Burning Body Parts - what’s causing this?
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Hi all - i have posted on here many times regarding this complaint, but i am really hoping someone has some insight - i have been plagued with this now for over a year 1/2 - the attack always comes on somewhere between 1:00 - 5:00 am & it starts out with intense burning in back & travels all over my body but primarily my chest, back, arms & front of my legs. The burning varies, sometimes intense & sometimes mild & then i get like an adrenaline surge & feel sick to my stomach, but dont throw up - it generally passes after 1 to 2 hours but leaves me completely drained - i have had hot flashes & the sweats, but this is different - is it a different kind of anxiety attack or a different kind of hot flash? - i am just beside myself - drs cant seem to tell me what it is perhaps you ladies have experienced it & know what it is - i really want it to stop - the first time it happened, i went to ER & no one could tell me what was causing it - i am just fed up!!! 7 years post meno
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lisa65434 debra16694
Hello, This sound like a common complaint from many women going through Menopause. You say you have been evaluated? I have had over the past year or so tingling, pain and numbness in my feet, sometimes hands and even my tongue - I also had some incidences where it felt like something was crawling up my leg it would not be painful but the pressure was killer! I just had a brain MRI which came out negative. Going for a Spine MRI soon. I know that Vitamin Deficiencies can cause some weird symptoms like these, especially B-12. I do notice as I get older the anxieties get real different so they throw me off and cause a "freak out" - WIsh I could be more help! I know that many women are going through some similar stuff but for me I had to go and just rule out stuff and from what it seems its all menopausal or hormone related - Our central nervous system goes through much change during this time!!!
Hang in there
debra16694 lisa65434
hey lisa - i have had all the tingling, numbness, electric zaps etc. the burning thing is i tense & only seems to strike in the early morning hours & wakes me from a dead sleep - i also just feel completely spent after these intense episodes - i have spent so much money, seen so many drs & they all look at me like i am nuts - they just want to throw drugs at me - last dr wanted to give me neuronton - which is a really heavy duty drug - i know these episodes have to be anxiety or hormone based, i just would like to know which is it -
pamela2016 debra16694
the burning skin your having is my type of hot flashes i dont get the typical get a flash and sweat and cool off i been dealing with this since the beginning of all this cones and goes but when it first started it lasted all day everyday for a very very long time to me it felt like a very bad sunburn and nothing relieved it. i took alot of cold showers that gave alittle relief now i wipe myself down with cold rags. its basically let up throughout my body but my face and ears i still get everyday and some days all day long. i feel like my face is in a boiler and cant escape the heat its horrible. im sorry i dont have a solution just wanted you to know your not alone.
debra16694 pamela2016
hi pamela - i guess my hot flash has morphed into this, but why only at night & why do i feel like an adrenaline rush then sick to my stomach - it literally zaps my energy for the day, i feel like i am suffering from an adrenaline crash - thanks for responding - ugh!
Guest debra16694
Are you suffering with anxiety currently?
debra16694 Guest
hi suzanne - i know we have exchanged posts over this in the past...oddly enough i went to the dentist on thursday for a cavity filling & because it was my back upper tooth they had to put a contraption in my mouth the hold onto my tongue, in addition to all the other things in my mouth - i have never had dental anxiety, but i had a full blown panic attack - like trembling, freak out heart palpitating attack - so to answer your question, i would say yes, i suffer from anxiety - i have had this burning episode many times now, but last night was bad - during the last few days i have felt very irritable & my digestion was off yesterday, so maybe a drop in hormones - i just cant keep having these life sucked out of me episodes -
Guest debra16694
So if you look up all the symptoms of anxiety yours are listed. I never know what causes what. Clearly low hormones can cause anxiety and all the same symptoms of both.
I still get those symptoms but now they've turned in to real hot flashes. So my burning feet will start it still, then it travels up. Get stabbing pains sometimes in my stomach, chest, head, back, shoulder. Then the heat all over.
Sorry about your dental work, been there! Had to have another tooth pulled last spring and a root canal in another. Awful. I shake all over.
debra16694 Guest
hi suzanne - oh wow! i never thought to look up the anxiety symptoms - i am sure they truly play off each other...hormones/anxiety - my husband always says, no one ever died from a panic attack, although it certainly feels like you can die while experiencing it - i just want this stuff to all go away...i have paid my dues already -
lisa95354 debra16694
Oh Yes Debra, it’s not anxiety honey, I had a woman tell me couple weeks ago on Instagram to try Hgh, I wouldn’t even begin to know where to look for that or who would do it. I would have to say that mine starts at the same time or almost immediately when I lay down. It’s almost or I thought it was cramping until I realize the ladies on this forum describe it is burning and that’s what it is. And yes I get in the chest as well. It Has to be fluctuating hormones. Other people of told me to up my potassium, up my magnesium, when I upped the potassium one night it seem to really help. I had a little container of extra potassium pills that my husband got as a prescription because he gets leg cramps and that did seem to help. Are you on Facebook or Instagram because there’s a lot of menopause sites on both. I’m not on Facebook but there’s supposed a really good one that a nurse practitioner will speak to you for a half hour for free and it’s called “Fixed a flash." i’m not on Facebook though. after years and years of symptoms I went on HRT last Thursday and finding the maybe that’s not the answer after all. I am horribly bloated, acne on my nose which I NEVER get, and indigestion and sick to my stomach. I called my pharmacist who compounds the cream and he is wonderful and he said, maybe your body just needs a break from this, I thought break from this, I just started are you kidding me. he said for me to take a break for three days and then start back up and instead of doing two pumps from the container, do you one. He said there’s no actual science to this, meaning yes HRT does work, but it’s not like taking two liquid Advil‘s and getting rid of a headache , it does work but it’s finding a happy medium. I thought this was gonna be my magical answer but I do not wanna feel bloated, I feel like I’m six months pregnant. I digress ... try to up your magnesium and potassium, Also something that works wonderfully, but if we have hot flash it’s not the best solution, but we are going into late fall here and having beautiful children evening so I leave the window open ....get one of those heating pads that massage therapist use, that’s full length. you can get one on the Internet anywhere. again if feels wonderful if you don’t hot flash bad. do you use black cohosh for the hot flashes. I am three years post menopause and it’s almost like obviously there’s no magic answer for this, but going I guess with the ebb ans the flow and not losing our minds in the process 😉 . i’ve had this actually really bad since I would say mid summer, it’s like it never went away. do you feel like your feet are hanging off the end of the bed, that’s how I feel all the time, like my limbs were hanging off The edge of the bed and they fell asleep, it really is so unnerving. I honestly feel that the answer to a lot of this is eating healthy, exercising, not drinking a lot of alcohol, and a huge part is resolving any issues, childhood traumas, toxic ties to family or even spouses, I think all this happens to us to clean up areas of our life we have not tended to or ignored. anyway, you’re not alone, blessings your way, hang in there ! I also just thought before I ended hear that goodness, I wonder if these memory foam mattresses have anything to do with her symptoms, they are supposedly toxic 😦 OK I just physically cringed at the thought of that. I thought it many times and I have looked into organic mattresses I think one of them is called Avocado..... this is Food for thought 😉
debra16694 lisa95354
hi lisa - Thank you for your post - lots of wonderful suggestions - i am not on social media at all unfortunately - i have heard that there are some great menopause posts on there - i do take magnesium, but not potassium & i rarely eat bananas, but might be a good idea since i am on a high blood pressure Rx with dieretic & i know you lose potassium - i know i am a nervous nelly & do get anxious, but these depleting hormones had kicked that all into high gear - good idea about the childhood emotional trauma...i have been through that & still dealing with it & have lots of toxic family issues, so yes, i think it is all contributing & for those of us going thru this, the nervous system really gets affected during this journey - i do agree with you, that all the chemicals we are exposed to on a daily basis, has to impact our well-being - thanks for the response - i have to agree with you, it has to be hormones causing this sensation -
lisa95354 debra16694
Hello Deborah, I have the same thing, childhood issues, trauma, but even though I’ve cut my family off years ago, I live in a small town, it’s very difficult, I’m sure you know what I mean 😉 Even though I feel like I’ve dealt with it, it just always seems to linger. I don’t have an option to move from this area at this time as my husband will not retire for several years. I hope you’re able to distance yourself so it’s not an every day issue ... Hugs to you xo
debra16694 lisa95354
hi Lisa - yes, i have a very dysfuctional family & the last straw was when my two siblings literally abandoned me while i wascaring for my parents for 10 years - my father's body wasnt even cold, when they started calling the attorney to find out about the estate - you hear about these stories, but you never think it will happen to your family, so yes, i have had to spend a whole lot of time trying to forgive my sisters for their behavior, but i am the one left with the PTSD, while they did nothing. i am at peace with the gift i gave my parents, but just hearing about my sisters or their families can make me have an anxiety attack, but i am working on it i know my anxiety is so much worse now that i am in menopause, i feel like my coping mechanisms have all been depleted - i know menopause really affects the nervous system & mine has really been impacted for sure - i just hate that burning body parts feeling though...its really a strange sensation
Lkl2019 debra16694
Heat, anxiety lead me to believe it's some of flash. And yes, upset stomach. I most recently woke up to heat on my back, tingling hands, dizzy/woozy feeling and nausea. There's nothing else this could have been but some type of weird hot flash. only thing that was missing here was the anxiety. Drs don't know b.c Drs don't care b.c our medicine is built for men. If men suffered like this, we'd not it know what was happening, but we would have a pill to take it all away! We are sooooo in the dark ages still 😦
debra16694 Lkl2019
Yes indeed, its a mans world for sure - it also appears when i get these attacks, i also get a load of digestive issues, so i think it has to be driven by hormones rather than just anxiety...its like my whole body goes haywire - today i woke up & feel like i have a mild electrical current running through my body - ugh!
lisa95354 Lkl2019
Hello LKL, you’ve been on my mind, I hope you’re hanging in there, I know it’s a real roller coaster, but you are never far from my thoughts 😃 xo
Lkl2019 debra16694
the more hot I get...which is typically with any exertion, the more my stomach gurgles and I lose my appetite. I don't know if the heat causes it or what?! It's all maddening. feel like my body has been stolen from me.
Lkl2019 lisa95354
i am hanging in there. thank you.
lisa95354 Lkl2019
Hugs to you LKL ...xxxooo
lisa95354 Lkl2019
LKL... it is very frustrating, I turned 54 last week and I swear, with every birthday ...on the day... there comes some new symptom ...GRRRR! this round it appears that I’m having stomach issues and indigestion, it feels like my intestines are being stabbed w/ a butter knife.