can fundoplication wrap be removed help please?
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i had nissen fundoplication surgery on june 30th 2016, i havnt been vomiting since the operation but having been getting really bloated after eating straight away!,dizzyness before and after eating,belly grumbless loud not hungr sounds,cant sleep threw the night i wake up every few hours, and get belly cramps quite often,feeling sick all the time everyday and i cant go to the loo without any laxitives and is so fed up with having this wrap inside me! id rather be sick then feel better afterwards than having a sick feeling 24/7 that you cant get rid of!. i have read online that they cant remove the wrap but my surgent has said to me if i still cant cope in a year he will remove it for me ? is this to good to be true? help??
p.s me and my surgent dont see eye to eye
?would be grateful if any one could help me out or let me know if they are having the same issues as i feel like im mental
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colin85982 cody10998
What I am left with is that my symptoms can be cured by a much more straight forward op that a reversal. It is going to be done by a different surgeon because the surgeon who carried out my op is being investigation and my lawyers are on the case.
I understand your issues. I coud add dizziness ,nausia,unable to breath well,heart pounding,vision trouble unable to walk far, and the sensation of my whole body being poisoned. I can also only eat once a day.
cody10998 colin85982
Oh god that sounds horrible it really does! Sounds like you've having no luck at all well I hope you get sorted out
Do you also have bloating issue worser after eating any bread? Cause at the min I can't go near it as it makes it too painful afterwards and still have issues swallowing it?
colin85982 cody10998
Bread can be an issue with me,yes. I'm unsure if it is a wheat thing or a yeasst thing or both? The surgeon told me than anything I eat furments before it passes through so most things I eat is the same. Vegatables,rice, potatoes . Its all the ssame ,but bread and yeast do make thins worse I think.
cody10998 colin85982
colin85982 cody10998
cody10998 colin85982
Ah see I never got told anything about bread they just said introduce soild foods slowly and if it hurts then try it agin at a later date 😕 but I think I'll wait until the 6month mark and see if I've still got the issues and if so bring it up again
colin85982 cody10998
cody10998 colin85982
I was also given a timetable of different foods to try and I wasn't on anything like that while in and after and that sucks that you still rely on them do they know why? Cause thought antibiotics are only ment for a short time?
colin85982 cody10998
cody10998 colin85982
Sorry I didn't mean to post that, and aww god bless you that sounds terriable
kay_from_ok cody10998
hey, I want to dd my two cents here. I had Nissen 20 months ago and now I am having the wrap removed. I throw up daily, sometimes more than twice. I can't keep food down and still cannot swallow very well. Bread is a no/no even after al this time. my surgeon said it is not a good idea to eat bread as it all gums up and is difficult to digest, but if you want bread, try toasting it. The crunchyy stuff is easier to go down, can't explain it, but even the surgeon suggested chips are better than bread. I have regretted the nisses from about the day after surgery. I have lost over 30 pounds and at 5.2 I now weigh under 100 and have no energy. The surgery to remove the wrap (which may have slipped) is scheduled for november and they will insert a feeding tube so that I can get some nutrition. I don't want this but seems like the only choice. As of now, I would take it today, as it hurts to swallow food and liquids, so i don't eat much at all. And, like you the doctors think I am just making stuff up because how could these feeling be...... Let them experience this just for one day. Enough ranting. Best of luck and stay away from bread a little longer. If it doesn't get better have them check to see if the wrap is still in place.
cody10998 kay_from_ok
I've noticed toast is completely different but still makes me really badly bloated and then get horrible belly cramps from it but it goes down okay, and I'm sorry to her that your still not very well and I hope it all goes to plan for you cause by the sounds of it you need it more than most people good luck for your operation and I hope it helps this time x
sue66b cody10998
Hi I suffer with C.R.E.S.T & have Barrets Esophagus & my CREST Dr recommended I have the same surgery but my Gastro Dr said NO he has seen people become worse, I'm better off just putting up with my Reflux.. My muscle in my Esophagus doesnt work, the Gastro Dr said, when Dr is doing the surgery & turn the wrap a little bit too much it can bacome so tight you cant even swollow properly...I hope you get better
cody10998 sue66b
When I went for the ph test tube thingy they said mine was were weak and then soon as they said that they wanted to do the operation cause nothing else seemed too help, but I hardly knew any information at all so even if you do decide to go threw with it and your dr changes your mind be carful cause I've heard a lot of horror stories about it but good luck I hope you get sorted soon