Burning feeling in hands

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OK is it just me or have anyone experience burning in your hands man I'm so tired already with this menopause I get weird pain in my stomach in my boobs they get so sore to touch my shoulders elbows wrist my lord this is to much sometimes I can't deal with it all the time SOMEONE PLEASE HELP!!!!!!

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30 Replies

  • Posted

    I haven't had the hand burning, but everything else I experience all the time. This totally reeks.
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    hi monique i feel for you i dont get the sore boobs but my anxiety is going through the roof and i cant stop crying does it effect you like that its vile i feel like imgoing mad 
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      Yes I cry a lot for no reason the little things that I would never let get to me does its horrible
  • Posted

    I use to get a kind of itching feeling in my hands about 12 mths ago. I suppose they where hot too. I took an anti-histamine when it felt uncomfortable then eventually it went!

    Good luck in getting it all under control! This really is yet another trying time for us women!

  • Posted

    I get the stomach issues and pain with all the other rotten things but not burning hands and yes I'm so sick of it all too x
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    im so glad i found this forum ladies im going the doctors this week does anyone take anything for it if so what helps im on an antidepressant already im presuming its the perimenopause high anxiety, horrible thoughts, periods here there and everywhere crying hysterically 
  • Posted

    A few months ago I was getting the burning, tingling and itching hands and I get burning feet. I didn't know until I found this site that it was peri related. I thought I was having an allergic reaction to something. I too get weird pains and feelings. Some days it drives me crazy. My anxiety is all over the place because of it. I just want to go back to feeling normal.
  • Posted

    Hiya hunni i suffer with this too!!! Burning hands and almost a varicose vein in my left hand which hurts and itches at times. It worries me all the time. My hand tingles sometimes too and i checked with the doc and he said it is nothing to worry about as its all age/peri related.

    My boobs are ALWaYS painful especially on the right hand side. It eases alot when i do get a period (yep still hanging on in there!!) but the rest of the time they hurt and are sore. Again I worry about this all the time too. Sometimes just hugging people brings tears to my eyes!!

    I hope my post reassures you a bit hun -just knowing we arent the only ones suffering from these fristrating aches and pains does help I think. We are all in this together and this forum is so very good for support. Hope you are ok hunni Lou xxx

  • Posted

    Hi Monique, I get tingling in my hands, arms & sometimes feet - but especially getting burning/tingling in my head which at times has become unbearable. Just recently got some tablets from Doctor for this - it calms nerve endings, so feeling better. I don't know if it's hormone related but hoping it is - does anyone else have the head burning/tingling or is it just me?
    • Posted

      I get the tingling/burning hands, feet, and face. Sometimes I get the internal tremors/tingling. You are not alone. I get an anxiety attack from it cause I think it's something fatal when it happens.
    • Posted

      Hi Jamie, I know what you mean I have internal shakes/nervousness - it's horrible. I have to try and ignore it and hope it will go away, it's usually worse when I'm tired. I hope your anxiety eases off, it's not nice feeling anxious all the time. I try to live just one day at a time and not think too much about anything unpleasant. If bad thoughts sneak in I try to focus on something nice/positive. I like to paint, so I try to think of my next painting project, this helps. Hope things brighten up for you soon 😊😊
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      I try to block out negative thoughts too. Some days are easy and some are rough. But I just tell myself it will go away. The anxiety has gotten a little better now that I know where some of the symptoms are coming from. I hang on to the thought that the symptoms are going to stop. Take care and keep sharing!!

    • Posted

      Jamie, I agree with you, that the only aspect of all of this that brings any peace is that the symptoms will eventually dissipate. I try to hold on to that, its miserable and the reality is despite the various herbal treatments, vitamins, ect, its still a new challenge everyday, The odd aspect is you go from having issues with one thing for awhile than then boom here comes something else. The relentless nature of the different issues is to me the most frustrating, its never a break. Since this all started last year, its something every day, I rarely have a day with zero symptoms.  
    • Posted

      I don't have a day without them either. It's certainly true that something new comes along every time you turn around. Everytime I think I get a step ahead, a new symptom knocks me back. I've been dealing with a cold the last few days and that has me feeling terrible along with all the other mess. Today I've been dealing with a low grade headache, constant coughing and phlegm in my chest and throat. It's uncomfortable but im dealing with it.
    • Posted

      Omg yes the cold I have been dealing with this as well the mucus in the throat coughing because its draining chest feeling aching muscles right in the middle like (1) on each side of the 1 lol not in the boob but the muscles that go up to the collar bone lord when will it ever end
    • Posted

      I absolutely hate it. I have moments where I feel like I can't breathe and then start coughing. It's just so darn uncomfortable. This cold is nerve wrecking on top of all the other issues.
    • Posted

      Jamie, I am so sorry you have been going through this, here is what I use to combat my colds, vinegar, golden seal, echinchea, slippery elm, garlic, this combo WORKS really well, if you can tolerate it, hot peppers, the hotter the better, but only do what you can tolerate. As you said about the symptoms, I think thats the most upsetting aspect to menopause for me and you guys. I often wonder why some women have hardly anything and others like us are bombarded, there must be a chemical imbalance, I just dont get it.  Today I go to the dr. I will report more on that later.

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