Can anyone help Rafaelo Procedure
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Hello Everyone, I’ve been suffering from piles for some time now. I’ve been told about the Rafaelo procedure, as it suggests, will the surgery be painless. Please advise or share story of those who have had this particular procedure please. Thank you for any help.
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me93627 nabila79762
I had the hemorrhoidactomy Oct 10th. Not sure if this is the same as the procedure you are talking about.. Is this banding?
One thing i do know is the surgery i recently had is the worse pain I've ever felt in my life and would not wish this upon my worst enemy.. Sorry dont mean to scare you but the recovery time is very lengthy and painful.
Dont do it unless it is suggested by your doc.. I regret having it done and Im still having pain hours upon hours daily.
Sorry I cant be much help with your question.
This Rafaelo procedure
teresa34100 nabila79762
me93627 teresa34100
Just wondering. .. You said two months before u felt 100% recovered. I today am two months. Did u still feel like your bowels are not completely empty after first bm of the day? Im still bleeding every bm today n have a bit of discomfort which is tolerable since yesterday for the first time since Oct 10th,
Bm are less painful. And after bm now the pain is nothing like the first 6 weeks.
Im booked for surgery again for Dec 12 as I seen surgeon about 10 days ago and be could not do a rectal exam on me that day as i was still having extreme pain n my butt was to sore for internal exam. So he wants to put me under again and possibly cut.. But like i said yesterday I feel things have changed over night with the pain but i still continue to bleed with every bm.
My question is will this get better. Has it for you?
Hope you are completely healed.
teresa34100 me93627
i think after 2 months I felt 100% better than a few weeks before, lol. Had mine on 4th sept. Yes, I do still sometimes feel my bowels are not completely empty, this is usually if I have forgotten to take a stool softener, then I do have to go about four times and it’s not good. I wouldn’t even say I’m constipated, but unless it’s almost diarrhoea I don’t go completely. I do bleed a bit at those times, but not much and worry as I have to really push. Starting to think this is the future now. It’s definately not the same as it was. Still uncomfortable but not painful, and no after pains. They have never sent me my 8 week follow up appointment and to be honest I know I should do something about this, the thought of being prodded around down there fills me with dread. I can’t imagine them being able to get a proctoscopic up there now, feels too small. I can’t say I’m in pain, still slightly dread bm’s and fairly scared the hems will come back. Would never have this done again! Really feel for you for going back for further surgery, but your bravery may mean you end up better off in the end. Good luck nd let me know how it goes.
me93627 teresa34100
Im so glad u replied back .
I do not wish to go under again as im afraid i will come out and go through again what I've just went through.. I like you said never again. But in all honesty i dont think this procedure even worked in my favor.. 2nd week i had external roids back. Was told i also now have two small skin tags wth.. They werent there before.. Apparently they are from excessive skin tissue caused from surgery.. And i think I have scar tissue in side as well as bleeding roids again.. Thus why such a long recovery ...
Anyway thx so much for telling me about your after surgery .
This helps a lot as I rather live this way the bit of discomfort i have today then the way i was prior and during this surgery
So no i do not want to go through this again.
Thank you for giving me some of my self esteem back..
I appreciate every word..
I will call surgeons receptionist Monday n ask her if i should have this done as im feeling better this week as my surgeon is on holidays now.
I will post back to keep u up to date if im going ahead with this..
Feeling scared as hell as this was hell..
teresa34100 me93627
me93627 teresa34100
I hope its good results for you..I also still take my softener which I have taken now over a year and Doc did say it is safe to take daily and will likely be taking it for the rest of my life as my issues stem from constipation since the age of five.. It has worked for me so I wont give it up any time soon.
I never have diarrhea Have no idea what this is even like..just soft stool now.
I am worried as my twin sister had Colon cancer n Uncle has Crohns.. He has had the colostomy bag now for 8 yrs.. He no longer has a rectum.. Poor man. But id go that route if no surgery can fix this then have to live in constant pain all my life.
So today. Im feeling some what blessed.
Thx Teresa
daeshe nabila79762
jamie99327 nabila79762
I had The Rafaelo Procedure 3 weeks ago. It was AMAZING! The procedure itself took a few minutes in total and I hardly felt a thing. I was home within an hour or so afterwards and back to work the next day. For the first few hours I could feel that I had had a procedure carried out, but it certainly wasn't painful, and nothing that a Paracetamol couldn't handle. No symptoms since. I would recommend it anyone!
teresa34100 jamie99327
nabila79762 jamie99327
jamie99327 teresa34100
jamie99327 nabila79762
Hi I had it done in Central London and it was covered by my private health insurance. Otherwise it would have cost me about £2k. With hindsight, knowing what I do now, I would have paid the cash if I had to. I found the clinic on the Rafaelo website - they have a list of many up and down the country.
nabila79762 jamie99327
teresa34100 jamie99327
suzana86 jamie99327
Where did you have it done? How much it will cost the total? If I sign up for a private insurance and already have this condition do they cover?
Many thanks
suzana86 jamie99327
Hi Jamie,
Which clinic did you go to? How is the procedure? Do they put you under general anaesthesia or local one? How bad where your piles? I have only 1 prolapse grade 3 and it’s bleeding at the moment no matter the texture of my bowel movement 😔... how is after the procedure? Do they come back? Please respond to me. Thank you
tej0001 jamie99327
Hi Jamie..Just want to check with you if you had any bleeding in stool post the procedure I am getting blood in stool and after every bm it's quite painfull. Is it normal???
jamie99327 tej0001
Hi Tej - I was told that you might see a little blood in the second week but that I shouldn't worry - its part of the process. If you are concerned though, perhaps call your surgeon for some reassurance
tej0001 jamie99327
But in your case was there any bleeding post Rafaelo, if so how many days did it last.
Did you take any laxative...or take any diet considerations...
jamie99327 tej0001
It lasted about a week, steadily reducing as the week went by. I didn't take any laxatives but I guess that might help you if it continues. You don't want to be pushing. Best to follow your doctors advice.
tej0001 jamie99327