Can't keep up with my body.. Perimenopause,please help!

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Hello, I am 49 years old.  I first got my period at the age of 9, too young.  Anyway, for  the past few years I am feeling things I have never felt before.  Periods are lighter and shorter, come late or early.  Exhausted at times, anxiety, foggy.  But, now I am noticing joint pain.  My knees, my elbows, my hands, hips..Could this be part of Perimenopause? my Gyno. said I am in it..but i wish she would have given more details of the physical symptoms....getting very upset..someone please help me out..


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25 Replies

  • Posted

    Hello, I just turned 50 and have had joint pain for a while together with some other bizarre symptoms like: lighthead,nausea, anxiety,irritability,moodiness,difficulty digesting food, heart irregular beats,headaches,shoulder pain, and now I have pain in the back of my knee like as if I am touching a bruise that hurts but I am not really touching anything. It comes and goes and because I do worry I think I might have a blood clot. I worry about all these weired things. I can not get any relief with anything I do. Magnesium is helping with moodiness. I also take fish oils for the joint pain and it seems to help a little! Talking helps too. So you do not feel crazy!
  • Posted

    hi jen i have been going through menopause for a few yrs now have you or anyone here had the aching shoulders and upper back along with the elbows it's crazy i ache so bad i also have the anxiety i found one post that had something about the aches and pains it drives me koko at times will be happy when this is over good luck to you
    • Posted

      Hi monique, I suffer from painfull neck,shoulders and elbows,I try to do a few stretches before I start moving on a morning,then I put on some muscle rub,I stink to high heaven but it helps xxx
  • Posted

    Hi, Jennifer, im 39 think im going thru perimenopause too, heart palpatations that you think going to have a heart attack, irregular periods, dizzy, headaches, never got this before, my periods were regular before. Sometimes i get 2 in one month and spotting 3 days before period, then heavy. Feel anxiety, and just plain rubbish lol. People laugh at me saying your too young. My Mum had it in her 30's. My sister 45 just had a hysterectomy, she had same symptoms as me i just found out. Sometimes my legs hurt. Just nice to know im not going crazy. I cant stand the heart palpatations really annoyed me.
    • Posted

      Hi Charlottesophie,  Oh I feel like I am reading my own words. I just got my period, 4 days early UGH!! my stomach looks like I'm 6 months pregnant, swollen, crampy, my lower back kills, nauseous, panic attacks, and YES.. the heart palp.  I hate them, I find if I cough, or drink ice water it helps.  I know sounds silly, but I read about it and it helps.  This is just a very hard time for us women, new aches and pains everyday.  Wishing you well, and I hope we can keep in touch.


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