Burning sensation around scrotum and lower abdomen

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              Its almost 6 months i am facing this problem. in the begining it started with light burnng in the Scrotum then it starts radiating to the thighs, legs , lower abdomen.  initially i believed its because of HEAT. it goes to the severe conditions where i got fever.

             i consult a doctor, then done urine culture, urine routing , ultrasound scanning. Result was negative for all. i was treated with urispy and juice, suspecting it is urine infection.

            problem once againg resurfaced with burning in the scrotum, on and off  and sometimes in the lower abdomen. this burning radiates to the feet of both the legs. everything is on and off. i consult a new doctor then he advised me oflox ,flotral , meftal , pause , cranfac , pyradime , and some suice. Done the tests like uroflometry and RGU. 

           I am not cured then i go to another hospital , done with siemen culture. found occational pus cells , few grams of negative bicilli seen . escherichia coli isolated in culture . treated with ciprofloxacin in the beginning and then with faropenem , doxy and maxgalyn er 75. 

             for 2 to 3 months i felt better with maxgalyn er 75 and  very rare burning sensation. now it has become severe once again. please advice me

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  • Posted

    I have similar symptoms. Driving me insane. The intensity of the pain varies but it spikes once a week.

    Been to many docs and done tons of tests, nothing shows positive. Don't know what to do anymore.

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      for anyone who are experiancing these sensations i have just found out that Ciprofloxain can cause horrible side effects that effect your nervous system such as burning sensations, pins and needles ect.

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    I have been having very similar symptoms for the last year and a half and countless appts. my symptoms occur if I'm standing up like in a line waiting for 10 minutes or longer. burning occurs in my back, butt and abdomen and testicles. if I start moving around it goes away.

    also when i kneel down on my knees when I'm working is the worst. my testicles and abdomen feel like they are burning and it gets stronger and stronger and as soon as I stand up, it goes away.

    I've had countless appts. MRIs on my abdomen, ultrasound on my testicles. every has always come back normal. the last thing to explore is a nerve in the back that will cause pain in all of these issues and in my case is being aggravated when in those positions. still looking for the answer though.

    • Posted

      hi there,

      same symptoms here since a month...

      started with pain in the lower abdomen, then down to my testicles and now down till my feet...

      My urologist suggested radicular pain from the lower back pressuring nerves causing this pain... All tests came negative!

      It seems plausible but quite hard to believe... I have started chiropractic sessions hopefully it will go away.

      really bad when laying down or sitting.

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    anyone have any results or answers ? i started out with about the same symptoms now it feels very mental and im having s hard time with life !

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      Lansoprazole 30mg twice daily

      Check if you do not experience the following

      Prolonged heavy sexual activity hyperstimulation of sex organs i.e 'heavy duty' masturbation


      Pendulum mood swings

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      For how many days medicine is continused. Plz reply I'm facing problem since 4 months

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      Im not sure if your replying to someones question or stating that lansoprazole is what you take or that someone should take.

      The part that strikes me is the Prolonged heavy sexual activity hyperstimulation. I am sexually active, i was with a few girl and didnt use protection(I know Im stupid) but another thing i did was i bought a generic fleshlight and eventually a real one. Well with those you can adjust the "Suction"by screwing and unscrewing the cap. Im gonna get a bit graphic here but if it helps someone or me then, oh well. So your doing your thing with the fleshlight and when you are all the way inside you twist the bottom cap, i dont know if this is recommended but i did it. So your inside and there is no air, so when you pull out there is a strong sucking going on. And you can feel it. Its not even a good feeling really. And when i was doing this i would have the fleshlight laying on my right leg so my penis was pointing that way most of the time. With all that suction a nd the tightness because the way my penis was laying sideways and being very erect for long periods of time, i think there was damage done. I felt a twinge a few times in my ligaments on the left side.

      I had horrible testicle pain. abdominal pain especially at night like someone had kicked me in the balls or, felt like i had blue balls(over excited but never ejaculated type pain). I thought i had caught an STD(very possible) or thought maybe i hadnt cleaned my fleshlight well enough and bacteria had got in through my Urethra( Very possible) So the pain was there in my testicles and it got worse so i went to the doctor and told them my symptoms and said i thought i had an std. They gave me antibiotics and lab orders. Long story, but i never did the labs. Started feeling better in my testis so that was good.

      A couple weeks later i notice my stomach is pretty hard and distended a bit under my left ribs and down a little bit. I start to get pain kind of like a side-ache on the LEFT side. I start reading and it seems like diverticulitis. I go to the emergency room, they check me out and do an MRI of my abdomen with contrast. I get back to the room and eventually the Dr comes in, an indian man, and he says what do you think it is? I say im gonna go with Diverticulitis. He says, Kidney stone. I was surprised. He told me it was small enough to pass. So on my papers it says a Punctate calculi in my RIGHT kidney. Which was strange since my pain and swelling was left side.

      Other interesting things in my paperwork. I have 2 bilateral Inguinal hernias. Worse on the left side. Which now i know why a few times when i pushed had urinating i pain and bubbling where my abdomen leg and crotch all meet,It also showed a small amount of cysts on my kidneys, and a very worn almost bone on bone in my lower back, maybe L5-S1 cant remember for sure. He only mentioned the kidney stone, and the nurse to discharge me looked at the computer and mentioned the hernias.

      Anyway, fast forward to now, this was 1.5-2 months ago and i still have the hard bulging under my left ribs. My abdomen protrudes out more than ever, going from my crotch up towards my belly button there is a ridge across my lower abdomen that was never there. I havent passed a stone as far as i know. Shooting pain in groin /testicle left side, pretty damn intense. Back pain, more left side. All my joints hurt. Possibly lymph nodes too. Pain where inguinal hernia is where my left leg connects and dowm my thigh, whole leg feels tight, foot pain in left foot and just random shooting pains in places. Blood pressure is high, and am pre diabetic. Im a big guy. Used to fight and bodybuild. Lots of muscle but fore sure overweight 5'11 254lbs. On TRT and take Adderall.

      Ive been reading up on this and its crazy to me how many of us have similar symptoms but no one has answers. Every now and then someone will pop in and say" I fixed it,i bought bigger pants!! The elastic of my waistband was putting pressure on my belly, im cured"I didnt mean to write all this just got on a roll and wanted to type it out. But my original thing i wanted to mention was the fleshlight because of what the last poster mentioned. I had been thinking that was maybe a cause this entire time. Please use what i said if you can relate and would appreciate any advice.

    • Posted

      What the hell happened to my post. I wrote 10 times as much as it's showing and spend 30 mins typing out my symptoms and thoughts..

  • Posted

    Hello everyone, I'm going through the same thing.(1) It started in March with just some pain in testicles after the gym. The scrotum was hanging loose. I stopped working out and went to see a doctor the next day. Got 5 days antibiotics course and everything looked fine. But there was a small lump on the right side which usually comes on the top of the right testicle and then disappears below it. The lump didn't go away, so I was still monitoring the situation. (2) I masterbated thrice in a week and the pain in testicle was unbearable, went to doc next day in lockdown. In ultrasound it showed epididymo orchitis. 10 days antibiotics course(cefixime) and pain killers such as ibu/aceclofenac-para. Okay, I was fine, no pain, just some slight pain in testicles not very often but was understandable as the balls may take weeks to get normal after orchitis. I was told not to masterbate for next few weeks, not even thinking about arousing stuff otherwise it won't help whether you do it or don't. But, but...there was a new problem, tenderness and burning sensation in hips, legs, scrotum. In scrotum during sitting, standing, in hips during walking. Doctor gave the same course for 5 more days and told that it's just weakness in muscles. Another doctor asked for sitz bath and told it'll go away in few days.

    (3) April 15th, With no improvement I saw a Urologist this time. Urine culture, urine analysis, absolute eosinophil count, Serum prostate antigen, all tests were normal. But he put me on a 10 days antibiotics of doxycycline tab 100 mg and aceclofenac-paracetamol for pain inflammation, if anywhere any bacterial infection left, it'll be treated. Plus, more IMPORTANT for all you guys, he told me that although my prostate test is normal but still the symptoms indicates BPH benign prostate hyperalsia. So he prescribed Flotral(alfuzosin 10 mg) for 4 weeks(1 daily before sleep). And asked me to complete the course before coming back.It has been 5 days, I felt some relief on the very next day specially the pressure around rectum and scrotum while sitting and standing eased off. But there's is still that burning sensation in hips and legs, and it's difficult to get a good sleep. But I'm hopeful with this. So discuss it with your doc(urologist) and ask for prostate test.

    (4) Use scrotum support. I was wearing jockey brief in starting but sometimes I add another support under brief if it's loose one which seems to help me with scrotum heaviness while standing. Plus I just put my scrotum under cold water twice, thrice a day and it give relief and the loose scrotum get back to nice fit shape.

    5) Coming back to the lump thing, It is still there. Someone suggested 1 clove of garlic in the morning and I feel that it is helping. Plus garlic is antibacterial, so no harm. It can also help in better blood circulation. I'll update on this in few days.

    6) One more thing related to this burning sensation. Look for Maralgia Parasthetica on google and 3-4 exercise related to it are good. Don't go for heavy exercises. I'm thinking of starting some yogas and balasanas in next few days. I'll keep you updated. I just want to sleep well, this sensation sucks. Also look for diets related to BPH, what to eat, what to avoid. Ho for fruits, nuts, garlic, turmeric for the time being I guess. May be something out of them work for you.

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      why the Sith bath, having history of homorroids?

    • Posted

      sitzbath helps prostate relax. Heaviness around scrotum and anus is mainly due to irritation in prostate.

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