Can’t face anything .... got head in sand !
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does anybody else feel like this ?
I personally can’t get out of bed .... can’t face paying bills .... making a phone call ...
I just don’t want to hear anybody’s voice .
I hope this passes soon as I’m barely doing the minimum to keep my little house a me functioning .
3 likes, 28 replies
Musicgeekgrl lori93950
Yes! I have multiple, multiple symptoms and sadly, self-isolation of that sort is one of them and it's fairly new for my menopause. Honestly, I believe this is normal. It goes along with the lethargy and perhaps mild depression caused by our hormone changes. I work full time and some days I just don't want to come in, whereas just a few months ago I loved coming to work. Doing the minimum you need to do is understandable, too. However, if you need help, don't hesitate to reach out to friends, family, a maid service, et al.
lori93950 Musicgeekgrl
Musicgeekgrl lori93950
If there is a way to get out of the house while a cleaning service is there, that would be best. I have to do this as well. Last week my property management's poor plumber came by after work on a Monday, at 5:15pm, and I was so annoyed. I felt terrible about it but I just couldn't control myself. Honestly, I can only stand my best friends around me, and then only one at a time. Sigh. You are not alone.
lori93950 Musicgeekgrl
I don’t want cleaners around right now ... I cant handle it . I manage by just doing a bit everyday .. it’s like climbing a mountain though 🙄
Nancy2121 lori93950
Totally Lori! Some days are better than others, of course. I get anxious just looking at my messy little house. Have had many days stuck inside unable to face anything. Hardly drive anymore. Occaisionally vomit. Anxiety terrible. You name it. I'm NOT suicidal, but I understand why this time in our lives is the darkest!!😒😕
Donna23316 lori93950
Hi Lori, I really do feel for you. I've never felt a tiredness quite like this. It is an effort. Chores, housework, the usual stuff does seem so much harder. And the tiredness is like an oppressive blanket. Following a blood test they discovered a vitamin D deficiency and I've been prescribed vitamin D for 8wks so far. Obviously this is good but I don't feel any different. It's hard, I know that much. Have you got anyone who could help you out Lori? That would be a great help and no doubt much appreciated. Message me anytime. Donna xxx
lori93950 Donna23316
Yes most people are vit d deficient so get out in the sun when you can it really is the best source of vit d...... no sunblock though ! That stuff is toxic and you don’t get the benefit .
I’m on all types of vitamins but nothing can make you feel like hormones do.
I can manage on my own and just do a few things a day to keep house tidy bills paid ... it’s a BIG struggle though . Then I lie back down 🙄 praying this is over soon .... can handle all the little things like being sweaty but it’s the fatigue and depression .. whoa .. it’s tough
louise25018 lori93950
It’s just not me. I was socialble happy and chatty before meno but feel like I’m just a person now and getting by.
I feel sexless, uninteresting and must be hell to be with sometimes. I love painting so I lose myself in that at the moment but I’m so sad I feel like I’m fading away sometimes.
Sorry! I don’t mean to b miserable and negative. It’s just a tricky few hormoneless days.
Thanks so much for bringing up a great topic and sharing your experiences. It really does help xxx❤️❤️
Musicgeekgrl louise25018
Hi. You and I, both. It's hard for me anyway because I live alone after a break up five years ago, I am childless and petless, and I feel like no one wants me around. My friends have all coupled up again and at 51, though I am constantly told I'm attractive, I feel ugly and unwanted. Meno is tough. Tougher than grieving for a lost love one, because it's still grieving and yet, it's for ourselves.
lori93950 Musicgeekgrl
Your time will come ... I’m alone too and went through a divorce and a break up around the same time . I do have my cat who is an angel and brings me so much love ... we’re literally joined at he hip .
Pets restrict you though but for the love and company she gives me ... I don’t care.
And yes my friend just met a great guy so she’s off with him cycling rafting wine tasting you name it! She’s 51 and has no symptoms gets up at 5am puts her full make up on and is on the go! She may be AD’s I think as she’s soooooo positive all the time ... it’s not normal 🤣
lori93950 louise25018
On the other hand went out Saturday and felt great positive chatty ... normal! I had a good sleep the night before tho so felt great.
Feel like crap today though . Glad youv e got your painting ... I have my running and my tv shows ... only thing keeping me going ... plus wine and pot!
nanc00951 lori93950
I cannot stand the way I feel. I dread doing errands because I do not want to have to make any "fake" conversations. It is horrible. I have said the same as you in other posts, I do the minimum to get by.
It is so horrible. And as someone else said, I cannot wait for bedtime. I am period free at this point. Wondering if anyone else is?
lori93950 nanc00951
ImagineOneDay nanc00951
Nancy2121 nanc00951
Yes, period since October of last year. At my yearly check up Dr. gave me Provera for 10 days to have a bleed, since lining is too thick. Haven't taken it yet. And I've become quite agoraphobic. Can't even drive most days cuz I'm dizzy, etc. SO not the woman I used to be!