Cabbage juice helps in reducing acid reflux and gastritis (due to Hpylori)!!

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Wanted to share with everyone here that cabbage juice does indeed help in healing gastritis! I did it for a week and it worked for me! I am not cured completely, but I am much much better than I was. Last 2 days I have had no stomach pains, acid reflux is almost gone (added advantage that I didnt expect) except for a bit of post nasal drip and feeling almost normal. Fingers crossed and hope to heal completely soon!

Just to give you a small background, I had acid reflux (silent reflux) starting last Oct (2014). I had never had acid reflux in my entire life, I am 28yrs old. Not once. And then this suddenly started. I have reflux day in day out. I panicked and underwent terrible stress. I tried all sorts of natural remedies. Nothing worked. I was scared of taking PPI after reading about side effects on the internet. A naturopath misdiagnosed me with candida (I think they over diagnoze candida infections) and put me on an anti candida diet. I lost more than 20lbs (which I didnt need to) and felt worse after 2 months on the diet. I looked thin, was terribly sick and I thought my life was over. Sometime during this period, I guess I developed the gastritis as well although blood tests and stool test for hpylori kept coming back negative. 

I needed a break. I went home to India. Went to my family doctor, got myself checked by a GI. Had ultrasounds, CT scans (they thought it was my gallbladder initially), blood work and gastroscopy. Ultimately they diagnosed me with gastritis due to Hpylori (positive through gastroscopy), acid reflux (LPR) and vitamin D deficiency.

I took the triple therapy for Hpylori and and PPI's. I took injections and soft gels for the Vitamin D. I guess the pylori is gone as I started feeling better after taking antibiotics but the gastritis was still there. So i continued the PPI's and swithced to a low fat diet. No milk and dairy except lots of homemade yoghurt. I started feeling better but not completely. I would still have lot of bad days and few good days.

Last week I decided to do the cabbage juice. I did 4 cups of cabbage & carrot juice a day for 6 days and I can make out a huge difference now!I havent had stomach pains in 3 days, not even after eating. i even went out to a nearby restaurant and had a buffet, Nothing, no pain, very few burps. Also, the acid reflux suddenly came down. I am happy to report I am almost feeling normal. 

I am not cured completely but I wish I had continued the cabbage juice for another week. But I couldnt drink it anymore smile

The cabbage juice did cause me to feel a bit tired and crappy (maybe because it is known to affect the thyroid) and cuased some gas. But I persisted. I thought if I continue to feel worse I would give up the treatment but after 3 days I started to slowly feel better. Now I am left with a bit of post nasal drip sometimes in the afternoon(reminding me of the reflux but much better than before). But other than that, mostly feeling better. Will wait for a week and update again on the forum!

So guys, go ahead and try this if you think you can tolerate drinking cabbage juice and if you do not have any thyroid issues!

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67 Replies

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  • Posted

    Yes it does work well but if you have any thyroid issues it can really stir things up and really make one feel very unwell indeed. Oddly cooked does nothing?
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      True...fortunately, except for the reflux, I do not have any other health issues. So I tried it. But those with thyroid issues, surely have to be careful! And yes, cooked cabbage doesn't affect thyroid at all!
    • Posted

      Hi Eric,

      Symptoms are mostly in my throat...sore throat, post nasal drip and sometimes, vague burning in the sternum. I do not seem to be disturbed much by symptoms at night. I also do not have any trigger foods. I am trying to eat less but often and also eating an early dinner seems to help. What about you?

    • Posted

      Hi Sirivinary,

      I never had hearburn before, since I had cough and doctor assumed that I had reflux, so gave me PPI for two months, later I found the side effects, then I weaned off with Pepcid, I felt fine after off PPI. Then GI doctor gave me endoscopy, found I only have mild gastritis, and my esophagus is normal. However, after the procedure, all of sudden, I got stomach pain, felt breathing with acid, I had to go back to PPI again, it did not help much, my wife's co-worker, she is a nurse, and she is a American born Indian, and she recommended me to see a Indian nutritionist, he gave me Aloe juice, probiotics, degistive enyzme, and solutable fiber. The Aloe juice did stop my stomach pain, and degistive enyzme did eliminate stomach bloating, did not feel much help from probiotics and fiber. After the treatment by the Indian nutritioninst, I cut down my PPI to half (over the counter dose), but I still suffered from coughing after each meal and faint heartburn (not sure it is heartburn or not), and I was inspired by another member on this site who communicated with me, she sipped Aloe Juice all day long and got cured, so finally, I made up my mind to sipped on Aloe Juice all day long, last 11 days I consumed 2 and half gallon Aloe Juice, and I feel my stomach is very comfortable day and night, and my cough is gone 90%, I only take PPI once every 3 days. I tried Pepzin GI, hurt my stomach, DGL or slippery elm just help a little bit, mastic gum does nothing. I saw some posts from many people, said we probably need to be careful with our diet the rest of life, but I just don't believe this, and I think we could fully recovered and eat whatever we like, we had this problem because our body system lost balance, and once we restore the balance, our organs should work same as before the problem, human body has strong power to recover, only depends on if we are willing to make it work the best. My mother in law had severe gastritis, and she did not take doctor's prescription pills, only took tums when she had pain, then she fully recovered and now eat whatever she wants without problem. Here is the story from the American born Indian nurse, she had stomach pain, heartburn, at the worst time, she could only drink coconut water and half banana a day, she was sent to ER 3 times a week, she lost hope of living at that time, now she can eat whatever she can, and work over time, put on some weight, and doing more excersize to lose weight, she feels most healthy in her life, what did she do? Taking enzyme to help digestion and probiotic, the most important is she practices Sudarshan Kriya and yoga, so inspired by her, I signed class too and started later this week, it is your country's best culture, do you practice this?

    • Posted

      Hi Eric,

      How are you doing? I am glad to know you are feeling much better. Hope the aloe juice is still helping! Apologies for responding so late, I had been caught up with some work and couldnt log in frequently. 

      Thank you for the detailed reply. It was very informative. How is the yoga practice coming along? To answer your question, I have heard of a lot of people who have cured themselves by doing yoga. I do not practice it regularly, but I do know Ujjayi breath techniques and Surya namaskar. The pranayama, which is another breathing technique is very useful as well in healing health issues. I have heard that with regular yoga and meditation, one can even cure oneself of cancer

      Probiotics never helped me much as well. I always felt bloated after taking them. DGL and slippery elm helped some. I have never tried mastic gum. Aloe vera hurt my stomach as well. With relfux, every one is different and there is no single treatment. We just need to find what suits us and what doesnt. I have found that too much of salt, spice, dairy, cakes, fried food and sweets can trigger my symptoms. I can tolerate cooked onions, garlic and even tomatoes. 

    • Posted

      Hi Sirivinary, the yoga practice is a must for me, I am a Futures trader, I have stress situation everyday, so I have to have a way to handle it, after practing, especially Bhastrika breathing, can make me so calm and sometime can make me sleep after practice. Aloe juice is still helping me a lot, the first brand recommended by the nutritionist hurt my stomach on the first couple days since it is added with acid for freshness, then I switched to a different brand, which is tasteless like water, very smooth from my stomach, and I am off OTC PPI completely now. Yes, as you said everyone is different, and we just try to find something working for us, and get off PPI. Hope you are doing well and thanks for all the tips you listed. 
    • Posted

      Eric could you kindly tell me the brand of the tasteless probiotic please as I too havent had a lot of success with them.
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      Hi rex, it is aloe juice, not probiotic. You can search in Amazon us, aloe vera supplement, 128 fluid ounce, but I bought it from local health store. 
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    Can you provide the recipe for this juice????

    • Posted

      Hi Walter,

      I do not have any specific recipe for the juice. I used to just throw in a carrot, some cabbage, blend it in a juicer and drink it up. But the important thing is to drink it fresh, ad soon as you make it. Didn't like the taste, but eventually learned to tolerate it. Sometimes even adding apples help, but it was too acidic for me.what are your symptoms?

    • Posted

      Hi Thanks for prompt response. I thought I had gastritis or worse, but endoscopy proved I had after effects of mild gastritis. Stomach rumbling, burping, excessive wind, you name it I had it. A friend suggested I should try Nexium. This works up to a point. Someone else has suggested green papaya powder. Difficult to obtain in Australia so have ordered some from USA. Symptoms have reduced somewhat but still there and driving me nuts!
    • Posted

      Hi walter,

      What was the cause of your mild gastritis? When i got checked recently, my hpylori (the bacteria that caused my gastritis) is gone. And as i mentioned earlier, my gastritis almost healed ad well. Nexium definitely helps. For me it almost helped me manage my symptoms so well that I could eat anything and get away with it. The only worry is its hard to quit once you start taking it, with rebound acid and all. Long run, those meds are not good. But they definitely help.

    • Posted

      Hi Sirivinay,

      I find it mind boggling that I don't experience reflux during sleep, as you mentioned seems to be the case with you too! Most GERD and LPR sufferers get the difficult nighttime reflux. I could only explain our peculiar case by us only having trouble with delayed gastric emptying, since this will occur during the day. I also have the mild gastritis and I also have similar symptoms as yours, primarily being throat and upper esophageal pain/burn. Do you also have the bitter taste in mouth? That would interest me.

      May I ask you about the cabbage juice as well. Don't you feel it is kind of a hot vegetable (hot in the sense like Wassabi or horseradish)? It worries me to drink the cabbage juice. Perhaps the cabbage in my area is different?

    • Posted

      Hi MrM,

      I agree with you and I have suspected delayed gastric emptying as a cuase of digestive troubles for me too. However, what I dont understand is that, in that case PPI's should have made me feel worse. But why did they make me feel better?

      I do not have bitter taste in the mouth. Whatever I reflux, it reaches only till the throat and never bothers me during sleep. Do you burp right away upon waking up?I used to burp a lot, right away after waking up but now it has reduced. 

      My present symptoms are post nasal drip and mucus in the throat, sore throat and vague stomach burning (not everyday, it occurs sometimes just for a few min) from residual gastritis. Was the cause of your gastritis hpylori?

      As you mentioned, cabbage is a hot vegetable and does not taste good, in my opinion. You have to develop a taste for it smile If you want, you can mix it with carrot or apple (if you can tolerate the acidity)  so that it is less overpowering. 


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