BV for a a full year, I don't know if I'll ever feel normal again.
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I've tried everything. I believe all my trials in different things gotten me to a decent point. I just want to know if there is anyone out there like me. A person that after every treatment feels better but then the symptoms come back slowly. Or a person has gotten cured completely, and can tell me their secret and how normal feels like. I already lost hope and have forgotten what normal feels like in my vagina. I have good days and bad days. The good days are less than the bad. Good days are when I don't feel excess discharge coming out, when I don't have the feeling of feathers or needles playing with my vaginal lips. Bad days are when I get active like when I clean or workout and my vagina starts acting up simply because I changed cloths or started moving.
I've tried antibiotics, gels, creams, boric acid, vitamins, suppositories, hydrogen peroxide treatment and combined treatments. I try to eat as healthy as possible. But since BV just lingers there is always those bad days when you start to loose hope. Depression starts to kick in like right now. I'm only 24 and I feel dirty, like I'm never going be normal again. And old lady probably had a healthier vagina than me. I'm worried that I won't have children of my own due to fear of something going wrong. I know who reads this is looking for a cure just like me, but at this point I'm just venting. No one understands but the ladies reading this. There time when I just don't want to live anymore. Thank you for any feedback.
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kairiv jule456
annyaloved kairiv
When I used baking soda it made my BV worse
But maybe all people are different
rebbeca7400 jule456
Six months ago I had to have a hysterectomy done (not related to bv), and I went in for my six week check up. I thought I had the infection, and my doctor said "I guarantee you don't have it". He took a look and said everything looked good and not to worry about getting bv again. So I guess the cure is a hysterectomy. It's not for everyone, but it worked for me.
rbnbun rebbeca7400
rebbeca7400 rbnbun
No I haven't but I haven't had any issues since my hysterectomy.
jule456 rebbeca7400
I want to have children soon. So I don't know if I should even try to have a family with this. Then maybe get a hysterectomy