Can anyone tell me what ths parathyroid scan entails?
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I am being referred to a surgeon to discuss a parathyroid operation. I am waiting to go for a scan. Can anyone tell me what the scan entails? I know dye is put into you. How long does the scan take? Thanks
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angela46352 shirley68565
Hope that helps
shirley68565 angela46352
angela46352 shirley68565
shirley68565 angela46352
I go to Lancaster hospital in Lancashire.
Keep in touch with how you go one. It looks like you are ahead of me.
angela46352 shirley68565
Take care
shirley68565 angela46352
angela46352 shirley68565
Thank you for the update. I have had my scans and nothing was found apart from some nodules on my thyroid which is "quite common and normal really". I have been told my Vit D is low but I haven't had a bone scan yet. I know both of my kidneys are full of stones and I was meant to be having more surgery to laser those but haven't been called back as yet.
I do now have an appt to see my surgeon on Monday 29th. I will let you know how it goes. I am still very tempted to go to Florida and the Norman Institute; but let's see what the surgeon here says first.
It's all a bit worrying but we have to soldier on don't we?!
Hopefully we all will get sorted soon
angela46352 shirley68565
gaynor76067 shirley68565
angela46352 gaynor76067
I was radioactive and the rays made an image as I lay under a big screen which 'developed' the image over 15 - 30 mins. How did they move the angle too? I am A bit confused.
shirley68565 gaynor76067
gaynor76067 angela46352
Densomab after surgery to help with the osteoporosis but will think about that when the time comes
angela46352 gaynor76067
Thank you so much Gaynor for explaining all about the bone scan. That was very interesting. They haven't yet indicated to me whether or not I will be getting the bone scan.
All I have had so far are the sestimibi scan and the ultra sound and bloods which indicated low vitamin D. I have read the low vitamin D is the body trying to protect itself.
He said he wanted me to go on to tablets for that which worried me a bit.
I just feel so tired all the time and I get a lot of headaches. Is that the same for you guys?? All I want to do is sleep!
I think I should ask about a bone scan asap.
Nice to talk to you.
Please let's keep in touch with our progress!!
Best wishes
shirley68565 gaynor76067
angela46352 shirley68565
I just wanted to say I put a post on just now replying to Gaynor but it was for you as well!
I forgot to add that I have lots of kidney stones so that's even more reason to ask for a bone scan !??
Did you get a bone scan?
shirley68565 angela46352
After my first appointment with the consultant I had the 48 hr urine collection and then blood test. He also sent me for a ultrasound of my kidneys and a dexta scan. I was just out of the range of osteoporosis. That was 18 months ago. My vit D was 16 so was on high vit D tablets which put my calcium up and made me sometimes feel ill.The calcium has been rising. It was only last month he talked about an operation. Sorry its a bit rambling.