Can coming off an anti depressant screw up your cycle??
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Hi ladies! Totally annoyed right now. Waiting to take BCP to regulate hormones and I am supposed to take after my period starts. The last 5 months it has been 21-26 days and very light. Prior to that I have skipped a month here and there. I am on day 34 now. I took Lexapro from June 5th, to last dose Sept 13th. Then, started amitripyline for migraines last week. Has anybody ever stopped an AD, started another and had it mess up their cycle? I am thinking it will come any minute...all the symptoms are there! But, I have had the ghost period months too. Or maybe it will come tomorrow! I dunno!
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Not pregnant either! Husband has a vasectomy 😉
Guest Guest
Personally I don't trust the doctors. Being that they don't know what's really happening to regulate the dumb hormones. You will be given meds that are given to all that wants them. Maybe they work , or not. It's a temporary Med way wait to have your period to take the med? Rough it out, we don't know what other symptoms that the meds will give you. The Doc's are playing a guessing game.
karen60759 Guest
Guest karen60759
Hey Karen,
Your doctor is correct we have to tough it out. What ever meds to be given will be a temporary fix. Some take the meds because they are afraid of these weird, and crazy feelings that we all experience while on this road trip. It's like a rollercoaster ride... Everything is thrown upside down.
Guest Guest
Hi Marjorie, speaking on my behalf... I can assure you I am not afraid of my symptoms. I realize this is a natural process. However, some of us need to take medication if it is disrupting our lives. I am only 41, been dealing with bad symptoms for 16 months. I have 2 kids, 1 with severe special needs and married. Symptoms started since going off birth control pills. ..granted taking them for 20 years probably stagnated my natural ability to make hormones, as bcp feeds you a consistent dose of hormones every month. I suffer constant migraines which have caused vertigo. I cannot work. Along with all the other stuff. It’s like getting beat up, then run over by a truck. At 41, it is not healthy for me to be without estrogen. I am small framed and the risk for osteoporosis is huge. That, I am scared of. I am trying to attack this beast at all angles. Amitripyline for the migraines and vertigo. Birth control for all. Giving that a couple months until I go to a vertigo neurologist. This is still a condition, albeit natural. We would not expect a diabetic to not take medication. My road trip is hell with satan at the wheel. 😉
Guest Guest
Hello Lou, I feel you. Maybe afraid was the wrong word to use. I also suffer from mad migraines, and vertigo that lasts for days. I'm a trucker and when those symptoms suddenly hit while driving, I'm screwed. I'm 57 living in me no he'll. Back aches,sex drive 0, joint pains, gasping for air. Chest pain, overy pain, pelvic pain finger, why not throw in a little ass pain.
Guest Guest
Hi Marjorie! OMG! How do you manage the vertigo while driving? I am afraid navigating my mini van, let alone a truck! I don’t know about ass pain...but it is surely a pain in the ass! 😀
Guest Guest
HI Marjorie, I must have said something on the naughty list! I have no idea why my response didn’t go through. do you manage your vertigo?? 😀
Guest Guest
Louise4586 Guest
Guest Louise4586
Hi Louise, From what I understand...estrogen gets stored in fat cells, so if you are on the thinner side, not much body fat...than you lose estrogen quicker. I know that there are heavier people dealing with awful symptoms too...I wonder if they have estrogen dominance?? I am assuming once I get back on BCP I will gain some weight. I lost 15 lbs last year after going off it. Only Gained about 1/2 back since....I have no trouble eating either. Been tested for hyperthyroid, etc...just my genes I guess! Maybe the dizzies just hit all the Louise’s 😉
Guest Guest
He- He 😂,
Lou for me I like to massage my head which seems to work quite well. Of course I pull the trk. over for about thirty minutes. Excedrin works wonders for me as well.
Nancy2121 Guest
Hi Lou. I took several different anti depressants for many years throughout my life. Never noticed any disruption in my cycle. Zoloft was the last one perscribed when peri hit. Didn't know that I was in peri at the time. That was the only time I experienced withdrawals from an AD, and now I believe peri was to blame for the nausea/vomiting I experienced. It was temporary. And I quit cold turkey.
Guest Nancy2121
Hey Nancy! Thanks! I didn’t think so either. My periods were erratic before. Just cannot start the BCP until it comes...don’t want a flood to come! I went off BCP last year and all my symptoms started...was already in peri just didn’t know it at the time. Oh well, I’m sure the more it it bugging me, the less likely it will come. Maybe I should put on white pants and go out in public...then maybe It’ll come! 😁
Nancy2121 Guest
Hi, Lou! Thanks for making me laugh. You're too funny. Our stories are similar. Was on bcp for 12 years. Periods were CRAZY for 2 years and stopped almost 1 year ago. YAY! Hopefully that'll be it and I'll come out on the other side. Best wishes to you. I started taking a prenatal vitamin again, and it has REALLY helped my energy level.
Guest Nancy2121
I was thinking about a prenatal vitamin too! But, I forgot to ask my dr about it...then I was reading how too much iron is not good...blah, blah. Anyways...did your dr recommend...or did you just take it? I take a one a day multi, omega3, lysine. My fatigue is actually manageable now...just the damn migraines and vertigo! I honestly think I will be done with my periods by 45 or sooner. But, only time will tell! 🤗
Nancy2121 Guest
It's weird doc perscribed a prenatal years ago. Now a days it's like pulling teeth to get a rx. Not sure why??? My gp said the otc vitamins are just as good. While I question that, about a week after taking the prenatal, there is a change in my stool. The darkening, due to the iron I'm guessing. But it always made me feel better. Not sure why they don't want to perscribe it anymore? Weird. I ordered one through a vitamin company I've used for a long time. It has D3 and fish oil, which my gyn suggested 3 years ago. Glad you're managing better. Vertigo is SO bad! I see stars sometimes, just from turning my head too fast.
Guest Nancy2121
So glad you are getting along better these days! I’ve always taken OTC prenatals. ( I’m in US). I always felt great during pregnancy. I guess this is payback, yeah , that lovely coloring would be the iron. 😁