Burning Mouth Syndrome?
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Hi I'm going through the dreaded menopause and last year developed dry eyes. Now I seem to have a problem with a dry mouth and sore tongue. My tongue feels like a piece of sandpaper and sometimes feels sore as if it has been burnt. My doctor has been no help at all and my dentist has now suggested that I might have burning mouth syndrome. Does anyone else have anything similar? Can anyone suggest what food or drink would help or be avoided? Is there anything else that might help? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
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sue28162 elaine62759
elaine62759 sue28162
Yes - it's like a cross between a burning feeling and a pins and needles sort of tingling. It's good to know it's not just me. Was starting to feel like I was going mad!
sue28162 elaine62759
Me too me too! I would ask everyone and anyone if they ever had this feeling. And they looked at me as if I was bat crazy. It drives me crazy. Well now I know I don't have to put myself into the loony bin
Jokey elaine62759
Hi Elaine, yes I have been through it and still have it to a certain degree.
It is hideous isn't It. I just could not understand what it was at first and
I was at my wits end, no one could help, it upset my husband as he didn't
know what to do and the doctor, who was sympathetic, had no ideas either.
I went through a really bad time with it.
Firstly I used to suck ice cubes which gave a bit of relief. Mouthwash used
occasionally and probably the best thing was sucking polo mints and
chewing gum. Now this all helps but unfortunately I couldn't find a cure for it.
All I can say is it will get better and the best thing you can do besides these
remedies is try not to get too stressed or anxious about it, I know that is
easier said than done, but it will make it worse. Hope this helps you, let me
know how you get on.
All the best.
elaine62759 Jokey
Hi, I've found chewing gum helps a bit too. Tried a normal mouthwash a few weeks ago and my tongue went really swollen up so had to go to hospital. Then saw a doctor who hadn't a clue what was wrong with my mouth and gave me antihistamines (which give you a dry mouth!!) and told me to see my dentist who suggested it could be burning mouth syndrome and to go back to the doctor. Saw a different doctor who said she'd never heard of burning mouth syndrome and to go back go to dentist! Also gave me eye drops I'm allergic too. Am so glad I came on here and now realise there are others like me. Everyone else I mentioned it too just look at me blankly and don't understand.
Jokey elaine62759
Yes, even my children (adults) while very sympathetic, thought I was imagining it I am sure. Everyone thinks you are nuts don't they!
You have really been through it! Doctors haven't got a clue have they?
Keep your chin up ( that wasnt a pun) 😁😁
elaine62759 Jokey
It doesn't help when most of the good doctors at my practice have now retired and anyone I see looks about like they should still be at school!!
monique_93857 elaine62759
Hi elaine i to had all the above it goes away after a while even the dry eyes i did it all natural the only pill i have is my blood pressure thats it all these horrible symptoms come and go the health anxiety was my top worst but has went away thanking god the only thing i suffer with now is the aching shoulders but trust me I've suffered from a-z every blue moon the anxiety trys to peak but i get up and get to moving so keep faith there is a light at the end of the horrible thong we call menopause
elaine62759 monique_93857
Hi Monique, I'm glad to know there is light at the end of the tunnel! I don't like taking medication either and managed OK with fan for hot flushes, relaxation CDs for anxiety, a bit walking and yoga and trying to eat a better diet but last year my eyes got so dry I could hardly open them. Tried loads of eye drops which seemed to be making them worse then optician told me I was probably allergic to the preservatives in them. I found an preservative free eye ointment which was great then they discontinued it! Tried using nothing but my eyes got a lot worse again so tried another eye ointment and drops which don't help and irritate my eyes and now my mouth isn't right either. Will be so glad when it's all over!!
Jokey elaine62759
I have the fan on at night all the time, even in the winter when it is cold.
You look to be doing everything right. I wonder what the ladies who don't suffer are doing right.
My eyes do get dry and sore but nothing like you are experiencing
but the mouth thing has been a nightmare. I hope we all feel great when its all over!
elaine62759 Jokey
Maybe some people are just lucky and don't suffer so much. I open the window and put a fan on at night too, even in winter, and it drives my husband mad - he thinks I'm nuts!!
Jokey elaine62759
duvet up around my neck next I am throwing it off, then 10 mins
later back on again. Do you sometimes get a wierd anxiety feeling
before a hot flush? I used to get butterflies in my tummy before
One. I get this anxiety one about 10 mins after I just got to sleep.
I would be interested to know if anyone else experiences this.
I think I am keeping my husband awake too!
elaine62759 Jokey
I often feel like my heart is racing and I can't breathe when I am about to have one like I'm having a panic attack. Think it's worse when lying down. I sometimes get up and wander about to try and calm down and cool down. I've even gone and stood in the garden a minute to cool down. At least the neighbours won't see me - they'll all be all tucked up in bed fast asleep - lucky them!!
monique_93857 elaine62759
monique_93857 Jokey
Jokey elaine62759
Jokey monique_93857
In your boon? Well that's a new one lol! My sis-in-law gets the stomach thing too. Maybe she gets the boob thing too
elaine62759 Jokey
Glad to know I'm not alone. Should start a late night ramblers club!!
Jokey elaine62759
Why not we not gonna get any sleep are we lol😀
junieju Jokey
What is sleep, lol 😀😀💤
Jokey junieju
Now going to bed to put myself through it again! 😴😴😴(hopefully)
Night all hope you all sleep well tonight.
junieju Jokey
Night night, stay cool 💤