Burning mouth and swollen lips???
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Hi all. Going through perimenopause, many symptoms. Possibly had last period a couple of months ago.
Suddenly, new symptom: burning mouth, red and inflamed tongue, and today, woke with extremely swollen lips. Hard to talk well. Also, dry mouth has been constant for few weeks now.
Anyone had this? I've read it can be related to dropping estrogen levels. Has HRT helped anyone with this? Should I see my doc? Ugh. Thanks.
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Guest jcat05
Hi J, I've heard of burning mouth/gums, my sister had that bad, but I don't know about swollen tongue and lips. That sounds more like an allergic reaction to something.
tessa07451 jcat05
wendy_4261 jcat05
wendy_4261 jcat05
The constant has been dry mouth, and I suspect this causes the burning/swelling. Also, typically gets worse at night when I probably breathe through my mouth and am typically drier.
And from what I read, the dropping estrogen can cause dryness all over, not just vaginally. I also see it in my skin--suddenly crepy. But this new symptom really stinks!
wendy_4261 jcat05
No I just went it alone, I can't HRT don't see the point because when the Dr takes you of it your periods come bk an you have to start all over again, happened to lots of my freinds 😕
supemack39 wendy_4261
Wendy, it's perimenopause/hormone-related. No allergic reaction.
wendy_4261 jcat05
supemack39 jcat05
Yes the dry, burning mouth is the drop in estrogen, but even when taking hrt, it seems to take quite a while to clear up. I used Propalis boiling, tried not to use a harsh toothpaste, get a "dry mouth wash" from Boots, and use Vicki around your nose at night so you can breath through your nose instead of your mouth. The obvious things like spicy, or too hot food only irritate it more, so again avoid these. The only bit I have left, is a slightly tender bit on the end of my tongue and if I speak too much my mouth dries out....difficult when I am a market researcher and have to talk a lot! Good luck, let us know how you get on!
Thanks everyone. I didn't realize that HRT can reverse things when you get off it, though I guess I should have expected that. I have to talk for a living, too, so I'm not thrilled about this new development! How long did it last, for those of you that had it? Thanks.
supemack39 jcat05
I cant remember exactly as I had all of the symptoms plus more because doctor prescribed different hrt,s after taking me off abruptly and my train hit the crash barrier with a huge bump! I would say probably around 9 months to a year. The length of time I had it and tried to find a remedy is how I know they work as it was trial and error. I still use the Vicki nightly as my mouth still gets dry if I mouth breath through the night, but I started using it because the inside of my nose had dried up to anxiety proportions. When everything begins to settle, it seems that we are left with residual worries, or fears or paranoia. My worst fear is night time and the dark as a result of insomnia and waiting for daylight to arrive after a long, lonely night with no sleep due to the andrenalin punches in my chest. Now I sleep well, but I don't like the night. Nuts or what? CBT therapy has been offered, but I,ll probably be dead by the time I get the appointment! I wouldn't worry about coming off hrt, you have a life to live now.....
kimberly60059 jcat05
Thanks for sharing that, Kimberly, and sorry to hear. Yes, I've read that different areas of the mouth can become inflamed, depending on individual.
I also noticed that I'm very fatigued today, too.
Wondering if it's at all related to oral HSV...I was exposed to herpes a while ago, maybe it is cause? But then again, I do think it's the hormal changes (at least according to stuff I've read).
laura26665 jcat05