Busy B supplement
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I have been reading various threads on here for a while now.
It has been a life saver...to know I am not alone going through this! For the last 3 years I have felt like I'm going mad. Suffer with panic attacks, anxiety, palpitations, hot flushes, aching legs, bad circulation, leg cramps, ridiculous tiredness, heavy periods.. The list goes on.. Have ended up at A&E due to panic attacks a few times.. Hating this period of life! I just want to feel good again for longer than a day or so..
I noticed that a high dose B6/B12 supplement has helped some of you.. So today I bought the Busy B supplement from Holland and Barrett.
I am just slightly concerned as have been reading about too much B6/B12.. How long is it OK to take this high a dose for? Also has anyone experienced any side effects taking it?
My GP's answer to all my symptoms is Citalopram.. I am not keen at all!
Any info and points of view greatfully received..
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Bubbins hevb
hevb Bubbins
It's horrible but at least we know it's not forever!
Have you felt any better for taking the B supplements? Is it a high dose?
jayneejay hevb
It is not high dose as such .. We just need a better quality B6 and B12
Which are always higher mg or mcg.
Its the you get what you pay for scenario
Cheap complexs may maybe only have 10 mg of B6 so that doesnt help a woman in menopause.
Generally ladies lack B6 so 100mg is a good supplement i take 150mg daily but i am post menopause and its totally lifted my anxiety etc
If you say youve followed the posts you will read why we need it
Not sure if busy B has 100mg of B6 in it or not.. Possibly
I know holland and barret Mega B 100 complex has 😊
Take as long as you feel comfy with in tend to take mine for good
Good luck
kim97637 jayneejay
Hi reading the post want to know if I can take busy b 's with menopace
Menopace only has 10 mg of b6 and 9 ugh of b12. Busy b' s have 500mg of vit c and 100mg of b6 and 500ug of b12 so can I take together
jayneejay hevb
We lack B6 during peri generally.
So need a better supplement content.
Some cheaper ones may only have minimal B6
So not helpful.
As you will have read on the previous posts it is beneficial for per and meno
I intend to take mine for ever 😀
Jay xx
hevb jayneejay
I think I just worry too much!
I look forward to feeling the benefits!
MrsMerm hevb
Why are some GP's so out of touch..................................
Hope the Vitamin B12 and 6 works for you
Tazchurch MrsMerm
hevb MrsMerm
It drives me mad that GP's just don't have a clue about this.. You would think with so so many women suffering for so long that things would be better but I have yet to hear of a GP who is helpful!
I took the prescription from her as I was feeling low but I really wasn't keen. Then got home and looked it up online. It is contradicted by lansoprazole which I am (was) on.. This immediately didn't fill me with confidence!
Then came on this site and having read loads of posts I've decided to try with supplements for a while.
I've also come off the lansoprazole as it is no longer doing any good I feel .. Will see if I feel any different once it clears my system.
I take menopace vits and have also started using the ladycare magnet.. Will be starting the Busy B supplement.. Fingers crossed!!
hevb Tazchurch
I am going to leave the Citalopram for now and try the supplements
Will be interested to hear if you feel it helps you though.. Good luck x
jayneejay hevb
Most docs as soon as you say anxiety and menopause give you antidepressants,
Mainly to relax you ..
My experience of Antidepressants years and years ago was not good. They slow you down, make you fuzzy thinking, not alert anymore. Can make you feel worse, thick headachy feeling..
And if you drive it affects your reaction time.
Menopause is not depression. Its anxiety time due to hormone decline and its part and parcel of it.
Docs just send us off with strong meds that screw your heads up as they have no idea.
GP is not a Gyno they have no idea in my opinion..
I didnt take anti dees for menopause was given some but declined,
My experience of them was years ago before and never again for me ..
Jay xx
lisa65434 hevb
hevb lisa65434
So pleased to hear there is light at the end of the tunnel.. It just seems like a very LONG tunnel that I'm at the start of lol!
This blog definitely helps as even talking to friends they don't really get it cos they don't have the same symptoms so can't relate to what I'm going through..
I am hanging in there.. I will not let this beat me!
So happy for you that you are starting to feel better!!
jayneejay lisa65434
Your like me peri started at 40 had 10 years of it .. Natural with supplements
Post meno now age 50
Vit b6 i have 150mg daily
And B12
And many others vit E
Chelated magnesium etc etc
After B6 every symptom improved anxiety went .. Brain fog went etc
It gets better ladies ..
Jay xx
jayneejay hevb
Thats a good attitude ,' wont let it beat me '
Positive is the key 😀
we cant stop it so ride with it and be kind to yourself
Jay xx