Burning Mouth
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Hi all
Does anybody else experience a burning, stinging sensation on the roof of their mouth and tongue. Feels like it is burnt from a hot drink.
GP told me it was reflux and treated as such with no effect. Saw a GI specialist who does not think it is reflux, just had endoscope and biopsies today but I think it is related to peri, stress, nutrition.
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jayneejay middlemuddle
yes i had dry mouth, gums, throat, metallic taste, sore roof of mouth etc in peri ..
Hormonal related as well .. Still get a dry mouth and lips at times post meno
useful info..
What Causes Night Sweats and Dry Mouth?
During menopause, the body's endocrine system undergoes a dramatic shift with an overall decrease in the levels of estrogen and progesterone.
One of the side effects of this change is night sweats.
When the body experiences a decline in estrogen, the hypothalamus sends out inaccurate signals that the body is overheating and must cool rapidly.
Excess sweat and flushing skin result, creating the sensation of night sweats.
During menopause, changing hormone levels affect the salivary glands, often leaving menopausal and postmenopausal women with a persistent feeling of dryness in the mouth.
This can be accompanied by a bitter taste in the mouth as well as problems with bad breath.
This is due to the drying of the mucus membranes.
This is also responsible for a feeling of dryness in both the nasal passages and the vagina that some women experience during menopause.
If you have dry mouth often, it can be uncomfortable or indicate that a more serious medical condition may exist.
Saliva does more than just keep the mouth wet: it helps digest food, protects teeth from decay, prevents infection by controlling bacteria in the mouth, and makes it possible for you to chew and swallow.
Burning Mouth Syndrome
Some women going through menopause may feel pain or a burning sensation on their tongue, lips, gums, or other spots in their mouths.
You may also find that some foods taste different during or after menopause.
Again, the culprit is a hormone imbalance.
Decreasing hormones can affect your taste buds and make you more sensitive to pain.
marlene21102 middlemuddle
jayneejay marlene21102
no i ignore it...... maybe we got use to it 😃
have a nice weekend
sending my regards
jay xx
marlene21102 jayneejay
Yes I'm like you ,I ignore this mouth issue ,know what it is ,the metallic off and on ,ignore that to B......y stuff .think to my sinuses maybe don't help either with it .maybe this isent helping my Tinnitus either .great hey that's been pits and awful neck ache ,want a shop to go and exchange the bits giving us agro ,I'd never be out of queue ,Hee Hee No 1 customers .ain't I the dreamer .
Not been on for bit ,pop in and out ,but always look for your post .
Weather here Rain Rain Rain ,no doubt your mums told you that
Have good weekend to ,hope doggies all fine ,nice cooler weather for them ,or not ,use to Spanish weather as you say .
Be Good .xxxx Mar
jayneejay marlene21102
yep hes away again, just breezes in for an odd weekend, use to it now ..
we had rain, infact its feels quite chilly ..
Colder in the house then outside .. Always is in winter here ..
not lighting the fire yet, i enjoying the cold 😃 no flushes
had a chest pain all day.. Not worrying about it, think its wind 😃
havent pegged it yet .. 😊
jay xx
marlene21102 jayneejay
It's cold here to ,have heating on every day ,be frost soon as it's cold over night .heard how Travis and Dottie are .? All gone quiet .
Were get there in the end .stay well Jay xxx
jayneejay marlene21102
Trevis was on other day and Dottie 😃
Frost 😳 oh i dont miss frost or snow ..
yeah that chest pain, crushing.. abit burpy so its wind ..
must of been walking around with my mouth wide open hahahahaha
have a nice weekend
jay x
julie2510 middlemuddle
jayneejay julie2510
oh bless you.. I can relate to the hot flushes i had shockers here in the height of summer in spain, no way of cooling down ..
Now its colder i am fine .. Vit E is good too as a supplement..
and Maca ..
yours will be intense as its all happened suddenly .. It will get better, keep cool ..
big hugs
jay x
yves40 jayneejay
jayneejay yves40
no i dont know if people take them in combo sorry..
i have never taken HRT ..
jay x
yves40 jayneejay
julie2510 middlemuddle
jayneejay julie2510
hahaha knew what you meant 😊
made me smile 😊
jay x