Can I be allergic to mineral water?

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My alchohol intake got out of control and I managed to come of it pretty much, just the occasional drink now, BUT I like to have a long drink in the evening so started drinking San Pellegrino sparkling mineral water instead, up to 3 litres a day, but often less.  I soon noticed that I was getting an itching all over my skin, especially in the evening.  When I stop drinking the mineral water the itching stopped.  I've never heard of this before and wondered if anyone else had experienced anything similar.  Also, back in November 2014 I had an anaphalactic reaction to some treatment in hospital, nothing too serious, breathing difficulties and rash, but might this have comntributed too?  I know very little about allergies other than hayfever

Any advice greatly appreciated


p.s.  I take cetirizine every day but its next to useless

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22 Replies

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    LESS IS MORE!....REDUCE THE AMOUNT SO YOU DON'T EXPERIENCE ANY ADVERSE REACTIONS.....I personally can only handle 1-2 CUPS A DAY! You are drinking far too much! What your experiencing is 'detox' symptoms. These can include trembling, rapid heart beat, dizzyness, ringing ears, headache, acne, eyes which feel very hot, itchy red skin etc. Taking a lot less will allow your body to detox slowly.

    Mineral water not only provides you with essential minerals, it improves liver function which assists your body to detox from heavy metals and other toxins.

    It contains sulphur (in a form which is better utilised) which assists your liver to remove toxins and salicylates(natural occurring toxin found in many foods) from your body. It also contains silica which binds to heavy metals such as aluminium and excretes it. It also contains magnesium which also assists to relax you and assist in detoxing, HOWEVER when your body has too much magnesium, it will have the ADVERSE affect which is trembling, nausea & fainting...... So if your drinking lots of mineral water along with mineral supplements or medications which contain magnesium based ingredients, it's a recipe for disaster.

    In relation to allergies from your hospital treatment....medications contain chemicals & heavy metals such as mercury which cause allergic responses.

  • Posted

    In an attempt to decrease wine / alcohol consumption I started drinking San Pelligrino in the bottle on a daily basis - usually at 5 pm approx with dinner.  I have noticed when I drink it later in the evening - approx 10 pm & go to sleep at 12 min I do not sleep well - actually can't fall asleep til about 3 am. So I was searching to see if any one else found a relationship between carbonated water and difficulty sleeping.  I actually have a dull headache throughout the night and in the morning til I have coffee.  My plan now is to finish what I have and then only have SP when dining out instead of wine or beer.  So - do any of you have a dull headache as a symptom ?

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    I think I found a connection to Pellegrino and my facial swelling/hives. Hadn't had Pellegrino in a while, then had a few bottles over the weekend. Got nailed this morning with swollen lips and an insane rash. Going to see if stopping Pellegrino ends this crazy rash thing that has been going on for about 6 months. Pellegrino has been littered throughout my diet during this time.

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    hi , i make my own sparling water with a soda stream but have noticed of late that I get a rash on my forearms when consuming it. I will see if it happens again today .....

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    I just discovered that my rashes are from either histamines in food/drink, or histamine triggering food/drink, after being diagnosed with sibo. sparkling water is on the exclusions list. compromised gut linings mean you are more sensitive to things that wouldn't otherwise be a problem. google "hives and sibo". A sibo breath test detected my sibo.

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    I realise this is a long time ago but I found it interesting. My daughter has an autoimmune disease called EOE for short. We were in Spain on holiday and she got overheated in the car and my friend gave her some San Pellegrino and she had a terrible reaction. Unable to breath properly, completely confused from an outsiders perspective it looked like a outerbody experience because she didn't know where she was. Fortunately we had strong antihistamines on us in liquid form so we were able to get on top of it quickly.

  • Posted

    yes I had the same thing happen with them drinks really bad itching if I drink 2 or more of the san peligrino drinks .

    I never had it happen just lately started

    I got to drink 2 of them then it feels like fiberglass .

    out of nowhere I got reaction to some fruit too makes my throat itch 😩 never had this iam 44 years old all this in one year .

    thanks now I know it's not just my head .

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