel like I've been poked, prodded and had an ordinate amount of trips to Doctors, Pathology etc so am putting it off. Plus I feel a bit scared to go, as silly as that sounds.
For my worsening insomnia, I just started taking a medication for sleep (which if I mention by name will probably get moderated) that uses melatonin helping the circadian rhythm and it seems to have helped a little with anxiety. I was using an over the counter relaxant, which helped but I had residual drowsiness for the first few hours in the morning.
Excuse the language but... this absolute S**T! I mean (big "poor us" rant coming... lol) if it isn't enough to suffer gynecologically throughout teens up to peri/menopause, then we go through this utter rubbish! God, I thought having a hysterectomy to stop the ridiculous bleeding and clots would be the end of my problems...WRONG! And this is happening to so many women, from what I am reading, it's not funny.
If it weren't for sites and forums like this, I honestly would have thought I was a full blown hypochondriac or completely insane... or both.
Nobody talks about this out in the public and many Doctors don't even know about what menopausal women are experiencing or some even dismiss the suggestion. All of us can't be wrong!
Here we all are giving empathy, tips on what may work and emotional support. Next Doctor or specialist appointment I have, I think I'll ask them to have a look here so they can see it's not just one or two women they may think is emotionally unhinged or loopy, this is REAL.
As I said on another thread, hang in there, this is not going to be a permanent thing forever even if it feels like it.
debra16694 Gwenn1120
Oh Gwenn - Thank you for that! It’s comforting to know that you have the same symptoms. When the burning gets bad, do you also feel sort of sick? Like almost as if you have the flu or that somebody shook your whole body up...my digestion feels off, appetite off, achy & fatigued & sad? After two days of intense burning & anxiety, I feel a bit better today, but these “bad intensity” days seem like they are coming closer & closer together. I just hope & pray this means I am almost thru the “Ring of Fire”.
I have battled with this intense weight gain now for 10 years, I am way past the vanity part of it, but do want to feel better, so I am going to do everything in my power to start eating cleaner & try & eliminate wheat, sugar, dairy & alcohol - I cannot give up my 1 1/2 cups of coffee...sorry! No can do - I am going to take baby steps to try & start exercising again, I have lost my mojo for that after feeling so crappy for so long - hopefully, things will change for us Gwenn, cuz I feel like I have been in purgatory for quite some time now - hope you have a good day -
Gwenn1120 debra16694
That's what if feels like, that horrible deep muscle pain you get with the flu! Aching, fatigue. Nasty stuff! I feel like I'm "rusting up" internally if that makes sense? If I was a motor car, I would be classed as un roadworthy lol.
I started having it, it would last a day, then disappear. Over the last 4 -5 years it seems to have got closer together and lasting a lot longer . These days I have more bad days than good.
When I first had it , coincidentally or not, was when I first started having pathology measured hormone drops. After my hysterectomy it significantly worsened and now I'm in menopause, it's just bad a lot of days.
Take care,and I hope you have a better day today from your "purgatory pal".
tracy43395 debra16694
I still can't believe the menopause can make you feel so ill. I've lost control of my body. Some days I feel like I'm dying and some days I wish it would just kill me and get it over with. I can't function and am practically housebound. I'm 49 years old!!
Nettie261962 tracy43395
I feel the same way. I had to retire early because I got so sick feeling and debilitated. Every muscle aches, I’m dizzy 24/7, balance problems, flu like, sad, anxious and so much more. This just does not seem fair. I can’t take HRT either as I am a breast cancer survivor. Have tried that too in the past and it made me even more depressed. Wasn’t supposed to but felt desperate to try. I wish us all the best.