Burping and uncomfy stomach for 3 months

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im a male in 30s healthy diet not overweight do not drink.etc

for the past three months i have been experiencing on and off pain around my stomach and under my ribs - changes and moves around and not particulalry brought on by anything. It is not constant, and there can be hours particularly if im busy where i dont really notice anything.

i have also been burping - this happens after i eat or drink anything, ill burp. Also when i stand.up or sit down or change position, ill burp a couple of times.

i have been to my doctor in late jan, who get me a course of PPI...they worked a little but nothing earth shattering and no other medication seems to control it. They did blood tests and everything was fine so with the limited progress i was making on the PPI I was told to "put it to the back of my mind". Tried removing coffee but no real impact and same with milk.

So not sure what to do....im not going to lie it is occupying my mind a lot and not sure if i have brought this on myself via anxiety. It is tthe first thing i think about in the morning 😦

any insights and reassurance please πŸ˜ƒ

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17 Replies

  • Posted

    When you say under your ribs do you mean behind or beneath? Which side or is it both sides? Where in your stomach does it hurt mainly?

    • Posted

      beneath most commonly towards the right...but most of the time right in the middle Just below breastbone

    • Posted

      I was thinking maybe gastritis, possibly gallstones as the pain goes to the right, maybe pancreatitis. Have you been tested for h pylori? There are a few things this could be, so ask if you can have an endoscopy and if they haven't already given you one, an h pylori test? Then if that is clear ask for an ultrasound or MRI. Don't take any painkillers like ibuprofen or aspirin as it can upset your stomach more.

  • Posted

    well one thing they always tell me is to eliminate diet.

    Which is really eat one thing at a time until what makes you sick.

    So you would not eat for at least 24 hours and let your body eliminate whatever you have eaten.

    Then you eat 1 item and see the results if it makes you have the symptoms then you know you can not eat that item.

    Say you eat an apple and it makes you burp or get gas or reflux then you know it was the apple.

    That is the simple explanation.

    I call it elimination because you are figuring out what causes the same results.

  • Posted

    well one thing they always tell me is to eliminate diet.

    Which is really eat one thing at a time until what makes you sick.

    So you would not eat for at least 24 hours and let your body eliminate whatever you have eaten.

    Then you eat 1 item and see the results if it makes you have the symptoms then you know you can not eat that item.

    Say you eat an apple and it makes you burp or get gas or reflux then you know it was the apple.

    That is the simple explanation.

    I call it elimination because you are figuring out what causes the same results.

  • Posted

    I've been burping ceaselessly from June 2017. Visited my doctor in July, prescribed Omeprazole. It worked, honestly. The burping returned when I began exercising. I started Omeprazole again, I hope it works too. Keep you posted.

    Don't let it consume your mind. It makes everything seem worse.

    • Posted

      thanks πŸ˜ƒ doc had put me on Omep for a month and made some difference ...yes please do!

  • Posted

    Hi n55686

    I agree with joannewilson do an elimination diet and find out the food triggers which may be causing your problem. I also agree with krista35738 stop stressing!!...there is nothing worse to cause or aggravate digestion problems than anxiety and stressing about it...

    • Posted

      yes stress is a killer.

      I got worse from stress than anything else.

      I started to get free subliminal music that was for relaxation. Since I enjoy the sound of rain thats the one I use.

      I use the subliminal ones because I know my brain would pick up anything like an accent or any kind of distracting thing.

      So instead of being able to concentrate on the idea I would be listening for something else.

      I had to figure out what relaxed me before I could get my

      mind off my problems and if you think about it thats what it takes.

      They do have regular kind that just play a sound like an old steam train, or crickets. Try a few and see which makes you feel relaxed or which makes you feel more tense.

      then you can use them to filter out outside sounds and noise any time you need it.

      I am a country girl living in the city and all the noise gets me riled up so if I play a recording of rain I relax.

      A lot of stress we don't even realize its building up but our body knows & signals us to take action somehow. If we don't listen, like a car without maintenance it will break down sooner or later.

      a car will completely seize up and you can't drive it no matter how much you want to. You could push it or pull it but its not using its own power because it can't.

      Hope this helps, I just know what happened to me & how I had to do something or end up worse.

    • Posted

      Hi joannewilson

      Sounds good to meπŸ‘ I'l keep those relaxation tips in mind...πŸ˜ŠπŸ€—

  • Posted

    Do you have trouble with bowel movements? Shifting abdominal pain, bowel habit change and gas are IBS symptoms.Have you tried a food diary to see if any foods are causing pain and burping There seems to be a connection since you burp after eating or drinking. People with IBS often find that when they are busy, their symptoms subside because they are not concentrating on them. Stress can make gut problems worse and can also cause them. Have you had any recent stress?Try a stress diary to see if your symptoms appear or get worse with anxiety.

    I would ask your doctor about IBS, have a stool sample tested for h pylori and ask about gastritis. An ultrasound may also be useful to examine your abdominal organs to rule out anything there.

  • Posted

    Advice to anyone is to try whatever works for you individually, rather than what might have worked for someone else. You know what kind of lifestyle you live and what you can tolerate.

    I know people that never had a single symptom then boom! Out of seemingly nowhere they got sick almost overnight.

    If something makes you so uncomfortable you start looking for answers or remedies then it is a problem.

    It might seem minor but what is just annoying to one person could be a catastrophe to another.

    It is very easy to say do this, it worked for me; you could have a serious problem and it could take time to ferret it out.

    My child always passed every test but always joked I Have to make A plus even for the doctor. That did not mean there was nothing physically wrong, it just took time to find out what it was.

  • Posted

    Advice to anyone is to try whatever works for you individually, rather than what might have worked for someone else. You know what kind of lifestyle you live and what you can tolerate.

    I know people that never had a single symptom then boom! Out of seemingly nowhere they got sick almost overnight.

    If something makes you so uncomfortable you start looking for answers or remedies then it is a problem.

    It might seem minor but what is just annoying to one person could be a catastrophe to another.

    It is very easy to say do this, it worked for me; you could have a serious problem and it could take time to ferret it out.

    My child always passed every test but always joked I Have to make A plus even for the doctor. That did not mean there was nothing physically wrong, it just took time to find out what it was.

  • Posted

    do not intend every post to be twice.

    I do not know why its doing that.


  • Posted

    do not intend every post to be twice.

    I do not know why its doing that.


    • Posted

      Sometimes it appears that your post hasn't sent when it actually has so you send it again but it duplicates. It happens to me too at times.

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