Can anyone describe their dizziness for me
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Hi all, I know its a weird ask but i'm desperate to know what exactly your dizziness feels like. I seem to get a surge of maybe blood maybe hormones to my head and i feel my nose and head will burst open with pressure, it also makes me feel dizzy and i feel i will get a really bad headache. Today i was driving home from work and i felt i could just drop of to sleep (don't worry i wont cos i'm aware i'm feeling like this). I have started to mark my dizzy do's on my calender and looking back its quite sad as i don't have a clear week without it. Can you help by discrbing as much as possible cos i'm now getting worried something else must be going on inside this head of mine. love to all x
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EvaServal anxiousface
When it would hit me I felt like my legs were really heavy and I was weighted down. Some days I woke up like this and sometimes it would just hit me in the middle of the day, out of no where. For the most, I don't have it anymore. Just a light spell every once and a while. Hope this helps.
EvaServal anxiousface
anxiousface EvaServal
You've been a great help x
EvaServal anxiousface
Feel better! It all passes...
stella19032 anxiousface
jayneejay anxiousface
ummmmm now let me think...
mine when i get it is like waves ... sort of starts like a palpitation and rises to the head in waves, almost feel it rises up, then a need to sit down ... legs feel like jelly
jay xx
jayneejay anxiousface
only yesterday i was reasearching what women are given NON supplements fo exteeme dizziness, vertigo, tinnitus etc in peri and menopause ..
answer was SERC 8mg or 16mg
and what it is used for
Serc contains betahistine.
This medicine is called a histamine analogue. It is used to treat:
• dizziness (vertigo)
• ringing in the ears (tinnitus)
• hearing loss suffered by people with Ménière's disease
This medicine works by improving blood flow in the inner ear.
This lowers the build up of pressure.
anxiousface jayneejay
jayneejay anxiousface
re: SERC
i dont know much about it....
it was just an observation ... 😃
jay xx
marlene21102 jayneejay
Seasickness tablets called Joys. Zilch to all of them think it's my Eustachian tubes.Nothing but pain all of it,trying to get to bottom of it. xx
marlene21102 anxiousface
jayneejay marlene21102
well thats all them then ... twoddle that doesnt work...
tinnitus is a tricky one to treat though, i dont know how you do it..
it drives me crazy here when we go up in mountain area sometimes as its all mountains here, and your ears pop... altitude...
and thats only for a minute or two, the build up before they pop..
so to have tinnitus 24/7 well i just cant imagine... my left side is always weird, teeth and ear ... but not tinnitus...
jay xx
anxiousface marlene21102
jayneejay anxiousface
oh big hugs to you ...
sounds like vertigo to me...
remember we all have a crap down day... its the law .. 😊
hope you feel better tomorrow hun
Jay jay xx
marlene21102 anxiousface
I'm on a good site for tinnitus ,brilliant they are ,so knowledgable on tinnitus,they even amaze this veteran of tinnitus,my husbands had it over 30 yrs ,so he's understanding to it for me,Wouldn't wish it on a living soul.
You know what I mean having this yourself. Now we got balance and B.....y menopause trouble tops it all off I'd say.none of it easy by
marlene21102 anxiousface
marlene21102 jayneejay